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For the deep mining, the main problem is the difficulty which brought by formation temperature in mining, as well as high temperature operating environment and so on.Based on this situation, this paper carried out under the action of fluid-solid coupling, thermal conductivity of the deep surrounding rock of experimental research and the distribution law of roadway temperature field theory. Therefore, this paper is divided into thermal conductivity testing, airflow and heat transfer numerical simulation of surrounding rock.
     For the experimental research of the rock thermal conductivity coefficient, this paper deep rock samples were studied as a solid-fluid interaction under the conditions of the thermal conductivity of surrounding rock, considering the actual situation inside the tunnel.Studies have shown that when the fluid temperature increases, the rock, and in-situ thermal conductivity of concrete with the increase of fluid temperature increases, besides, thermal conductivity coefficient and fluid temperature of approximately linear relationship; when the flow rate increases, the rock and the concrete thermal conductivity first increases, reaches a certain level and then begins to decline after the final thermal conductivity, thermal conductivity is always larger than the original.
     The use of solid-fluid coupling under the condition of thermal conductivity of surrounding rock and the in-situ concrete experimental studies to obtain in-situ concrete retaining wall rock and the thermal conductivity to simulate airflow and heat transfer under the conditions of deep rock temperature field distribution of roadway. Simulation shows that the combination of bracing air flow system, imposed under the roadway that will not change the distribution of temperature field symmetrical shape; seepage field applied, changing the temperature field and temperature distribution of vector status of the original symmetry. In the roadway against the flow direction of the isotherms-intensive, while in the cis-orientation of the isotherms the distribution of seepage is relatively loose, which indicates that the phenomenon of flow accompanied by heat transfer.
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