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Along with the technology innovation and the enterprise expansion, the R&D projects have been an important approach for domestic production enterprises to enter Top 500 list. The project portfolio management plays an important part in this process. The R&D project portfolios in production enterprises are featured of being full of flexible factors in many aspects, such as the organization structure, the projects, the process of project controlling et al. The traditional project management tools focus on the operational level and heavily depend on“hard”information. This fact eventually leads to many failures in completing project goals. Based on the domestic and abroad researches on this topic, a dynamic management method considering flexible factors for R&D project portfolios are studied. The main contents are fivefold:
     ①The conceptual model of dynamic management method considering flexible factors is constructed. Based on the review of the fundamental theories and the popular tools of project management, the necessity of dynamic management model and the principles for constructing one are analyzed. Combining with the characteristics of R&D project portfolio in production enterprises, a full-cycled, full-leveled model centered on flexible factors is built, in which, four key control process of portfolio dynamic management are systematically addressed from dimensions of both project cycle and management level.
     ②The tradeoff model in R&D project portfolios and its solving algorithm are studied. Portfolio selection is one of the most important strategic decisions in R&D project portfolio management. However, the decision indices for the decision process are uncertain and difficult to evaluate. To address these problems, the capability of technology, the satisfactory degree of project return and the crossing similarity are chosen as the decision indices. To quantitively evaluate those indices the model of evolution of capability of technology, the qualitative possibility theory and the fuzzy evaluation method are introduced respectively. The tradeoff model of portfolio selection for R&D project portfolios is then constructed and the algorithm to solve the model is developed. The feasibility and effectiveness of the model and solving algorithm is verified by a case study.
     ③The model for member selection and its solving algorithm are studied. To reduce the uncertainty and ambiguity in the member selection process of R&D project portfolios, the influence of candidates’competence, opportunity cost and coordination efficiency is investigated. By introducing the CMM (Capability Maturity Model) concept, a capability maturity evaluation method is presented based on triangular fuzzy numbers and a ranking formulation. Then a 5-graded rating method is proposed for the assessment of opportunity cost and coordination efficiency. To find the optimal member selection solution, a competence-cost- coordination efficiency trade-off model is then developed, and SAGA (Simulated annealing genetic algorithm) method is proposed to solve it. The model is applied and its rationality and effectiveness is verified.
     ④The soft system dynamic model for matrix structure project organization is studied. The organization structure and the corresponding management strategies are much coherent to the outcome of the project. To better understand the organization structure and interdependencies, a Composite Soft System Dynamic Modeling method (CSSDM) is developed. The composite modeling method based on sub-domain and whole-domain models is proposed. The case of a R&D project management organization modeling is elaborately analyzed to show the process. Based on the causal loops and the leverage points in model output, the proposition of strategy improvement is presented.
     ⑤The simulation model for project portfolio scheduling was studied. To address the difficulty in R&D project portfolio scheduling, a simulation model based on market mechanism is developed. An iterated bidding process is adopted to dynamically allocate shared human resources. To reflect individual influences on scheduling, a dynamic resource occupation model is developed with the capability evolution model and the efficiency mapping function. To simulate the bidding process, a utility function of agents’bidding policies is constructed with objectives of resource cost and delay penalty. A case is studied to verify its feasibility and effectiveness.
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