无线Ad Hoc网络接入和路由关键技术研究
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无线Ad Hoc网络无需固定基础设施的支持,能够灵活组网,具有广阔的应用前景。然而,新概念、新技术的不断引入,在丰富网络应用场景、不断完善网络功能的同时,对无线Ad Hoc网络的协议设计也带来了严峻的挑战。
     认知技术应用于Ad Hoc网络,在实现频谱资源的复用和共享、有效缓解频谱资源供求紧张的同时,确保不对授权用户传输造成干扰。然而由于认知网络的协议设计涉及诸多因素,目前仍存在着许多需要彻底研究的问题。此外,多输入多输出(MIMO)技术利用多径成倍地提高无线信道容量、增加覆盖范围和可靠性,然而如何充分利用MIMO技术提高整个Ad Hoc网络的传输性能,对协议设计也提出了新的要求。同时随着网络规模的不断扩大,以控制网络开销为着眼点,我们将研究内容扩展到Ad Hoc网络应用的传感器技术领域。从以上研究领域出发,本文研究了采用认知技术和MIMO技术的无线Ad Hoc网络的媒体接入控制(MAC)协议和路由协议,以及大规模传感器网络的路由设计,主要的内容和贡献包括以下几个方面:
     (1)针对采用认知技术的Ad Hoc网络,提出了一种新型的混合式CR MAC方案(spectrum resources based Fair CR MAC,F_CR MAC)。根据网络中每个认知节点当前可用的频谱资源情况,F_CR MAC协议动态调整节点的接入时间,实现信道数少的节点优先接入信道,以确保具有不同信道数的节点可以公平地分享无线资源。网络仿真表明,与普通的跳频CR MAC相比,该协议能切实提升资源瓶颈节点的传输能力,提高网络吞吐量,减少平均分组时延,保证节点间传输的公平性。同时针对单无线接口配置下认知网络中出现的“多信道隐藏终端”问题,F_CR MAC协议采用“数据分段”机制,并由接收节点在传输信道上广播信道占用分组(Broadcast of Channel Occupation,BCO),禁止邻节点可能的数据传输,从而避免该问题。
     (2)针对采用认知技术的Ad Hoc网络,根据单一主用户传输覆盖区域内认知节点上频谱状态改变的相关性和一致性,本文提出了一种基于相同频谱可用性的分群策略(Clustering with the Same Spectrum Availability,C_SSA),C_SSA策略能够使单一信道可用概率的计算更为准确。同时,通过多个信道可用概率的联合计算,本文定义一个新的链路衡量参数——“多信道可用概率组”,该参数能够充分反映出节点对可用频谱资源的富余程度,在此基础上提出了一个鲁棒路由协议(Multi-Channel Existed Possibility based Routing,MCEP_Routing)。最后,本文总结了认知网络中局部路由修复的特点和原则。网络仿真表明MCEP_Routing协议明显地减少路由重建频率,提高网络吞吐量,有效地降低路由开销,而且特别适用于主用户高动态变化的认知网络。
     (3)针对采用MIMO链路的Ad Hoc网络,提出了一种利用MIMO空间复用所实现的MAC层双队列设计和调度算法,以减少路由建立时延。该策略区分网络层不同功能的分组,在MAC层区分路由功能分组和普通数据分组实现双队列排队,利用MIMO空间复用所允许的物理层上多数据流并传,将不同队列分组分配以不同数目的并行数据流,优先允许路由功能分组的传输,以减少路由建立端对端的时延。本协议实现了物理层、MAC层和网络层的跨层设计,以底层的MIMO传输机制服务于上层路由协议。网络仿真表明,该协议能充分利用MIMO带来的优势,显著减少网络层路由建立时延。
     (4)针对大规模传感器网络,提出了一种新的路由协议(RREP Broadcast withPassive Clustering,RBPC)。RBPC协议将扩展环(expanding ring)技术应用于RREP分组的广播,在减少了后续可能的路由建立发起次数的同时,限制了RREP分组不必要的无限制广播。RBPC协议继承了被动分簇的优势,它将分簇状态插入到每一个待发送分组的帧头部,突破了传统方法中必须为分簇协议设计一种特殊格式分组的限制,因此相对于传统的分簇路由协议减少了大量的协议开销。同时,在分簇过程中根据节点间距离调整分组转发时延以减少簇间重叠,自适应调整节点发射功率改善网络生存时间。最后通过仿真比较了RBPC协议与AODV/PC协议,结果证明RBPC协议在减少路由开销、减小路由建立时间、改进能量利用率、减小簇间重叠等方面优势明显。
As a promising technology for future communications, Wireless Ad Hoc Networksdo not rely on any fixed infrastructure and can be deployed flexibly. While theintroduction of the new conceptions and techniques has expanded the applications andenriched the network functions, the Ad Hoc Networks still face severe challenges intechnical realization as well.
