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动脉粥样硬化(Atherosclerosis, AS)是心脑血管疾病的主要病理生理基础. 众所周知,
    AS 形成与脂质代谢异常有关 ,尤其与氧化型低密度脂蛋白( Oxidized Low Density
    Lipoprotein, oxLDL)有关, oxLDL 被巨噬细胞清道夫受体(Scavenger, SR)所识别, 摄取,
    且不受细胞内胆固醇的反馈抑制, 结果细胞内脂质大量积聚, 巨噬细胞转变成富含胆固醇酯
    的泡沫细胞——AS 形成早期脂肪条纹的主要细胞类型 ;CD36 是 oxLDL 的主要受体,在泡沫
    细胞形成过程中, oxLDL 首先作用于 CD36 受体, 然后通过激活核受体使 CD36 表达增加 ,促
    进单核细胞分化成巨噬细胞并摄取 oxLDL 形成泡沫细胞; 而活化的巨噬细胞和 oxLDL 又能加
    速 AS 的进展. 因此 ,巨噬细胞, oxLDL, CD36 在AS的发生发展中具有重要作用,也一直是
    AS 研究的重点.
     整体动脉粥样硬化动物模型研究表明,漏芦水提物可使 AS 病变减轻, 对祁州漏芦水煎
    剂成分进行分析 ,漏芦含有多种化学成分, 研究者曾从漏芦根和叶中提取了蜕皮甾酮 ,产率
    较高 .因此 ,为了深入研究漏芦的抗 AS 的作用机制及发现其可能的有效成分 ,我们在本课
    题的前期研究基础上 ,进行了如下的实验研究, 旨在通过分析漏芦血清药及蜕皮甾酮对单核
    细胞摄取 oxLDL 和 CD36 表达的影响 ,进一步证明漏芦抗 AS 的可能机制及对蜕皮甾酮做初步
     实验一 荧光标记法检测 U937 细胞对 oxLDL 的摄取作用
     本实验应用异硫氰酸荧光素( fluorescein isocyanate, FITC) 标记 oxLDL, 通过流式细胞
    仪检测不同浓度 oxLDL 的作用下 U937 细胞摄取 oxLDL 的量 ,并在显微镜下观察 U937 细胞的
    形态学改变和计算活细胞率. 结果发现: 在 10ug/ml 至 80ug/ml 浓度范围内, 随着 oxLDL 浓
    度的增加 U937 细胞摄取 oxLDL 的量亦增加( P<0.05).而当 oxLDL 浓度继续增加时, 摄取
    量并无明显增加( P>0.05),细胞损伤反而加重 ,活细胞率下降( P<0.05) 因此确立了
    80ug/mloxLDL 下 U937 细胞摄取 oxLDL 的量作为下一步药效学研究的基础.
     实验二 漏芦血清药及蜕皮甾酮对 U937 细胞摄取 oxLDL 的影响
     本实验观察了不同浓度, 不同时间点漏芦血清药以及不同浓度的蜕皮甾酮对 U937 细胞
    摄取 oxLDL 的影响. 取给药后 1.5h 的彼格犬血清, 以浓度为 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%来干预 U937
    细胞对 oxLDL 的摄取 ,并分别与相同浓度空白血清组对照 ,结果显示 15%, 20%的漏芦血清
    药可抑制 U937 细胞摄取 oxLDL (P<0.05),在此基础上 ,我们研究了 0.5h, 1.5h, 3h, 6h,
    12h , 24h 的漏芦血清药对 U937 细胞摄取 oxLDL 的影响, 终浓度均为 15%, 与空白血清组对
    照 ,结果显示 1.5h ,3h, 6h 的漏芦血清药可抑制 U937 细胞摄取 oxLDL (P<0.05);此外, 进
    一步研究发现 ,终浓度分别为 25, 50, 100, 200mg/l 的蜕皮甾酮对 U937 细胞摄取 oxLDL 无
    抑制作用 (P>0.05 ). 以上结果提示 ,漏芦可能通过抑制泡沫细胞形成过程中的单核细胞摄
    取 oxLDL ,从而抑制 AS 形成 ;而蜕皮甾酮的原形成分可能对泡沫细胞的形成无抑制作用.
     实验三 蜕皮甾酮对泡沫细胞形成过程中 CD36 表达的影响
     本实验观察了不同浓度的蜕皮甾酮对泡沫细胞形成过程中 CD36 表达的影响, 通过
    80ug/ml 的 oxLDL 作用于 U937 细胞建立泡沫细胞模型, 并以终浓度为 15%的 1.5h 漏芦血清
    药为阳性对照组, 蜕皮甾酮组浓度分别为 25,50, 100, 200mg/l,结果显示, 蜕皮甾酮对
    泡沫细胞形成过程中 CD36 的表达无抑制作用 (P>0.05).
