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Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) has recently become the attention of the industry and academia. In the SOA and SOC, Web services play a crucial and central role. Reusing or synthesis Web services to construct the new Web services or software has attracted wide spread interest as a new software development model, and it’s got profound impact. However, with rapid growth in the number of the Web services, how to quickly and accurately find Web services base satisfy the user's needs become the bottle neck to restricted Web services Synthesis and Application. Traditional UDDI-based service discovery technology has the disadvantages of query complexity, recall and precision, for which researchers have proposed many ways to improve service discovery, such as Semantic Web services model based on a variety of ways. However, recently, the existing service discovery technologies usually take the Web service as isolated, only consider the properties of the service itself, with little consideration and relationship between the uses of Web services. How to mining and use the services relationship to improve the efficiency and quality of service that has not been enough attention.
     This paper studies how to tap the potential Web services relationship between the mining and applied to service discovery. Relationship between service-based can construct service networks. Through using the services networks and the services relationship, users can browse the same as using Web services and navigation between services, browsing services in the user gathered related services quickly, making the next step for the user to provide support services and greatly lower the Web service discovery. Specifically, the main work and contribution of this paper is as follows.
     (1) In order to find similarities between the relationships between Web services, this paper proposed the algorithm of Web-based TF-IDF service similar relationship mining. The principle is, firstly, analysis the WSDL document content, and then structural feature vector and calculating the similarity between feature vectors to calculate the similarity between the corresponding services.
     (2) In order to find a service operation can be combined between the potential relationships, this paper proposed relationship between Web services composition algorithm for mining operations. The steps of the algorithm include: extraction operation from the WSDL document information, and then calculation of input/output operation sand parameters of the similarity of the name based on WordNet, then record matching operation on the other.
     (3) We use real Web services data, analyzed Web services composition graph structure which is based of relationships based on operation-level.
     (4) The development of tools and system prototypes. We proposed service relationship should be applied to our original Web service supermarket system, to provide users with similar service discovery and recommendation features, and easy to navigation between services for users. The last test results also verify the effectiveness of this paper’s algorithm.
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