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     以自然衰老大鼠为“肾虚多尿”模型。取筛选合格的自然衰老大鼠(15月龄)70只,青年大鼠(3月龄)14只。设置组别:青年大鼠为正常对照组,14只,自然衰老大鼠分为模型对照组、金匮肾气丸组、缩泉丸低、中、高剂量组,14只/组。金匮肾气丸组的给药剂量为1.08g/kg/d;缩泉丸低、中、高剂量分别为0.293g/kg/d、0.585g/kg/d、1.170g/kg/d。采用酶消化与组织块相结合的方法原代培养自然衰老大鼠膀胱逼尿肌细胞;采用RT-PCR方法测定膀胱逼尿肌细胞M3R和β3-AR mRNA的表达;采用western blotting方法测定膀胱逼尿肌细胞M3R和β3-AR蛋白的表达;采用酶联免疫分析试剂盒测定膀胱逼尿肌细胞IP3含量;采用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜测定膀胱逼尿肌细胞Ca2+和CaM浓度。
     3、缩泉丸能使自然衰老大鼠逼尿肌细胞M3R mRNA表达降低,β3-AR mRNA表达增加;
Frequent urination,urgency of urination,urinary incontinence and enuresis caused by Bladder detrusor dysfunction are very common in the clinic. The main factor affecting the bladder function is contractility, excitability and compliance of detrusor.SQW is reeorded in Chinese medicine book named Furenliangfang. SQW consists of three herb, Radix Linderae, Radix dioscoreae and Alinia oxyphylla Miqfrom.The function of SQW is polyuria,urinary frequency and enuresis,and is to warm kidney,stop Polyurial and hold exeessive urination.Its effect can be summarized as" tonifying kidney and shrinkaging urinary". Studies have confirmed that the bladder detrusor contraction is directly mediated by M3muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (M3R) and the detrusor relaxation is directly mediated by β3-adrenoceptor(β3-AR).
     Objective:This study was intended to regard β3-AR regulating bladder detrusor relaxation and its signal transduction pathway and regard M3R regulating bladder detrusor contraction and its signal transduction pathway as cut-in point of the research. This study was based on the dependablity of dysfunction and neurogenic of the bladder detrusor and the bladder detrusor cells was regarded as the research object. The research was elucidated the immanent connection of" reducing urination " effect and regulating diastolic and systolic function on modern medical.
     Methods:Natural aging rats were used as " kidney deficiency and urinary " model. After preliminary screening,70natural aging rats were15months old,14young rats were3months old. The Setting groups were as follows:young rats were regarded as normal control group and natural aging rats were divided into model control group, Jinkui Sheni Pill,SQW low dose group, SQW middle dose group and SQW high dose group on average. The dosage of Jinkui Sheni Pill was1.08g/kg/d. The dosage of Suoquan Wan low, middle and high dose group was respectively0.293g/kg/d,0.585g/kg/d,1.170g/kg/d. primary culture of natural senescent rats detrusor cell was cultured by the combination method of enzymatic digestion and tissue. M3R and β3-AR mRNA expression of urinary bladder detrusor cells were determined by RT-PCR.M3R and P3-AR protein expression of urinary bladder detrusor cells were determined by Western blotting. IP3content of urinary bladder detrusor cells was determined by enzyme-linked immunoassay reagent kit. Ca-and CaM concentration of urinary bladder detrusor cells were determined by confocal laser scanning microscope
     1. Suoquan Wan reduced urine volume of natural aging rat.This prompt " reducing urination " effect of SQW.
     2. Bladder detrusor cells of Natural aging rat were easily cultured.
     3. SQW could make M3R mRNA expression of detrusor muscle cells of the natural aging rats decreased,and β3-AR mRNA expression of detrusor muscle cells of the natural aging rats increased.
     4. SQW could make M3R protein expression of detrusor muscle cells of the natural aging rats decreased,and β3-AR protein expression of detrusor muscle cells of the natural aging rats
     5. SQW could make IP3content of detrusor muscle cells of the natural aging rats decreased.
     6. SQW could make PKA protcin content of blocking signal pathway by H-89increased.
     7. SQW could make Ca2+and CaM concentrations of detrusor muscle cells of the natural aging rats decreased.
     SQW could make M3R and its mediated signal transduction pathway down-regulated,makeβ3-AR and its mediated signal transduction pathway up-regulated and make the Ca2+and CaM concentrations of rat detrusor cells of natural aging down-regulated. SQW reduced detrusor contractility and abnormalities contraction frequency, guaranteed the normal physiological function of bladder. The " reducing urination " effect was combined with neurogenic to discuss multiple target of SQW.It provided exact molecular pharmacology basis for SQW treating "kidney deficiency and urinary " and gived "tonifying kidney and shrinkaging urinary" theory to a new interpretation
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