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Occurred in 2008,"5.12" Wenchuan earthquake with fresh examples of the geological disasters in the earthquake to the world once again feel the deterrent to earthquake caused a large number of collapses, landslides, mudslides and other secondary geological disasters. Sichuan after the earthquake hit 42 counties (cities) of the geological investigation of the process of disaster response, the new found point of 4970 geological disaster, in which landslide 1701, collapsed 1844, 304 landslides, unstable slopes 1093, serious threat to life and property of people of disaster areas. How risks of geological disasters point to these reasonable analysis and scientific control measures are put in the current geological workers need to be resolved before a problem in this area this area for a typical collapse Wenchuan earthquake, landslide, debris flow for the discussed, some results are the following:
     1. on the basis of summing up the previous, that the distribution of geological disasters in the earthquake affected rivers, faults, seismic intensity, rock formation and control of micro-topography and other factors clearly undermine the mountain under the action of seismic forces can be divided into the initial stage , throwing stage seismic, impact crack stage, stage 4 high-speed slip-flow stage, the damage often caused by slump-disaster disaster chain modalities.
     2. are Town.Zigui (market town) collapse (slope) using the static equilibrium method for different failure modes of landslide slope of the stability of the quantitative terms, the process of system analysis combined with quantitative research, determine the collapse (edge slope) in the late rain and other unfavorable factors are less stable. As the earthquake jointed rock mass are well developed, filling of cracks through the posterior margin of dumping the water height on the type of failure (slope) and slump-type landslides (slope) stability analysis results on the dumping of highly water-filled body type collapse greater than the impact of the slump-type landslide body.
     3. using the process mechanism analysis, limit equilibrium method of transfer coefficient (line slip surface), qualitative and quantitative analysis of the way the stability of the landslide, a comprehensive analysis concluded that the results, poor stability of the landslide, in the rain earthquakes and other unfavorable factors, it may happen again as a whole or partial slip sliding resurrection.
     4. the quantitative calculation of slope stability, the sliding shear strength index of choice is the key to success or failure of landslide stability calculation, this paper, the shear test, anti-algorithms and engineering geological analogy method combined with the actual deformation of landslide features the integrated value, and select the cohesion, internal friction angle, severe landslide three indicators of soil slope stability factors of the Dongshan sensitivity analysis.
     5. within a large watershed, "5.12" earthquake in the direct cause of the collapse, landslide and the accumulation of body side was about 7.246×10~4m~3, the total reserves of loose solids 50.4%, can be seen directly by the earthquake generated an increase of loose material in a times.
     6. using Liu Xilin– Tangchuan debris flow model, quantitative calculation of the debris accumulation in the area of different frequencies, out of distance, deposition thickness, combined with the actual micro-topography features, outlined a large debris flow at different frequency range and the accumulation of form.
     7. in the prevention and treatment measures, earthquake Hou Wenchuan earthquake prevention engineering measures should be based, combined with bio-engineering measures, focus on restoration of the ecological environment, governance fundamentally caused by the earthquake secondary geological disasters.
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