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     针对现有预付费电能表管理系统管理协议不统一、系统运行稳定性及安全性不高等不足,本文设计了一种基于RFID的预付费电能表管理系统。该系统以Microsoft Visual Studio.NET为开发平台,结合MS SQL Server数据库,实现对基于RFID的预付费电能表的信息管理,由售电操作界面模块、电能表监测模块、系统通信模块以及数据库端组成。系统在设计过程中采用了模块化的设计思想,同时遵循便于扩展和便于维护的原则,增强了系统的抗干扰能力,确保了软件系统的可靠性和稳定性,同时具有功能齐备、扩展灵活、操作简便等特点。经实验结果和实际应用验证,此系统完全符合技术要求,具有广阔的应用前景。
     第一章简要介绍了预付费电能计量国内外研究现状,简述预付费电能计量的发展过程,指出研究预付费电能表管理系统的意义和项目的研究背景。第二章给出了预付费电能表管理系统的结构框图、工作流程以及系统主要功能,论述了电压电流测量原理以及电能计量原理,着重描述了系统各功能模块的设计与实现。第三章简要介绍了预付费电能表管理系统的软件设计原则,在对管理系统的功能进行深入分析得基础上,介绍了系统软件各个功能界面的设计方法,最后详细阐述了预付费电能表管理系统所遵循的各项国际标准以及系统通信软件的设计与实现。第四章详细介绍了MS SQL Server数据库的应用特点以及系统数据库的设计与管理内容以及数据库操作的基本方法。第五章探讨了基于RFID的预付费电能表管理系统的DES加密算法、系统安全性设计以及各项软件抗干扰措施。第六章介绍了基于RFID的预付费电能表管理系统的运行情况,总结了系统研究的不足,从信息载体以及管理模式两个方面探讨了预付费电能表管理系统的发展方向。
It is the basic task of managing the power marker that the electricity department meters and charges the electric energy used by enterprises and residents, however, the traditional manner, pay after use, may result in debts. The prepayment electric energy meter and management system provide the technical means for solving this problem, also can lower the costs of management of the power supply, and upgrade the management level, as well as insure the accuracy and credibility of the metering electric energy.
     With a view to the disadvantage of the former prepayment electric energy meter management system, whose management protocol is unified and not reliable and safe enough. This paper recommended a software design for the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) card prepayment electrical meter management system, which based on Microsoft Visual Studio.NET and Microsoft SQL server. The programs of the system are modularized which include meter motoring module, system communication module, data module. The software design for the management system adopts module design thoughts, and it confirm to the principle of convenience to enlarge and maintain. It increase the anti interference ability of the system and ensure the reliability and stability of the software system. In the meantime, it has the features of complete function, enlarge agility and operate simply. The research of this system has got some innovative achievements.
     This system is developed on the Visual Studio.NET, with full functions and simple hardware structure. The electric energy monitoring function of this system is developed according to the IEC62056 international standards. The similar products have not been reported before.
     As to the protocol of management system, we choose the STS protocol which is a kind of more commonly using international protocol, for the purpose of unifying the different protocols of prepayment electric energy meter from different manufacturers, and gradually into line with international standards. This is the first domestic design.
     This paper consists of six chapters.
     The first chapter introduces the development and history of electric energy metering and billing, points out the deficiency of traditional manner of electric energy billing. The second chapter expatiates the structures and principle of electric energy metering and billing, introduce the basic function of the management system. In the third chapter the design software of RFID card prepayment electrical meter management system is researched. It includes all of the protocols of the management system and the communicating software of the system. In this management system, the communication protocol is IEC 62056 international standards, and the prepayment management protocol is STS. This chapter is the most important one in the thesis. The Microsoft MS SQL Server has been used as system database. In the fourth chapter discusses the designing characteristic of MS SQL Server and some basic operation of the system database. The fifth chapter illustrate the safety design related problems of RFID card prepayment electrical meter management system, such as communication, privilege management, data protection and high usability design, etc.. In this chapter the methods of maintaining the dependability of the system management software is also researched.
     Finally, the deficiencies and the innovation of the thesis are summarized, the improvement and development direction of the prepayment electrical meter management system are proposed.
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