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     第二部分硫酸钙(calcium sulfate CSC)复合bBMP材料在椎体强化中的实验研究
     第二部分:在组织病理学切片二维平面观察中,术后6周和12周,CSC组和CSC/bBMP组骨小梁结构形态的改善明显优于C1对照组。骨小梁的微骨折及缺损处显示新生的骨修复和连接,骨小梁柱体变粗,形态比较规则,连续性显著好于对照组。12周时骨小梁结构已经接近Sham对照组。Micro-CT三维重建显示,6周时, CSC组和CSC/bBMP组骨小梁组的骨小梁三维结构参数明显优于C1对照组(P<0.05),骨密度值也明显优于C1对照组(P<0.05);12周时,已与Sham对照组无显著性差别。生物力学实验结果表明,在6周时,CSC组椎体的最大抗压缩强度有增加,但与C1对照组相比无显著性差异,而CSC/bBMP组椎体抗压缩强度在6周时显著高于C1对照组;在12周时,CSC组和CSC/bBMP组椎体最大抗压缩强度均较C1对照组有显著性差异(P<0.05),与Sham组及PMMA组相比,未见显著性差异(P>0.05)。
     The compression fracture in spine is the most complication of osteoporosis.The primary measures are the medical therapies and braces. The surgicalmeasures include internal fixation, vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty.Vertebroplasty is a minimally invasive surgery in spine developed in recent years.It has got good clinical effects in the therapy of benign or malignant lesions andosteoporosis compression fractures in spine. It has become prevalent inminimally invasive surgery of spine for rapidly relieving the back-pain andcorrecting the deformity. Now, the most commonly used cement ispolymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) in vertebroplasty. Unfortunately, PMMA hasseveral potential disadvantages. PMMA is not bioabsorbable and remainspermanently in the body. Its unreacted monomer is toxic, and its highpolymerization temperature has resulted in temperature readings as much as1220C. The high compressive strength and stiffness of PMMA causes a biomechanical mismatch between treated and untreated vertebral levels whichmay increase the risk of adjacent-level fractures. It has been required that theinjecting materials can carry medicine for special treatments in clinic. So PMMAcan not satisfy these demands. How to explore a biological injecting material,which can not only support the vertebrae but also carry medicine for specialtreatments, is the object of this experiment.
     1. In order to study a rapid osteoporosis animal model which can be used inthe orthopaedic research, the rabbit model is established by ovariectomy (OVX)and injecting solu-medrol. After OVX, it is evaluated by surveying themicro-architectural and biomechanical changes of cancellous and cortical bone.
     2. To evaluate the effects of calcium sulfate cement (CSC) and CSCcombined with bovine bone morphogenetic protein (bBMP) on osteoporoticrabbit’s vertebral micro-architecture and biomechanical properties in vivo.
     Material and methods
     Part1Establishment and evaluation of an osteoporosis rabbit model.
     20adult rabbits were divided into three groups randomly, includingsham-operated group (n=8), OVX-A group (n=4) and OVX-B (n=8) group.OVX-B group was started to inject solu-medrol for4consecutive weeks after2weeks late of OVX. Sham group and OVX-A group were control groups. Beforeand2months after the operation, the measure of dual energy x-rayabsorptiometry (DEXA) was done on all the rabbits’ lumbar vertebrae twice.2months after the operation, the rabbits were sacrificed and the femoral condyle andshaft and the spines were harvested. The cortical bone (femoral shaft) andtrabecular bone(spine and femoral condyle) were measured by DEXA andreconstructed by micro-CT. The strength of vertebral bodies was determined by compressive mechanical measurment of vertebra cancellous bone. Themechanical properties of cortical bone (femur shaft) were evaluated bythree-point-bending tests.
     Part2the study on the vertebrae augmentaion in osteoporotic rabbitvertebrae with calcium sulfate (CSC)/bBMP composite.
     60adult rabbits were were divided into five groups randomly, includingsham-operated group (n=12), C1group (n=12), C2group (n=12), C3group (n=12)and C4group (n=12). C groups were estabilished osteoporotic rabbit modelsaccording to the methods of part1experiments. Sham group and C1group werecontrol groups.0.1-0.2ml PMMA (Group C2), CSC (Group C3) and CSC/bBMP(Group C4) were injected into L2, L4and L6vertebra of every rabbits.4rabbitswere killed respectively from every group in24hours,6weeks and12weeksafter PVP. The changes of trabecular architecture were reviewedhistomorphologically. Micro-architecture changes of vertebrae were measured bymicro-CT after the rabbits were killed. The vetebral specimens’ strength wasevaluated by axial compression tests.
     Part1: The lumbar spine BMD of pre-OVX in Sham group, OVX-A andOVX-B group were (266.7±38.58)mg/cm~2、(270.1±25.38)mg/cm~2and(272.8±27.08)mg/cm~2respectively.2months later, the BMD of post-OVX inSham group, OVX-A and OVX-B group were (281.8±39.22) mg/cm~2、(248.9±26.14)mg/cm~2and(199.9±30.76)mg/cm~2respectively. BMD in OVX-Bdecreased by26.72%compared with the pre-OVX BMD. Compared with that insham group and OVX-A group, trabecular bone reduced significantly in OVX-Bgroup, histomorphologically. The microfracture and microdefect of trabecularbone could be seen in OVX-B. The parameters of trabecular bone had significantly difference compared with control groups (p<0.05). In mechanicaltesting, the maximum compression strength of vertebrae decreased significantlyin OVX-B compared with that in the other two groups. In3-point bending test ofcortical bone, no difference was observed between three groups.
     Part2: Histomorphologically, compared with that in C1group, theconnectivity in group C3and C4was better respectively at6th week and12thweek. The shape of trabecular bone was also better.The architecture of trabecularbone was same as that in sham group. Microfractures and microdefects were alsoless than that in the C1group. After the injection of CSC or CSC/bBMP, theMicro-CT reconstruction analysis showed that the BMD in group C3and C4were significantly higher than that in group C1respectively at6th week and12thweek(P<0.05). In group C3and C4, the trabecular connectivity, thickness andbone fraction were significantly higher than that in C1group and were as good asthe sham group in12th week. The results of the vertebrae maximum compressionstrength in C4was higher significantly than that in C1group in6th week(P<0.05). It was also higher significantly in both C3and C4than that in C1andhad no significantly difference compared with that in sham group and C2groupin12th week.
     1. Osteoporosis rabbit model can be rapidly establisher by ovariectomy andinjecting solu-medrol in2months.
     2. In the induced rabbit model, the trabecular bone becomes sparsely andthinning. Microfractures and microdefects occur in trabecular and lead to thedeterioration of bone mechanical properties. It is an ideal osteoporosis model forexperiments.
     3. CSC and CSC/bBMP injecting in osteoporosis vertebrae can reinforce the
     bone quality significantly by repairing the microfractures and microdefects oftrabecular bone. CSC and CSC/bBMP can be applied in the treatment of vertebralosteoporosis.
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