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Professor Li Fu-yu is a man of strong moral fiber and good medical technology. He has rich experience in diagnosis, treatment and prevention of difficult and complicated diseases. According to many years'clinical experience, he propounds a theory of diseases induced by Toxin. Recently, the rate of hyperuricemia has increased. Professor Li thinks difficult and complicated diseases are usually caused by toxin, so those diseases can be treated by relieving internal toxin. Hyperuricemia is also a subclinical disease. Based on the modern medical research in the formation mechanism, pathogenic characteristics and epidemiological investigation and Prof. Li's clinical experience, he proposes a view that the essential pathogenesis of hyperuricemia is kidney deficiency and toxin stasis. Toxin plays an important role in the development of hyperuricemia. Furthermore, he points out that tonifying the kidney and relieving internal toxin are two principles of treatment. He also emphasizes protection before the onset and preventing disease from exacerbating in the treatment of hyperuricemia.
     This study was a clinical research aimed to evaluate the efficacy of tonifying the kidney and relieving internal toxin on the treatment of hyperuricemia. Objective:To observe the clinical efficacy of Bu-shen-xie-zhuo-jie-du decoction on hyperuricemia by comparison of uric acid, total cholesterol, triglyceride in the blood and acidum uricum, pH value in the urine before and after treatment. Methods:60 patients with a diagnosis of hyperuricemia were randomly divided into two groups. There are 30 patients in control group treated with allopurinol, and 30 patients in treatment group treated with herbal decoction. Four weeks was a treatment course. After a course, the clinical effects were evaluated and the indexes of uric acid, total cholesterol, triglyceride in the blood and uric acid, pH value in the urine were compared. Results:The total clinical effective rate was 93.3% in the treatment group, and 90.0% in the control group. There is no significant difference between two groups (p>0.05). The uric acid in both two groups had decreased after treatment. There are no significant difference between two groups(p>0.05). And in compare with the control group, the herbal decoction can promote the excretion of uric acid, higher the pH values, lower the total cholesterol, triglyceride. Conclusion:The effect of Bu-shen-xie-zhuo-jie-du decoction in lowering the blood uric acid is equal to the effect of allopurinol. However, the herbal decoction can also promote the excretion of uric acid, higher the pH values, lower the total cholesterol and triglyceride. So Bu-shen-xie-zhuo-jie-du decoction is an effective decoction in the treatment of hyperuricemia and should be recommended for a wider use.
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