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Objective: To study the distribution of Apolipoprotein E(ApoE) genetypes and allele frequency in Xinjiang Uygurs and Hans with Alzheimer’s disease(AD) ,and realize if there are difference between Uygurs and Hans. Methods: On the basis of Xinjiang Uygurs and Hans AD epidemiological survey including 8284 people≥50 years old , selected 209 cases of AD patients and 220 healthy elderly subjects for the case - control study. Using polymerase chain reaction- restriction fragment length polymorphism(PCR-RFLP), to determine the Apolipoprotein E genetypes and allele frequency in 98 cases of Hans people and 111 cases of Uygurs AD patients , and 103 cases of Hans people and 117 cases of Uygurs normal control Results: (1) The ApoEε3/4 genetype in AD group is 28.23%, it’s higher than normal control’s 13.18%(P<0.05). The ApoEε3/3 genetype in normal control is 68.18%, which higher than AD group’s 57.89%(P<0.05). ApoEε4 allele frequency is higher in AD group than normal control , such as 14.83% and 7.95% (P<0.05). (2) Between Uygurs and Hans, ApoEε3/4 genetype and ApoEε4 allele frequency in AD group and normal control have also difference, AD group are higher than normal control (P<0.05). But there are not difference of gene distribution in Uygurs and Hans in AD patients(P>0.05). (3) Comparied with Uygurs and Hans different sexual, the ApoEε3/4 genetype distribution of Uygurs males have significance differences in AD and control group(P<0.05), and ApoEε4 allele frequency in AD and control group have also significance differences between Uygurs women and Hans women(P<0.05). Conclusion: ApoEε4 allele frequency is a risk factor of AD, especially in Uygurs and Hans female AD patients. The distribution of ApoE genetypes and allele frequency have no difference between Uygurs and Hans .
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