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     为使得军标地图注记出的输出结果图片更加清晰美观,尽量降低注记信息的缺失概率,就要求我们把注记信息精确自动地标注到地图元素上。军标地图自动注记系统主要包含地图元素的数据管理、数据预处理和地图注记三个基本功能模块,采用Microsoft Visual C++6.0和Oracle 10g的整合支撑软件环境,完成了军标地图数据管理和地图注记两项主要功能。
Resources and environment problems have been China's important issues to achieve sustainable development strategy in the new century. The main features of the geographic information industry are the integrated management of resources and the environment. Under the background of the information age and in the accelerating global integration, the research on geographic information industry for the future military, economic and cultural development will surely play an increasingly important role.
     The intelligent and automation of geographic information processing is the main factor of impacting the development of national defense geographical information industry. However, in current practice, drawing question which includes map annotation issues is always embarrassing the intelligent and automation of geographic information processing, which seriously restricts the development of geographic information science. Automatic electronic map annotation problem is an international frontier problem in GIS area, and also the main problem of map automation, whose research plays an important role in theoretical and practical significance of geographic information field.
     In order to make the electronic map output images more clear and beautiful and minimize the defects of note information, we need to label geographical elements dynamically. Electronic map automatic note system is composed by three parts, data management module, data pretreatment module and noting module. Using VC++6.0 and oracle 10g it has two big functions, electronic map data management and map plotting.
     Map data management provides user storing and operating various geographic data, and provides geographic data catalogue of management tools, data processing tools. The design and implementation of point, line and an improved surface labeling algorithm makes the geographic data access and management easier. Map plotting provides many kinds of tools such as layer management, graphics and text marking plot, military plot, control tools of map showing, it can quickly implement data map symbolic and output electronic map.
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