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     论文的研究结果具有较强的理论价值。(1)重新审视了Flege(1995)提出的言语学习模型。该模型涉及影响二语语音习得的非语言变量,如二语学习的起始年龄、在目标语国家母语和二语的使用量等,研究对象主要是二语语境下的英语学习者。本研究虽然以外语语境下的英语学习者作为研究对象,但研究结果却具有一定的普遍性。换言之,音乐能力、口头模仿能力和英语语音学习策略对二语语音能力也可能产生类似的预测力。鉴于此,笔者思考该模型是否能纳入这三个变量供今后实证研究的不断检验,以期使模型具有更强的适用性。(2)有助于对二语语音个体差异理论框架的构建。目前普遍认为二语学习的起始年龄和语言学能是二语语音习得的个体差异因索。一些国外学者如Dewaele (2009)、Major (2001)等人提出音乐能力也是一个重要的因素。本研究发现音乐能力对英语语音的产出能力和超音段能力有着较强的迁移力,这一发现是对语言学能中音素解码能力很好的补充。笔者认为音乐能力不仅是影响英语语音能力的一个非语言变量,而且还可能是影响二语语音习得的一个个体差异因素。
L2phonological acquisition is influenced by a complex interplay of extra-linguistic variables. The present study investigated the role of musical aptitude in combination with eleven other extra-linguistic variables identified in the literature as being explanatory of L2phonological acquisition (i.e., gender, age of onset of EFL learning, amount of current oral use of English per week, amount of EFL phonological instruction ever received, content of EFL phonological instruction ever received, aptitude for oral mimicry, experiences with other foreign languages, musical interest, amount of musical training ever received, motivation for EFL phonology learning, and strategies for EFL phonology learning).
     Two research questions were addressed:(1) To what extent can musical aptitude and eleven other extra-linguistic variables jointly predict EFL phonological skills?(2) To what extent can musical aptitude affect EFL phonological skills?
     The study yielded two findings. One finding is that musical aptitude, together with aptitude for oral mimicry and strategies for EFL phonology learning, can jointly predict EFL phonological skills to some extent.
     The three variables combine to account for about42%of the variance in English phonological skills. Among the three predictors, musical aptitude is the most predictive, accounting for a greater amount of variance (34%) than aptitude for oral mimicry (6%) and strategies for EFL phonology learning (3%). Musical aptitude can make a unique contribution to explaining EFL phonological variance.
     The high and low achievers in EFL phonology exhibit remarkable differences in the three predictors of EFL phonological skills. With respect to musical aptitude, the high achievers on the whole possess stronger musical aptitude than their counterpart. The disparity in musical aptitude can be more or less explained by their different early musical experiences (i.e., home musical environment, personal musical interest and activities, musical education). Compared with the low achievers, the high achievers are brought up in an environment of which music is a part. They tend to show more preference for singing. They have received formal musical training at an early age when their musical aptitude is still growing, whereas the low achievers have not been formally educated in music at all. In terms of aptitude for oral mimicry, the high achievers take more interest in mimicking unfamiliar speech sounds, and the majority of them have the experiences of imitating another L1dialect or foreign language. In matters of strategies for EFL phonology learning, the high achievers tend to employ a greater number of strategies and use the same strategies with a higher frequency than their counterpart. Presumably, the distinction in strategy use is caused by different attitudes the high and low achievers adopt towards EFL phonology learning.
     The other finding of the study is that a structural model has been constructed to reveal the causal interrelations among two variables of musical aptitude (i.e., receptive musical aptitude and productive musical aptitude) and four variables of EFL phonological skills (i.e., skills of perceiving English segmentals, skills of producing English segmentals, skills of perceiving English suprasegmentals, and skills of producing English suprasegmentals).
     Receptive musical aptitude has direct and indirect effects on two suprasegmental variables. It can influence skills of perceiving English suprasegmentals directly, accounting for12%of its variance. It can also influence skills of producing English suprasegmentals directly and indirectly, accounting for27%of its variance.
     Productive musical aptitude has direct effects on two productive variables, viz., skills of producing English segmentals and skills of producing English suprasegmentals. It can account for55%of the variance in the former and90%of the variance in the latter. The strong effects of productive musical aptitude on EFL phonological skills justify the necessity of investigating productive musical aptitude as an integral component of musical aptitude. Overall, the global effects of musical aptitude on EFL phonological skills primarily manifest themselves on suprasegmental level and in productive domain.
     A number of implications have emerged from the study. Theoretically, the study has two implications.(1) It advances the understanding of Speech Learning Model in terms of its inclusive extra-linguistic variables. Considering that musical aptitude, aptitude for oral mimicry and strategies for EFL phonology learning, which are found to be predicative of EFL phonological skills in this study, may also take effect in ESL context, the study raises the possibility for this model to incorporate the three variables and put them to future empirical tests so that the model is more generalizable and reliable.(2) It strengthens the theoretical building of individual differences in L2phonology. Since musical aptitude is such an undeniable factor in accounting for EFL phonological variance, it may be counted as a candidate of individual differences factors affecting L2phonology.
     Methodologically, the study is insightful in three ways.(1) Unlike prior studies which mainly describe the music-phonology relationship with correlation analysis, this study makes a successful attempt to use the approach of structural equation modeling for the first time.(2) In their investigations of extra-linguistic variables in the realm of L2phonology, previous researchers make an exclusive use of quantitative approach. In this study, quantitative analysis is supplemented by the interview data to ensure the credibility of the quantitative results.(3) In the existing literature, little attention is paid to the issue of L2phonology testing and evaluation. This study devises two EFL phonological tests with a combination of holistic and atomistic approaches. The tests turn out to enjoy high reliability and validity.
     Pedagogically, the study points to the need for parents and schools to appreciate the value of early music education. Additionally, the study can facilitate EFL phonological instruction in that it alerts English teachers in China to the importance of incorporating music elements in their classrooms, raising their students'awareness of strategy use in learning English phonology and exercising students'ability to imitate unfamiliar speech sounds through mimicry practice as well.
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