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Foucs on recent atmosphere pollution policy, combined with the vessels exhaust gasdesulfurizatrion requirement, the key technology study on eficient exhaust gas desulfurizationmeasurement and control system has been done. The photoacoustic cell of laser SO2test hadbeen designed to emprove the SO2test speed, and the predictive functional control was used tosimulate unlinear pH control problem. For the lots variables control problems in the spray cyclecontrol, the coordinated control of the coupling decoupling control algorithm were used tosimulate the control procees, simulated results showed that interference immunity, stability of thecontrol system were improved. The exhaust gas desulfurization experiment platform wasestablished, to solve the multivariable tset and coupling control problems of the exhaust gasdesulfurization test control process, the exhaust gas desulfurization test control system wasdesigned based on the PLC+WinCC. At last, the gas desulfurization experiments have been done.The relationship between combined effects of flue gas desulfurization and desulfurizationefficiency has been studied, and obtained the relationship between desulfurization efficiency andliquid-gas ratio, pH, Na ions, SO2concentration and so on, and realized the desulfurization goalsof over97.2%. Meanwhile, compared the desulfurization efficiency of NaOH and MgO, anddetermined NaOH as the vessels flue gas desulfurization agent.
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