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With the development of information technology and its generalization, more and more universities have implemented or begin to implement information system. However, most of them pay more attention to the software and its technological infrastructure but ignore the role that users have played in the development process. They consider more characteristics and efficiency of the software than the users’and have forgotten the user-oriented principle. So that teachers and students’acceptance of information system is not satisfactory. Although the universities have devoted a great amount of money into the development and implementation of information system, they have not achieved expectated effects, which result in a waste of monetary and human resources. In order to improve system acceptance rate in universities, it is necessary to recognize the key factors that influence teachers and students’acceptance of information system.
     The finial purpose for universities to implement information system is to aid teachers and students to deal with daily work-related tasks and find study-related resources more efficiently and conveniently. If the system is designed more complicated and can not satisfy daily requirements, teachers and students would not like to use information system and the value of the system can not be realized. System design should be user-oriented and consider teachers and students’thoughts accurately. So that teachers and students are pleased to use the system and can use the system accurately.
     This paper reviews and compares TAM as well as TPB Model and selects integrated C-TAM-TPB model as the basic theoretical framework. Then the paper analyzes the characteristics of university environment and proposed the research model and corresponding hypotheses based on revised C-TAM-TPB model. 252 questionaries are collected from teachers and students of several universities though online survey and structural equation is used to examine the research model.
     Overall, the research model shows a reasonable good fit with the data and can explain 50.8% of individual acceptance intention. Based on the responses collected from online survey, the empirical research suggests that perceived usefulness, computer self-efficacy have significant influence on system acceptance intention. Job relevance and perceived ease of use have direct significant influence on perceived usefulness and indirect influence on system acceptance intention. Peer influence has siginificant influence on job-relevance and system use intention while superior influence has insiginificant influence on system acceptance intention. Finally the paper gives conclusions and future research directions based on empirical research results.
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