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农药传统的老剂型乳油(EC)、可湿性粉剂(WP)和粉剂(D),因含有大量甲苯、二甲苯等有机溶剂及粉尘问题,可对生产者和使用者造成伤害,并对环境造成严重的污染。因此,目前以高效、安全、经济和方便为目标的绿色环保型农药新剂型的研制是农药加工领域的研究热点之一,农药水分散粒剂WDG(Water Dispersible Granule)是近年来开发出的此类新剂型。由于它具有高含量、无溶剂、低粉尘、易计量、倾倒不粘壁等优点,在国外市场上已成为最受欢迎的剂型,也被认为是21世纪最具生命力的剂型之一。多年来该制剂加工领域的研发重点都放在品种混配和工艺改造方面,对制剂的共性规律及机理研究还不够。本论文在分析总结现有的相关研究的基础上,制得符合质量控制指标的模型农药WDG(即80%乙氧氟草醚WDG),并对该制剂的制备和性能表征作了研究。采用激光粒度衍射分析仪、压汞仪、扫描电镜(SEM)等测试手段探讨了影响WDG物化性能的主要因素;采用扫描电镜(SEM)、X-射线粉末衍射仪(XRD)、差示扫描量热仪(DSC)、傅立叶变换红外光谱分析仪(FT-IR)等手段表征了WDG的结构和性能,研究了WDG的微观形态、表面结构、WDG中各组分间的相互作用,并探讨了WDG可能的形成机理;通过研究WDG在水中分散情况,探讨了WDG在水中可能的润湿崩解机理、分散机理、悬浮机理和凝聚机理,并建立了WDG崩解过程的数学模型;通过对模型农药WDG的研制,得出WDG制剂制备关键技术共性规律,在此基础上对其它几种农药除草剂、杀菌剂和杀虫剂WDG进行了研制。实验研究得出的主要结论如下:
The environment is polluted and Human beings are harmed by the organic solvents and high dust in traditional pesticide formulations such as Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC), Wettable Powders (WP) and Powders. Therefore, at the present time, it's so necessary to research and develop the novel green pesticide formulations which are high-effective, safe, economical and convenient. Water dispersible granules (WDG) which are considered environmentally friendly because of no need for solvents, low in dust, possible volumetric measurement, easy to pour and so on may be the consequence of this atmosphere. In recent years WDG have become the most popular formulations and also are regard as the best sharp rise in 2000s because of many advantages. However, at present WDG are still in the developmental stage. In previous study, the research emphases were put on the design and development of new formulations. Don't attach importance to formulations theory. On the basis of previous formulation and technology on related formulations and WDG, in present dissertation WDG of model pesticide were prepared by the selection of various adjuvant and fillers with the method of extrusion granulating. WDG which had eminent properties were obtained and investigated by system study. The main several factors which influenced the physical properties were discussed by Zetasizer Nano particle analyzer, mercury porosimeter and scanning electronic microscopy. The microstructure, surface characterization and reaction mechanism between model pesticide and adjuvant in WDG were characterized by using modern physical and chemical techniques such as scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Fourier transformation infra-red spectra(FT-IR). The possible mechanism of formed WDG and that of wetting disintergration, suspension and agglomeration on WDG in water were discussed. Moreover, the WDG of other several pesticides, fungicides and insecticides were prepared. Several main results and conclusions can be drawn as follows.
     WDG of the model pesticide oxyfluorfen were investigated by selection the type and the proper dosage of filler, wetting agent, suspending-dispersant, disintegrant and binder with the extrusion granulation. Moreover, the wetting quality, disintegrative property, suspended rate were examined. The 80% oxyfluorfen WDG which had better properties were attained. The experimental results of the products indicated that suspension rate was over 90%, the dispersion time was less than three minutes and the decomposition rate of its active ingredient was less than 5% at (54±2)℃for four weeks. All of this results conformed to the requirement for the formulations. It's also found that the combination between anionic surfactants and non-ionic surfactants or anionic surfactants on macromolecule polymer availed to the good physical properties of WDG.
     In the dissertation, the effect of the particle size of the technical grade material (TC), the particle size and particle size distribution, Zeta potential and Zeta potential distribution of the suspension of WDG in water, size of WDG and the porosity in WDG on the physical properties were researched. The results of analysis revealed that the effect of particle size of TC on wetting-disintegration and Zeta potential and Zeta potential distribution of the suspension system of WDG in water was unconspicuous. The finer was particle size of TC and the shallower was that of particle size distribution, the finer was particle size in suspension of WDG in water and the more symmetrical was particle size distribution in suspension.
     It's found that there was the effect of the particle size and particle size distribution on suspensibility, but it's difficult to find the rule. Generally, the smaller particle size was, the higher suspensibility in suspension was under the little discrepancy of particle size in different formulation. As far as the Zeta potential and Zeta potential distribution of the suspension, the higher of Zeta potential absolute value was and the wider of Zeta potential distribution was, the higher suspensibility in suspension was. Therefore both the particle size and Zeta potential in suspension of WDG have important effect on the suspensibility. Furthermore, the results showed that the effect of the pH on the Zeta potential was obvious, thus it's only significative under the stated pH.
     The shape of WDG was cylinder by extrusion. The results indicated the size of the granule was very important in determining the physical properties of WDG. The time taken for granules to disperse in water was related to how large they were. It has been found that for the same formulation the key parameter in determining the dispersion time was the diameter of the granule. The dispersion time became length with the increasing of the granule size. But the granule also can't too small. Because granule size and shape also affected other properties such as dustiness and strength, the size of WDG was about 0.8 millimetres. The other factor, the pore size distribution within the granule structure has also been examined. It has been shown that faster dispersion was possible where a more open structure was present. The porosity and bond strength were important factor in determining physical properties.
     It is necessary to study the structure, reaction mechanism between model pesticide and adjuvants in WDG. The microstructure, surface characterization and reaction mechanism between model pesticide and adjuvant of WDG were characterized by using modern physical and chemical techniques such as scanning electronic microscopy(SEM), X-ray diffraction(XRD), Differential Scanning Calorimetry(DSC) and Fourer transformation infra-red spectra (FT-IR). Scanning Electron Microscopy(SEM) images revealed oxyfluorfen was acicular crystal, granule was an aggregate that was coarse surface with much porosity, non-crystal under the good properties, granules also were an aggregate that was inlaid surface with little porosity, non-crystal. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) curve certified pesticide crystal form was not changed. Differential Scanning Calorimetry(DSC) showed that characteristic peak of oxyfluorfen appear in almost same position. Fourier transformation infra-red spectra (FT-IR) analysis suggested Infrared(IR) analysis suggested that interaction happened among adjuvant and pesticides or adjuvant each other caused by some physical action.
     The possible forming mechanism of WDG and possible mechanism of wetting-disintegration, dispersion-suspension and agglomeration in suspension which was formed by putting the WDG into the water were discussed by the scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), Charge Coupled Device (CCD) and numeral camera.
     Based on common disciplinarian obtained from the preparation on the model pesticide WDG, the WDG on other several pesticides, fungicides and insecticides were prepared such as the 90% high concentration Atmzine WDG, 80% Ametryne WDG, 80% flopet WDG, 80% captan WDG and 36% acetarniprid WDG and 90% Atrazine WDG was already industrialized production by the output of 1500T/Y.
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