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In 1994 Yan Lianke who was ill then created the novel Ri Guang Liu Nian about a weird disease larynx plugging broom-symptom, with Shou Huo, Ding Zhuang Meng coming out consecutively. Among the decade of his creations, disease with disable and sick being a special aspect in the world and human as aesthetic object,become the main object creation. This text will explain narrative about disability and diseases in Yan Lianke’novels from three aspects.
     Chapter 1 analyzes narrative schema. The childhood of Yan Lianke is spreat much painful disease memory. The sickness of the family year after year makes him set up the worship of life, this influences Yan Lianke’s global view and literature creations. In the mid 90's, the severe disease make Yan Lianke realizes the pain of diseases and the importance of healthy. Special life-circumstances will make the person produce esthetic experience that differ with ordinary people. The childhood memory and disease experience cause the narrative about disability and diseases. Although the perpetual objects of Ri Guang Liu Nian, Shou Huo, Ding Zhuang Meng is different, the concrete writing patterns is similar. Imaginary abstraction as narrative premise, desalinizes diseases’pathological meanings, provide a valid condition for novelistic telling; as narrative strategy, plots absurdity completes to rewrite and reconstruct the history and the reality, which makes narrative behavior develop freely; as narrative purpose, solemn and inevitable ending makes the word have fatal colors, ultimate meanings can be showed.
     Chapter 2 analyzes text forms. In the works, narrative about disability and diseases produce importance influence to the topic meaning, also participate the construction of the text. The distress is the topic of Yan Lianke’s novels, diseases in the text are the pain of body and individual distress , also collectivity suffering. The diseases throw people into a special track, human nature of the essence rears in the variant life process. The mankind contends hard for the sake of the continuing of life; as life flowing ,sex also displays special meaning when person falls ill. The disease drews near to die in existing, as a result narrative about disability and diseases is heckling to the death proposition. In the text construction narrative about disability and diseases manifest as the imagination of body and the derivation of the plots. Imagination demonstrates mainly from the true symptoms of disease and fantastic method and attitude ,the true details of the life and the imagination of the details , the true emotion and the imagination of transcendence of moral binding. On this foundation, the details of novels can derive and develop reasonably.
     Chapter 3 analyzes the esthetics meanings mainly from aesthetic value and literary value. That the word "body" overflows at the end of 1990's caused people's misunderstanding of the real body literature rhetoric. Although the usage of Yan Lianke’s narrative about disability and diseases is cruel, it is a special aesthetic concept. Yan Lianke’s narrative discourse is different from traditional intellectuals’discourse that have more scholar spirit, sporadic unique lingering charm that reason and native endoplasm made up. The discourse about disability and diseases perspects the essence of rural life, also convey the tragic meanings of mankind life. This comes to the result that the narrative lives in history, but swims out of the history. The humanistic spirit expresses in relationships of patients, doctors, healthy persons. The confrontation between patients and healthy persons makes patients become cloistral existence, the doctor's absence makes the patients be placed in the situation that no doctors can rescue them. Under the function of metaphor, Yan Lianke expresses a kind of acerb humanistic feelings through diseases.
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