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Senior High school new curriculums in our country stress on the foundation, modernity,selectivity,which make a totally new curriculum design with modules. High school physics,chemistry and biology consist of several course modules and are divided into compulsory and elective courses which provide important guarantee for students'choice of course and promote their comprehensive and personality quality.
     However,though elective curriculum is often put forward in high school curriculum structure in our country,it is often on the margin of all the curriculums. Apart from a reason that the previous curriculums are simply divided into compulsory and elective ones,another important reason is the influence of the university admission examination which is the scale to evaluating high school teaching quality. Since the reform of the new curriculum,the reform of university admission examination is still the hot spot of society. Teachers stress on how the reform of university admission examination promotes the implementation of the new curriculum and how to realize the elective moduler design ideal and promote the students' personality ability. Some research show the physics teacher have the affirmative attitude toward the curriculum modules.Curriculum modules have high independence, and arrange content reasonably,but school open the elective curriculum less and have the tendency to turn elective into compulsory. There are more research on the new curriculum's implementation,but less on the modular curriculum,and the least on the condition of the university admission examination scheme and science modular curriculum implementation. In 2009 there are ten provinces implementing the new curriculum's university admission examination scheme,among the first four provinces is the three around in trial.The influence of new university admission examination scheme and the syllabus on the module elective curriculum is in great need of research so as to revise the university admission examination scheme and provide scientific and reasonable suggestions for the later experimental zone's the university admission examination scheme.
     This research is divided into five parts:
     Research 1:content analytical research on the new curriculum's university admission examination scheme in experimental provinces
     Research 1 adopts content analytical method to analyze ten experimental provinces'new curriculum's university admission examination schemes.Its research stresses on the university admission examination scheme's guiding conception, university admission modes,compulsory examination subjects set in university admission examination,academic tests and comprehensive qualities evaluation etc. It analyses the feature of the admission modes and compulsory examination subjects set from the view of the new curriculum.
     Research 2:comparative study between examination syllabus and the standard of science curriculum
     Research 2 uses textual analytical methods to comparatively study on physics, chemistry and biology syllabus and their explanation. It compares the science curriculum standard's,curriculum aim,ability requirements and its content standard with the syllabus.It has also a comparative research on the selectivity between the syllabus and curriculum.
     Research 3:the university admission examination scheme's influence research on the modular elective courses open in senior high school
     Research 3 takes questionnaire survey to inquiry about modular elective courses offered in ordinary high school,the reasons and university admission examination scheme's influence on the modular elective courses offered. The investigation objects are different level ordinary high school in experimental zone. The questionnaire papers are distributed to the directors of the academic and research offices and departments.It investigated 156 high schools in Hainan,Anhui,Guangdong Shandong and Zhejiang,and analyses and compares each data and comes to a conclusion.
     Research 4:the university admission examination scheme's influence study on modular elective courses
     Research 4 uses questionnaire survey and interview to know the students' expectation about the module curriculum and their elective reason. The research symposium is that school permit students choosing curriculum and there are different courses offered for students.The research question is how the students choose their modular courses and the new curriculum's university admission scheme and syllabus influence on the students'modular elective. The investigation objects are different level experimental zones'science students in Grade 2009 and 2010 in ordinary high school. The investigation time is from June 2009 to November. The questionnaire papers are totally distributed 3500.
     Research 5 is a case study which research the implementation of modular courses in Z Experimental Middle School in Shandong
     The case study research on its implementation of modular courses in Z Experimental Middle School in Shandong Supplements Research 3 and Research 4. The research covers elective teaching class,different level teaching class,school-based curriculum teaching class,physics,chemistry and biology modular elective in Grade 2008,problems occurred in the elective courses and probe the teacher-students'opinions about the elective courses and teaching class.
     According to the research above,the general conclusion of this thesis can be made as follows:
     1)The new curriculum's university admission examination scheme aims at "promoting the combination of the reforms both in the admission examination of colleges and universities and high school curriculum".The admission method of the college and university adopts unified examination,academic test plus comprehensive quality evaluation.In the examination subjects set the unified examination subjects are almost 3+science integrated in the ten provinces'scheme.The examination subjects have little link with the major.
     2) Physics,chemistry and biology's syllabus requirement is accord with the new curriculum,it stresses on the science inquiry ability. The examination content is less than those of curriculum standard. It offers elective examination modules but no collection with majors.
     3)University admission examination scheme and examination syllabus have the first influence on the module courses offered in schools.The examination syllabus sets how many modules should be tested,and school will offer the corresponding modules,which occupies 60% in science modules.Although 40% of schools have offered modules more than compulsory exam modules,school decides the module course offered according to the university admission examination.
     4)Students of science first expect schools to offer compulsory courses and free elective courses,secondly compulsory courses and science elective subjects.60% Students are satisfied with courses choice made by school for themselves. They think schools have rich experience in university admission examination.
     5) Z Experimental Middle School in Shandong began to divide executive class and teaching class in 2008,it is found that fine selection on Grade One option,the different level of teaching are well proved; Grade Two high school students have the preference of science and arts.School provides elective modules in the subjects not examined in university admission examination,but it offers the same module courses number in physics,chemistry and biology with the syllabus.
     According to the above conclusion,this dissertation makes the following suggestions:1)Administrative Department for Education of each province should enhance unified management of the high school new curriculum's implementation and the university admission examination's scheme,plan the standard both in high school curriculum and university admission examination as a whole to conquer the negative influence of new curriculum implemented brought by the commands of current curriculum management and examination management.2)Provincial Administrative Department for Education should intensify guide the new curriculum to guarantee the base of new curriculum,put selectivity into practice and improve execution of courses.3)The scheme of university admission examination needs to adapt to the requirements of higher education and the new curriculum's reform, setting exam subjects and exam modes based on different levels and majors.4) Strengthen the role of the high schools'academic level examination to give full play to its function of standardizing schools'running conditions and examining the implementation of national curriculum standard.5)In consideration of high school education popular and students individual, it suggests that high school should develop diversely and run in different levels.School should form itself feature such as the clear aim,fine curriculum structure,excellent teaching method.but can not have the same goal,simple structure and no unique feature at all.6)Schools should provide professional guidance and service for the students'curriculum choice and learning 7)Reinforce principals curriculum awareness education,cultivating their selection of curriculum and executive ability. (8)Suggest that teaching of high school consists of two periods two plus one;students learn national and local courses in the first two years and in the later year learn university admission examination's course modules or relate to profession's ones.Ordinary high school cooperates with the vocational school,vocational curriculum is learned and completed mainly in vocational schools. A few students can graduate and work directly after two years of high school.
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