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Myostatin is a new member of the TGF-βsuper family. It is specifically expressedin skeletal muscle cells and functions as a negative regulator of skeletal muscle growth.This study was designed and aimed to identify the single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) of myostatin gene by PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing in various breedsincluding Zhedong White geese, Wulong geese, Yangzhou geese, Landish geese, Rheinegeese, Huo geese, Jilin White geese, Shitou geese, Wanxi White geese, Zi geese etc, andmade the analysis of the relationship between myostatin and the traits of the weight of1~11weeks geese, body weight, carcass weight, eviscerated weight, half-evisceratedweight, breast muscle weight, leg muscle weight. The results are as the following:
     (1) The 12 pairs of primers for myostatin gene were designed. Four SNPs wereidentified in the geese myostatin gene by PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing. The fourSNPs found in the promoter region of the myostatin gene were respectively, T to G(760bp), C to T (542bp), A to C (498bp) and the first intron region A to G (1632bp).(2) Population genetic analysis indicated that genotype frequency of allele A (P3) inpromoter region was higher than that of allele B, and the frequency is over 0.77,whichhas a advantage over other genotypes. Frequency of allele D (P4) among Yangzhougeese, Landish geese, and Shitou geese was higher than that of allele C, and thefrequency of allele D are respectively 0.6250, 0.5488 and 0.6474 among the threebreeds, but on the contrary in other breeds it represented that frequency of allele C ishigher than that of allele D. So it can be presumed that allele may be related to thegrowth. The presumption should get further validated. Genotype frequency of allele E of primer P5 is higher than that of allele F in all breeds, and frequency of allele J ofprimer P11 is higher than that of allele K.
     (3) Association of goose myostatin gene SNPs and production traits were analysised,the results indicated that the weight of BB geese of P3 was notably larger than the oneof AB geese in the experiment conducted among the Shitou geese at the age of oneweek, six weeks, eight weeks, nine weeks, ten weeks, and eleven weeks (P<0.05), andthe body weight, carcass weight, eviscerated weight, half-eviscerated weight, breastmuscle weight, leg muscle weight of the BB geese also were much larger than the ABgeese and AA geese, and the genotype BB of Wanxi white geese of P3 was notablylarger than the genotype AB and AA. In addition, the weight of DD geese of Shitougeese of P4 is much larger than those in CC geese and CD geese in body weight, carcassweight, eviscerated weight, half-eviscerated weight, breast muscle weight, leg muscleweight (P<0.05). The weight of CC geese was notably larger than the one of CD geeseamong the Wanxi geese at the age of three weeks, four weeks, five weeks, six weeks,seven weeks, eight weeks, nine weeks, ten weeks, eleven weeks (P<0.05), and theweight of CC geese in carcass, breast muscle, leg muscle was also larger than DD geese(P<0.05). Moreover, among the Zi geese, the carcass weight, eviscerated weight,half-eviscerated weight of CC geese is also larger than DD geese (P<0.05).The weightof EE Shitou geese of P5 is larger than that of EF and FF ones at the age of three weeks,four weeks, five weeks and six weeks(P<0.05), and the carcass weight, evisceratedweight, half-eviscerated weight, breast muscle weight, leg muscle weight of EF geese isalso larger than FF geese (P<0.05). In Wanxi white geese, the weight of EE geese islarger than EF ones at the age of eleven weeks(P<0.05), and the carcass weight, thebreast muscle weight, the leg muscle weight of FF geese is notably larger than EF ones(P<0.05).
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