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镰刀菌毒素在自然界分布较为广泛,是最危险的食品污染物之一,对人类健康以及畜牧业的危害十分严重。丁烯酸内酯(Butenolide,BUT)是镰刀菌毒素的一种,它是由三线镰刀菌、雪腐镰刀菌、木贼镰刀菌、拟枝孢镰刀菌和梨孢镰刀菌等产生的一种镰刀菌毒素。其化学名为4-乙酰氨基-4-羟基-2-丁烯酸-.-内酯(4-Acetamido-4-hydroxy-2-butenoic acid-.-lactone)。该毒素与流行于新西兰、澳大利亚、美国和意大利等国家和地区放牧牛群烂蹄病的发生有关。目前尚未见丁烯酸内酯引起人类中毒的文献报道。对BUT的急性中毒特点、靶器官效应及毒性作用机制研究甚少,有许多问题尚待阐明。本课题研究采用生物化学、病理学、毒理学等多学科现有的基础理论和实验方法,以大鼠和鸡胚作为动物模型,进行体内外实验,研究丁烯酸内酯的毒性效应及其作用机理,特别是导致脂质过氧化的作用机制以及硒化合物和其他抗氧化剂的保护作用,最终为阐明镰刀菌毒素与地方性克山病和大骨节病的关系提供依据。本研究分为三个部分。
     第一部分 丁烯酸内酯所致损伤的病理学特点
     大鼠BUT急性毒性实验结果表明,在较短的时间内就可以引起多个脏器毒性病理变化,主要表现为肝肾细胞空泡变性、肺出血以及空肠局部糜烂。随着中毒时间的延长,大鼠中毒12h、24 h后,其病理变化反而有所减轻。脏器系数的变化以中毒后6h心脏、肝脏和脾脏的变化最为明显。
     第二部分 丁烯酸内酯脂质过氧化效应
Fusarium toxins are distributed extensivelly in nature, which are the most dangerous contaminations to food and have very serious danger to human health and stockbreeding. Butenolide (BUT) is a kind of Fusarium toxin extracted from F. tricinctum NRRL3249 , Fusarium nivale , Fusarium equseti , Fusarium sporotrichiodes and Fusarium poae,etc. The common name of this toxin is butenolide (4- Acetamido-4-hydroxy-2-butenoicacid acid . -lactone). It was believed that fescue foot was caused by BUT. However, the mechanism of BUT toxicity is unclear and there are no reports about BUT poisonning in mankind at present yet. In this dissertation, we carried experiments to study the toxic effect of BUT and its toxicity mechanism in rats and chicken embryos both in vivo and in vitro. The effect of lipid peroxidation induced by BUT and the protecting function of selenium and other antioxidants were observed. The present study offered the basis for expound relation of Fusarium toxins and local Keshan disease and Kaschin-Beck d
    isease finally. This research is divided into three parts as follow.
    Part 1: Pathological characteristics in visceras caused by BUT
    We carried on acute toxic and subacute toxic experiment in rats to observe the biochemical and pathological changes in rat visceras after poisoned by BUT.
    The acute toxic experimental results in rats indicated that BUT can cause a lot of damaging pathological changes in visceras within short time. The changes included the vacuole denaturalization in liver and kidney cells, the lung bleeding and debaucling. When the rats were poisonned after 12h and 24h, the pathological
    changes lightened to some extent instead. Changes of visceras were most obvious in heart, liver and spleen of which was poisonned after 6h.
    The results from subacute toxic experiment in rats (treated with BUT for 50 days) indicated that ALP and CREA in the BUT group is obviously higher than that of the control group, ALB , BUN , TG , TCHOL, LDH and GLU of the BUT group is obviously lower than that of the control group.
    The results showed that the acute poisoning effect in rats caused by BUT is rapidly. The toxin can not only exert a serious influence to liver function and kidney function, but also caused respiratory system damages, which proved that this toxicity can cause comprehensive damages.
    Part 2: lipid peroxidation effect caused by BUT
    In order to confirm that BUT can cause lipid peroxidation, we have observed biochemical changes induced by BUT in rat visceras. We injected BUT at 10 , 50 , 100 . g for each egg to chicken embryo hatched for 11 days, killed and examined the biochemical indexs of heart, liver and kidneys after continuing hatching for 8 days. The results indicated that the content of MDA in heart, liver and kidneys rose to some extent, in contrast, the content of - SH, GSH-Px and NO reduced obviously in dosage dependent manner. The results suggest that BUT was able to induce lipid peroxidation, cause -SH and enzyme lost consequently reduced the anti-oxidant ability of the organism.
    Part 3: Selenium and other antioxidants antagonized to lipid peroxidation caused by BUT
    To probe into antagonizing of antioxidant to lipid peroxidation which induced by BUT, and look for methodes to prevent the lipid peroxidation cauced by BUT, we used selenium compound and other antioxidants such as GSH, VitC, VitE, and SOD etc. with means as stated in second part (surveyed biochemical indexs) to observed the influence of antioxidants to lipid peroxidation caused by BUT. So we can judge
    the possible ways of lipid peroxidation and relations between BUT and organism damages.
    We injected 100u.g BUT and 5 u.g antioxidant to chicken embryo hatched for 11 days, other operations were the same as in the second part. Results from experiment in chicken embryo indicated antioxidants can affect the changes of MDA caused by BUT in heart and liver except in kidney. In vitro, GSH, VitC and VitE can obviously influence biochemical changes which caused by BUT, but the selenium and SOD had not effect.
    Briefly, the profe
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