     研究结果表明:(1) 漏芦血清药具有抑制 AS 中泡沫细胞形成的作用.(2)不同浓度的
    漏芦血清药对单核细胞摄取 oxLDL 的抑制作用不同,提示漏芦的抗 AS 作用可能与药物剂量
    有关.(3) 不同时间点的漏芦血清药对单核细胞摄取 oxLDL 的抑制作用不同, 提示不同时间
    点的漏芦血清药的药物有效成分群不同.(4) 蜕皮甾酮的原形成分可能对单核细胞源性泡沫
    细胞的形成无抑制作用. 但并不能证明其在体内的代谢产物对泡沫细胞的形成无抑制作用.
Atherosclerosis is the major pathological progress in the cardio-cerebro vascular disease. It is
    also well-known that atherosclerosis is closely related to lipoprotein metabolism. In particular,
    oxidative modification of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, is involved in early
    development of atherosclerotic lesions through the formation of macrophage-derived foam cells.
    These foam cells, which are a typical feature of atherosclerotic lesions, are characterized by
    massive amounts of cholesterol esters. Cholesterol accumulation in these cells have been
    demonstrated to be mediated primarily by uptake of oxidized low density lipoprotein (oxLDL)
    via scavenger receptors, which unlike LDL receptors, are not downregulated by the celluar content
    of cholesterol. CD36 , thought to be important receptors for oxLDL, belongs to the class B
    scavenger receptor family. A critical regulator of CD36 expression is the nuclear hormone
    receptor PPARγ can be upregulated during the formation of macrophage-derived foam cells . The
    increased expression of CD36 on the cell surface leads to the recruitment of monocytes from the
    circulation further the internalizationof oxLDL. Furthermore, the differentiating macrophages and
    oxLDL may promote the development of atherosclerosis. Thus, macrophage, oxLDL and CD36
    play important roles in the formation and development of atherosclerosis. They have been the
    focus of research for many years.
     We have found the contract of rhaponticum uniflorum can be inhibit the formation and
    development of atherosclerosis in animal models, and we also found ecdysterone, the main
    component in the root of rhaponticum uniflorum. In order to find the mechanism and the potential
    components of the contract of rhaponticum uniflorum for the treatment of atherosclerosis, We
    study the uptake of oxLDL and the expression of CD36 in foam cells in the following
     Our experiments included three parts.
     First, we used fluorescein isocyanate (FITC) to label oxLDL . After incubation of U937
    cells with different concentrations of labelled oxLDL, flow cytometry was applied to measure the
    celluar uptake of oxLDL , and microscope to observe the configuration of the cells at the same
    time. We found the increasing uptake of oxLDL was associated with the increasing concentrations
    of oxLDL from 10ug/ml to 80ug/ml, and the cells incubated with 80ug/ml oxLDL uptook more
    oxidized LDL than others P<0.05 . However, when we increased the concentrations of oxidized
    LDL from 80ug/ml to 160ug/ml, we didn’t find the increasing uptake of oxLDL P>0.05 but
    more injuried cells P<0.05 . Therefore, we choose 80ug/ml of oxLDL for the subsequent
    pharmacodynamics study.
     Second, We observed the uptake of oxLDL by U937 cells treated with drug dog serum of
    different concentrations and different time after feeding it with rhaponticum uniflorum. We used
    英文摘要 -5-
    four concentrations of drug dog serum (5%,10%,15%,20%) to inhibit the celluar uptake of
    oxLDL . In contrast with the same concentrations of dog serum control, 15% and 20% of drug dog
    serum have the significant effects P<0.05 . Based on this result, We observed the different effects
    of dog serum at 1.5h, 3h,6h,12h,24h after feeding it with rhaponticum uniflorum. The 1.5h, 3h,6h
    drug dog serum showed significant effects P<0.05 . In the experiment, we also observed the
    uptaken oxLDL by U937 cells treated with four concentrations of ecdysterone(25 50 100
    200mg/l). However, we did not find that ecdysterone inhibited the uptaken oxLDL by U937 cells
    P>0.05 . According to the experimental data , we deduce that rhaponticum uniflorum can
    inhibit the macrophage uptake of oxLDL and reduce the formation of atherosclerosis, however,
    ecdysterone had no significant effect on the formation of foam cells.
     And in the third experiment, we replicated the monocyte-derived foam cell model by
    incubating U937 cells with 80ug/ml oxL
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