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Today's rapid economic development, national strength is becoming increasingly fierce competition, especially in science and technology development by leaps and bounds, a strong impetus to economic growth and social life of great change. The international competition is increasingly reflected in the high-tech and innovative competition, each country is a place in the international competition, and constantly enhance their competitiveness, establishment and improvement of national science and technology innovation system. Of course, an important part in the international scientific and technological innovation system when deserved, colleges and universities, it is not only the dissemination of knowledge, knowledge innovation, technological innovation and high-level personnel training base, and played a pivotal role in the scientific and technological innovation.
     Dissertation normative analysis and empirical analysis of the combination, the combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, mainly explained from the following:
     First, the article Comprehensive Review of Research of the College of Science and Technology innovation evaluation index system, analyzes the characteristics of the greater impact evaluation model, summary and comparison of existing and innovative evaluation system, and discuss innovation evaluation index system exists main problems and trends.
     Secondly, combined with innovative dynamic model to explore the unique power of science and technology innovation mechanism, based on the basis of further analysis of the formation mechanism of the science and technology innovation. At the same time, in-depth analysis of the influencing factors of the colleges and universities of science and technological innovation capacity, on the understanding of the basis of the existing domestic and international science and technology innovation evaluation in a comprehensive scientific principles for the design, build, highlight the innovation performance indicators science and technology innovation evaluation index.The index system including science and technology innovation investment, support of science and technology innovation, science and technology innovation output, the effectiveness of science and technology innovation four plates.The article completion of the processing of the raw data, test analysis and discernment to ensure that the scientific nature and effectiveness and operability of the evaluation model indicators.
     Finally, we chose a high of20countries in the United States, Japan, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, South Korea, China, India, Turkey, Brazil, Thailand, Mexico, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines The school as a sample by using principal component analysis method to design the model was evaluated by using SPSS13.0statistical software in the sample science and technology innovation, innovation support, innovation output, innovation and efficiency in four areas to measure and compare, and analysis of the location of these national institutions of higher learning in modern innovation competition pattern, strengths and weaknesses, and put forward countermeasures and suggestions to enhance the science and technology innovation in China.
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