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Nowadays, with the rapid development of China's society and economy, urbanization and industrialization process is accelerating, while the income gap between urban and rural resident has been widened. The increasingly serious urban-rural gap and the "three rural" issue have seriously restricted the socialist modernization of China. Thus, it is especially important for the sustainable development of China's society and economy to resolve the imbalance in urban and rural development and the "three rural" issue. To settle the above-mentioned problems, based on the analysis of urban-rural regional system, this study systematically studies the urban-rural harmony interface by the use of catastrophe theory and employs urban smart growth theory to bring forward the idea of urban-rural harmony development utilizing land smart use to regulate urban-rural interface elements. Under the guidance of the above thinking, the operational models of land smart use under the different regional types and implementary models of land smart use under the different tools are designed based on the analysis of the urban-rural actuality and farmer's will of Pukou district in Nanjing city. And then, according to the two main lines of "theory analysis-demonstration study" and "objective factor-subjective factor-policy factor", this study ultimately proposes the operational model of land smart use based on "actuality
     will-policy" by the use of three tools "consolidation of rural land-village's reconstruction-elements'reallocation". This model achieves the objective of urban-rural harmony development by the pattern framework of "regionalization guiding-will impulse-model choice-differentiation implement". The main results include:
     (1) This paper brings forward the means of regulating urban-rural interface elements and realizing urban-rural harmony development according to theoretical analysis. The main factors of urban-rural interface are urban-rural actuality, farmer will, and government policy. Urban-rural actuality is the basic platform of the urban-rural harmony development. Farmer's will is the intrinsic motivation from bottom to top of the urban-rural harmony development. Government policy is the guiding force from above to below of the urban-rural harmony development. Land is not only the basic means of agricultural production, but also space site for urban construction, so land can set up a bridge and link between urban and rural area. By employing urban smart growth theory, this study proposes three land smart use tools of "consolidation of rural land-village's reconstruction-elements'reallocation". The adjustment and optimization in the amount, structure pattern of urban-rural land use will eliminate the barriers of elements'mobility between urban and rural interface and promote the two-way flow of various elements between urban and rural areas. Land smart use can enhance rural economic vitality, ensure urban economic development, narrow the gap between urban and rural area, and achieve the urban-rural harmony development goals of "life well-off, production prosperity, welfare share, and environment beauty".
     (2) This paper demonstrationally analyzes the actuality of urban-rural socio-economic and land use in the study area. Catastrophe analysis result of urban-rural socio-economic development shows that the currently investigated area is still in the process of quantitative accumulation and has not yet reached the mutation stage. According to the actual state of socio-economic indicators, the investigated area has entered the middle stage of industrialization development and has the precondition and conditions of urban-rural harmony development. Moreover, the social and economic development of the area has entered a phase of positive interaction between urban and rural area. The land smart use level is measured by three indicators of land amount control, land form compact, land use efficiency, and the land smart use degrees in 1999,2002, 2008 are 38.05,49.51,62.44, respectively. The result shows that the land use degree of the investigated area is increasing year by year, but it remains to be further improved. The investigated area is divided into four land use function zones according to each town's combination of resources and environment, development intensity and development potential, which consisted of optimized and integrated zone, key development zone, urban agricultural zone and ecological tourist zone. The land regionalization can adjust and optimize the existing regional urban-rural system and industrial layout and provide an effective carrier for the mobility of labor, land, capital and other elements in urban-rural system.
     (3) This paper investigates the influencing factors of household's urban-rural harmony willnesses and the influence of farm's will to urban-rural harmony development. The will survey and analysis result of the investigated households shows that most of the rural households are dissatisfied with the current actuality and they all hope to achieve the urban-rural harmony development. According to the factor analysis results of household's urban-rural harmony will by the binary logistic regression of Logit model, the main factors of consolidation of rural land are farmer's education, attitude of farmer to farming and household income per capita. Farmer's education, satisfaction with household living facilities and household income per capita are three mostly influencing factors of village's reconstruction. Moreover, attitude of farmer to farming, farmer's preference to urban-rural life and household cultivated land area per capita influence the farmer's will in elements' reallocation. According to the influence analysis results of farm's will in different type region to urban-rural harmony development by BP artificial neural network model, satisfaction with relocation and satisfaction with social insurance are the main factors of urban-rural harmony development in the optimized and integrated zone. Land scale operation will, worry about the retirement live and satisfaction with relocation affect the urban-rural harmony development in the key development zone. Furthermore, the main influencing factors of the urban-rural harmony development in urban agricultural zone and ecological tourist zone are worry about the retirement live, land scale operation will and satisfaction with relocation.
     (4)This paper proposes the operational system of land smart use based on "actuality will-policy" and designs the operational models of land smart use under the different regional types and the implementary models of land smart use under the different tools. According to different typical rural characteristic, different function regions should select different operational models of land smart use. There are six operational models, which include the development pattern of industrial enterprise, the pattern of village transformation to urban community, the development pattern of enclave economy, the development pattern of rural tourism, the development pattern of characteristic agriculture, and the pattern of village transformation to urban community. To the different realization ways of land smart use tools, it should take the differential models:①"Village transformation to urban community" mode:it should adopt the "two systems co-existing" land circulation mode;①Residential area's reconstruction mode:the order of the residential area's reconstruction by combining GIS and catastrophe progression method is that whole village relocation mode>hollow village reconstruction mode>center village construction mode;③Resident's resettlement mode:the resident's resettlement by combining GIS and grey matter element analysis should give priority to take the neighboring centralized-living mode.
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