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Traffic safety is not only the important thing of national economy, but also one basic task (safety and expedite) of road management. Recently, the global traffic safety is also gloomy, especially in developing country. The number of our cars occupies 2% of the world, but the death toll of accident is over 10%, number one. The accident's high frequency menaces people's life and influences country economy. So ,we should quest for the correlative rule of accident, to achieve efficiency prevention before accident and quickly disposal after accident by various method. Accident reconstruction just is one primary content of traffic safety microcosmic research.This dissertation combines national science fund item which is key theory and simulation technique of city road traffic management and control, the Peking police bureau item which is The Research on Speed of Accident vehicles and new research production of the world, researches on the method and model of accident reconstruction around speed from a great deal of fearful accident cases within 6 years. The basic contents as follows:(1) The dynamics of accident. Most of the accidents are collision accidents, almost 90%. The moving vehicles give strength to each other when they are impacting. Therefore we need to use knowledge of dynamo to reconstruct accidents. This part summarizes dynamo and kinematics. For the most part, the friction between vehicle, people and road surface, conversation of momentum and energy,vehicle collision theory, plane moving and dynamical equation of bodywork. This part supplies basic theory to all kinds of accident reconstruction.
    (2) Reconstruction of passerby accidents. This part summarizes passerby characteristic impacting form and passerby moving, affords manifold reconstruction methods of vehicles speed. On aspect of confirming impact-dot, puts forward method which use passerby-object- brake marks to calculate vehicle speed.(3) Reconstruction of bicycle and motorcycle accidents. This part calculates two kinds of vehicle-motorcycle accidents which are motorcycles face impacting vehicles and vehicles face impacting motorcycles, classifies motorcycles face impacting vehicles into two status, put forward efficiency methods to calculate vehicles speed with total length of brake marks, distance of cycler and the marks of bicycle.(4) Reconstruction of single vehicle accidents. This part divides single vehicle accidents into six state, brake marks, sideslip marks, single vehicle impacting fixed object, single vehicle impacting crashworthy guardrail, single vehicle impacting pillar, single vehicle falling. Putting forward 12 methods to calculate vehicles speed corresponding with their characteristics.(5) One-dimension reconstruction of two-vehicle accidents. This part studies and summarizes the reconstruction method of one-dimension face collision and one -imension afterbody collision, uses elasticity renew quotiety and distortion to calculate vehicles speed for one-dimension face collision, uses distortion to calculate vehicles speed for one-dimension afterbody collision.(6) Two-dimension reconstruction of two-vehicle accidents. This part is the most important content of dissertation because of complexity of two-vehicle accidents. Fist , compares inland accident reconstruction model with overseas, point out the lack and development of our models. Secondly, researched on the theory and practice of two-vehicle opposite-centroid collision and two-vehicle deflection-centroid collision, proves that all kinds of complex two-dimension collision can transform into one-dimension collision with theory analysis, introduces k, μ , momentum and momentum quadrature to establish vehicle speed
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