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     研究对象和方法:1998年-2000年参加“膳食和体力活动对体成分(%BF)的相对影响”课题的130人,其中,体重正常组(体脂百分比)男性18人、女性25人;肥胖组男性45人、女性42人。体力活动调查采用加速度计(Computer Science and Applications,CSA)和MONICA一周体力活动问卷法。能量消耗用双标水(Doubly Labeled Water,DLW)法和根据各种体力活动计算能量消耗。%BF用单标水(Deuterium Oxide Dilution,D_2O)方法测量。
    Ene尽Expenditure,TEE)和CsA调整后的总能量消耗(predietion Total Ene汀
    和女性的TEE,差异具有显著性(尸<0 .01)。体重正常组男性和女性每公斤
    Enery ExPenditure,AEE)和基础代谢能量消耗有高于体重正常组男性和女
    女性的体力活动水平(Physicial activity Level,PAL)均低于体重正常组男性
The prevalence of obesity has been rising up all over the world. Obesity is a well-established risk factor for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, osteoathritis, stroke and some categories of cancers. It is also linked to increased risk for morbidity and mortality. Physical activity is a stronger influence factor on obesity than other environments. However, currently, few studies for physical activity patterns .
    Objective: Describe and Compare of physical activity patterns of multitude with different body composition, Provide basis for fat prevention and treatmeat.
    Objects and Methods: 130 people who take part in "the relative effects of dietary fat and physical activity on body composition" study in 1998-2000. 18 Males with normal weight (body fat percentage), 25 females with normal weight, 45 males with obesity, 42 female with obesity, physical activity (by Computer Science and Applications and WHO MONICA questionnaire),total energy expenditure (by DLW and calculated energy expenditure for all physical activity ), percentage body fat (by D2O).
    Results: (1) Kinds, frequency and proportion of physical exercise in normal weight males and females are higher than in those obesity. The time when take part in physical exercise of normal weight is longer than those of obesity. The difference is obvious (jP<0.05). In workdays, The normal weight males spend more time in shopping, doing housework and leisure time talking than obesity males. The normal weight females spend more time in riding bikes for work than obesity females (P<0.05). The normal weight males spend more time in doing housework than those obesity when the time is longer than or equal to 30 minutes, The difference is obvious (P<0.05). The normal weight males and females spend more time in shopping than those obesity when the
    time is longer than or equal to 60 minutes. The difference is obvious (P<0.05). In weekends, normal weight males spend more time in leisure time walking than those obesity when the time is longer than or equal to 60 minutes. The difference is obvious (P<0.05). Normal weight females spend more tine in doing housework, shopping, leisure time talking than those obesity. The normal weight females spend more time in leisure time walking than those obesity when the time is longer than or equal to 60 minutes. The difference is obvious (P<0.05). (2) light-intensity physical activity of normal weight males and females are low than those of obesity, they spend more time in moderate- intensity physical activity than obesity. (3) The total energy expenditure by using Doubly Labeled Water and adjuisted energy expenditure for CSA show that: The obesity males and females' total energy expenditure is higher than those of normal weight. The difference is obvious (P<0.0\). The obesity males and females' physical activity ener
    gy expenditure (AEE) and basal metabolism, energy expenditure are both higher than those of normal weight. The difference is not obvious. (4) The obesity males and females' energy expenditure of per kilgram body weight and physical activity level (PAL) is lower than those of normal weight. The difference is obvious (P<0.05).
    Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that the dorminant factor of %BF in boys is exercise on the weekdays( P = -0.679), and in turn going shopping by feet on the weekdays( β = -0.619), sleeping time( β = -0.468), going shopping by feet on the weekend( β = -0.343),; that the dorminant factor of %BF in girl is going shopping by feet on the weekdays( β = -0.716), and in turn exercise on the weekdays( β = -0.618), and weekend( β = -0.458), sleeping time( β = -0.343), go and from work by bicycle( β = -0.269), walking on the weekend( β = -0.269).
    Conclusion: The result indicated that:the more time it spend on exercise going shopping by feet on the weekdays sleeping etc. in man , the lower of the
    risk, it develop obesity, and in woman the more time it spend on going shopping on the weekdays exercise all the week, go and from work by bicycle, sleeping ,walking on
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