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Township government debt is one of the political and social problems getting more attention in recent years. From80decades of20th century, the township government debt first appearances and then becomes a special phenomenon in government debts'field.
     Before the middle of90decades20th century, township government debts were mainly the arrearage owed by the enterprises held by township government, and those debts belong to financing debt. In the middle of90decades20th century, township government debts were mainly the debt caused by popularizing the nine-year compulsory education, constructing public infrastructure, and completing the task disposed by superior governments.From2001years to2003years, debts were due to clearing up rural financial organizations and promoting urbanization.At that time, the debt uses in east government changed gradually to public infrastructure construction. After2003years, township government debts were related to new countryside construction and supplying public service, and debt uses changed to productivity liability gradually.
     Township government debts not only indwell township which had fiscal deficits, but also in township having financial surplus.Whereas the wide overlay and the large scale of township government debts, and some towns'government debt had initiated conflicts, academicians opposed township government debts. They thought that township government debts would affect the stabilization of grass-roots regime, influence the supply of rural public product, aggravate resident's burden and injure resident's rights and interests. However, those research payed too much attention on government debts'political and social effects, ignored government debts'economic effect to some extent.
     From financing angle, debt is the same as other financing manners.lt is one of the resources that government gets revenue and a stock-in-trade to offset financial gap of income and expenses. Meantime, because of debt's large flexibility, strong maneuverability and broad selective surface, township governments are inclined to using debt financing.
     Because the raising and using body of debt is township government, and government using capitals'channels are fixed relatively, there is certain substitutive or complementary between debt capital and government expenditure.
     Government spending is one of main manners government use to influence economic growth. The theory of economic growth figures that government has the ability to affect economic development, and the most ordinary approach is to influence factor accumulation.Government could affects physical capital accumulation through infrastructure investment directly or through fiscal budget indirectly. Government could also influences human capital accumulation through cultural or education expenditure.Government could uses tax, rule, management according to law, and many other policy tools to affect economic development. Therefore, no matter investing directly to physical and human capital, or investing indirectly through government expenditure, township government debts must have effects on economic growth.
     Public debt economics thinks that government debt influences economic growth mainly through interest rate and exchange rate mechanism.Raising debts or issuing bonds could affect money supply and equilibrium interest rate, give birth to investment effect, consumption effect or saving effect. In open economy, government debts could influence exchange rate, and then produce trade effect, capital flowing effect and financial effect. As public debt, township government debts affect economic growth too.But due to the limited influencing scope of township government, and the raising manner is not through issuing governmental bonds, we couldn't apply interest rate or exchange rate mechanism mechanically.
     Whereas the special relationship between township government debts and financial expenditure, the text studies the influencing mechanism of township government debts from financial expenditure point, and analyses the influencing extent through empirical research.We hope through this research, we could have a more comprehensive and embedded understanding of township government debts'existing, and make more actual decisions on solving the problems of township government debts.The paper includes seven chapters, and the central contents and conclusions are presented as follows:
     Part1:theoretical analysis of the mechanism township government debts influencing regional economy growth.
     Debt is one of the channels government used to raising capital, so debt can affects budget constraints.Meanwhile, government must repay capitals and interests when it is expired, so it must increase the expenses on debt service and expand the scale of government spending. Otherwise, debt uses could influence government consumption expenditure and investment expenditure, and then affect the structure of fiscal expenditure and social aggregate demand.So that we analyse the relationship between debt and budget, debt and fiscal expenditure, debt and financial structure, as well as debt and social aggregate demand theoretically.The conclusions are as follows:
     Firstly, under certain conditions, township government debts act as the role of superior transfer payment, bring repayment expenditure, and expand the budget constraints line. All of these would have a expand effect on financial expenditure.
     Secondly, township government debts divide to productive debt and nonproductive debt, while financial expenditure plot investment expenditure, consumption expenditure and transfer expenditure.So there is certain substitutive or complementary between debt capital and government spending.Productive debt affects investment expenditure, nonproductive debt affects consumption expenditure and transfer expenditure, and they affect government investment and consumption structure jointly.
     Thirdly, government expenditure is the forth carriage pulling economic growth, and it is influenced by township government debts, so township government debts must be one of the factors influencing economic growth.Government debt not only affect social capital accumulation through public investment and consumption, but also influence social aggregate demand through debt uses.The two actions decide jointly the economic growth effect of township government debt.
     Part2:empirical analysis of the financial expenditure effect of township government debt.
     In this section we use inquiry data to make an empirical research on the effect debt scale and debt uses act on government spending.The conclusions are as follows:
     Firstly, debt scale has a notable positive influence on financial expenditure scale.No matter in short term or in long term, the increase of debt scale will induce the increase of financial expenditure.
     Secondly, debt structure has an obvious influence on the structure of financial expenditure. Productive debt such as debt on commonweal project, debt on agricultural item, and debt on enterprises set up and industrial garden construction makes a notable positive effect on investment expenditure and consumption expenditure.Nonproductive debt likes debt on institution operations have an obvious effect on consumption expenditure, while transfer debt has no obvious influence on these two expenditure.
     Part3:empirical analysis of the economic growth effect of township government debt.
     In this section we use inquiry data to make an empirical analysis on the effect of township government debt acts on economic growth. We divide swatches into some groups according to average net income and debt's dependency,and analyse the economic growth effect of debt of these groups respectively.The conclusions are as follows:
     Firstly, debt scale has a notable positive effect on economic growth.The marginal contribution of government debt average per capita on GDP average per capita is0.0053, and this contribution becomes more large in more developed regions.But this number is too small,so it indicates that the influencing degree of government debt scale on economic growth is very feeble.
     Secondly, the influencing degree of debt scale on economic growth is relevant to debt's dependency.The positive effect degree of debt scale wears off along with the increase of debt's dependency. When debt's dependency is less than20%, especially less than10%, the positive effect of debt on economic growth is the biggest.
     Thirdly, debt structure has obvious influence on economic growth. First of all, different debt use has different effect on economic growth. Among three productive debts, debts on commonweal project and industrial garden construction are in favor of economic growth, while debts on agricultural item have negative effect on economic growth, but the effect is not obvious.Next, the same debt use in different area has different effect on economic growth. In more developed areas, all of three productive debts exert positive effect. In less developed areas, debts on commonweal project exert positive effect, but debts on agricultural item and industrial garden construction produce negative effect. In middle areas, debts on industrial garden construction bring positive effect, while debts on commonweal project and agricultural item cause negative effect. Consequently, there exist distinct structural and regional differences in the effect of township government debt on regional economic growth,which we must pay much attention on.
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