     Cognitive Radio (CR) is an efficient technology to solve the severe spectrumunderutilization and spectrum shortage problem. And the CR technology will be appliedto the Wireless Ad Hoc Networks to achieve the spectrum reuse and sharing subject tothe constraint of no interference to the licensed users. Nevertheless the key technologiesrelated to Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks are comprehensive, there are quite anumber of problems to be solved. Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technologyhas been introduced in wireless Ad Hoc networks to increase its transmission capacity,but how to improve the network performance by fully using the benefits of MIMOtechnique is still a challenging issue, especially on the design of network protocols.Further, considering the network scalability the research is expanded to the field of thewireless Ad Hoc sensor networks aiming to reduce the network control overhead. In thisdissertation, we study the Medium Access Control (MAC) and routing protocols for thewireless Ad Hoc networks with Cognitive Radio techiques and MIMO links respectively,and then the routing protocol in the wireless Ad Hoc sensor networks. The mainachievements and results of this dissertation are listed as follows:
     1. To guarantee the fairness among the Cognitive Radio (CR) nodes with variousavailable channels, a spectrum resources based Fair CR MAC (named F_CR MAC)is proposed in the Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc networks. In the traditional hopping CRMAC protocol, CR nodes with fewer available spectrum resources usually have lessopportunities to access to the wireless medium, so that the transmissions of thesenodes will be limited, and some channels are overcrowded and others are idle.Offering the CR nodes with fewer available channels the higher priority to transmitdata by postponing the accession of other CR nodes, F_CR MAC protocol impovesthe throughput and decreases the average packet delay as well. And in thecircumstance where each node is equipped with a single radio, segmentation of thelong MAC packet and the broadcast of channel occupation packet on the data channel contribute to prohibit the potential transmissions initiated by theneighbouring CR nodes, which avoids the problem of multi-channel hiddenterminal.
     2. According to the same channel state of “idle” or “busy” on the CR nodes in thetransmission range of a single Primary User, a novel clustering strategy namedClustering with the Same Spectrum Availability (C_SSA) is proposed in theCognitive Ad Hoc networks. C_SSA reveals the relationship among the CR nodesaccording to their available channels and makes the calculation of channelutilization possibilities more reasonable. Then the Multi-Channel ExistedPossibilities (MCEP) group is defined, which reflects the abundance degree ofavailable spectrum resources on the pair of CR nodes. Based on the MCEP, a robustrouting protocol MCEP_Routing is proposed, which reduces the rerouting frequencyand routing overhead, especially under the circumstance where the Primary Usersperform actively.
     3. Based on the cross-layer design, a strategy of allowing the data stream and routingcontrol stream simultaneously to transmit with different antennas of the MIMOsystem is proposed in wireless Ad Hoc networks. This strategy ensures the routingcontrol packets being relayed as soon as possible, even though the relaying nodesare suffering heavy data traffic load. Implementing the strategy on the Ad hocOn-demand Distance Vector (AODV) protocol, simulation results show that theduration of route building is decreased obviously especially in the scenario of heavytraffic load.
     4. Large contol overhead is the leading factor limiting the scalability of the wireless AdHoc sensor networks, so an improved PC-based route building scheme, named routeReply Broadcast with Passive Clustering (RBPC), is proposed to decreace thecontrol overhead. Through broadcasting Route Reply (RREP) packets within anexpading ring to build route, sensor nodes cache their routes to the sink node, whichreduces the total route search times and the control overhead as well. Simulationresults are provided to show the efficiency of the proposed RBPC in terms ofreduced overhead and energy consumption.
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