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    结果表明:(1) 江淮南区梅雨期降水与前一年10~12月南海海域海温异常有较高且较为持
    型。(2) 南区梅雨期降水与前一年8~12月赤道东太平洋Key海区(10°S-0,120-100°W)
    附近海域海温异常同样有较好的正相关关系。(3) 与南区梅雨期降水耦合正相关的南海和赤
    到的南区的范围是不相同的。(4) 南海正负海温试验均能充分说明当南海关键区附近海域海
    输送加强(减弱),梅雨季节降水增加(减少)。(5) 江淮北区梅雨期降水与当年1~2月北
    为耦合相关的显著部位。(6) 北太平洋正海温试验模拟结果较负海温试验好,能够大致反映
With the view to climate, and based on the searching for the correlativity between the SST and Meiyu precipitation, this dissertation has numerical simulation experiments for the relationship between regional climate in Jianghuai and SST, and tries to search for mechanism of SSTA causing Meiyu precipitation in Jianghuai to vary. The results show:(1) There is positive correlation between Meiyu precipitation in Jianghuai south and SSTA( 10-12 monthly averaged in former year) in Southern China Sea, and the SST distribution pattern including the key region(6 °N—22°N, 114°E—124°E) is positive west and negative east.(2) There is also apparent correlation between Meiyu precipitation in Jianghuai south and SSTA( 8-12 monthly averaged in former year) in equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean, especially the higher correlation in the key regions(10 °S-0, 120-100°W).(3) In fact, the two SST distributions mentioned above belong to the same SST distribution pattern, but the regions influenced by the two SST distribution are different from each other.(4) Numerical simulations including positive and negative experiments in Southern China Sea can fully illuminate that when SST around the key regions increases or decrease, airflow over 850 hpa converge more or disperse more in Jianghuai south, and oceans provide more or less water vapor to Jianghuai south. As a result, Meiyu precipitation grows up or cuts down.(5) There are rather apparent positive correlations between Meiyu precipitation in Jianghuai north and SSTA (1-2 monthly averaged in the present year) in northern Pacific Ocean around (150 °E-165 °E , 42 °N-47 °N) , and between the former and SSTA (10-12 monthly averaged in the former year) in eastern
    Atlantic Ocean. The Jianghuai north and the two key regions are significant regions in couple.(6) Results of positive numerical experiments in northern Pacific Ocean are better than those of negative ones. The results of the former can generally show that when SST around the key regions increase, airflow over 850 hpa converge more in the Jianghuai north, and more water vapor is transported to Jianghuai north by oceans. Therefore, Meiyu precipitation will be fortified.
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