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With the2001Chinese accession to the world trade organization, accelerating and Chinese enterprises " going out" strategy and the deepening of enterprises into the international market, Chinese deepening of internationalization strategy, as an important part of corporate strategy has become a strategic choice for many domestic enterprises. However, more and more cases that failed to develop the international market, integration of global market resources, copy the core competition ability of domestic market to the international market, and enhance the competitiveness in the international market is not an easy thing. Internationalization strategy may be both "pie", also may be "trap". Particularly between the domestic and foreign scholars for the internationalization strategy and firm performance:an empirical study also showed that the two there is a positive correlation, negative correlation, U, inverted U relationship and is not related to a variety of possible results, theoretical results of the inconsistency makes the enterprise faces a lot of confusion in promoting the internationalization strategy.
     In recent years, with the deepening of China transnational operation and management depth and the continuous progress of multi-national corporation governance theory research, business and the theory is consistent between the internationalization strategy and enterprise performance is simply does not exist absolute linear relationship, internationalization strategy is the necessary precondition for the successful implementation of the internationalization strategy, otherwise the internationalization strategy will be difficult to obtain strategic income potential. Further, the key enterprise internationalization strategy success and failure lies in whether we can effectively avoid risks, realize the internationalization strategic income, namely compared to internationalization strategy, internationalization strategy success implementation for enterprise performance improvement is more important strategic significance.
     The special properties of internationalization strategy and the modern enterprise system is based on the differences between, between the board of directors and managers in the function and role of the internationalization of enterprises undertake more obvious differentiation, the board of directors undertake strategic decision making functions and more strategic decisions for the implementation of the guarantee avoidance task, while the manager is more concerned with internal resource allocation operation and management, to drive the internal efficiency. But the practice of enterprise operation and theoretical research found the following problems easy to aggravate or managers to implement in the strategic process of Internationalization: international strategic management complexity leads to moral hazard probability and severity increased, strategic management environment diversity and complexity in the problem solving ability is facing unprecedented challenges, the internationalization strategy of multiple resources are placed facing the great demand the realistic problem urgently to be solved in the manager layer.
     As the core of the modern enterprise system board increases along with the enterprise strategic management of environmental complexity, their functions and roles has changed from the traditional focus on the supervision and restraint managers, a gradual transition to participate in the whole process of the enterprise strategy management in particular implementation of the strategy, strategic control process, namely, the board of directors shall balance and practice the function of supervision and control, service function, resource function, in close coordination and mutual cooperation with managers together to solve the challenges and threats facing the internationalization strategy of expansion in the process. Based on this, this research is based on the characteristic analysis of internationalization strategy, internationalization strategy implementation for the manager layer management internationalization strategy may be derived or problems from the angle of theory, combined with the evolution of modern enterprise system strategic functions of the board of directors, the directors of international enterprises will work closely with the manager layer can be more effective strategy to cope with the international challenges, international strategy to achieve the potential benefits.
     In view of this, this study constructs a logical framework of "the functions of the board of directors of enterprises internationalization strategy implementation degree and corporate performance" in the basic theory of logical reasoning. Further more, the study on the characteristics of board of directors and the board of directors corresponding relationship between functions, then the effects of board characteristics on the relationship between the degree of internationalization and corporate performance of the proposed hypotheses. The empirical results show that, the degree of internationalization (Chinese overseas sales revenue accounted for the proportion of the total income of) there is no significant positive relationship with the relationship between enterprise assets return rate. The board of directors regulation effect characteristics, strengthening the board three functions are help to promote international strategy to achieve the potential benefits to a certain extent, but the different characteristics between the board of directors in promoting international strategy to achieve earnings have different performance, Chinese enterprises should pay attention to the board of directors focus on implementation and balance to be effective to promote the internationalization strategy of positive effects among different features in the process of internationalization strategy.
     Compared with previous relevant studies, this research is based on the strategy of internationalization management of the whole process of the perspective of board of directors and managers is how to coordinate the relationship between supervision and management, advisory services and resources, so as to better cope with the challenges of management internationalization strategy, obtain the potential revenue strategy to create the conditions were discussed, theoretical innovation certain. At the same time, this study also has many limitations and shortcomings, future still has many aspects to perfect.
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