产生抗菌肽的海洋细菌(Bacillus subtilis)基因组分析
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Bacillus subtilis gt 1是一株来自海洋的革兰氏阳性菌,它含有抗菌肽基因可产生抗菌肽,和革兰氏阳性菌的模式菌Bacillus subtilis str.168关系很近。Bacillus subtilis的多个种已经完成了测序,但据我们所知,还没有海洋细菌的全基因组测序的相关报道。我们利用40bp的短读序数据对来自印度洋的Bacillus subtilis gt1的全基因组进行拼接。用从头拼接和基于参考基因组拼接的方法,结合PCR实验测序的方法,最终获得了一条拼接的基因组序列。基因组大小为4,247,908bp,GC含量品均44.8%,基于这条序列,我们预测了4331个蛋白质编码基因,平均长度844bp,77个tRNA,30个rRNA(10个rRNA操纵子)。蛋白质编码基因中81.7%的基因与Bacillus subtilis str.168的同源,有444个基因在Bacillus属未找到同源基因,其中392个在现有公共数据库中仍未找到同源基因。在这些基因中,我们找到了产生抗菌肽的基因位点及基因簇,包括核糖体及非核糖体相关的抗菌肽的基因。Bacillus subtilis gt 1可作为海洋细菌研究的模式菌,为海洋细菌的基础研究及应用提供了基础。
Bacillus subtilis gt 1 is a strain of Gram-positive, marine bacterium that can produce antimicrobial peptide (AMP). This strain is closely related to the well studied model organism Bacillus subtilis str.168. Many genomes of the Bacillus subtilis strains have been sequenced, but no record of whole genome sequencing from marine bacteria is reported to our knowledge. We determined the draft genome sequence of the B. subtilis gt 1. isolated from the Indian Ocean using short reads around 40 base-pairs (bp) in length. By de novo assembly and reference-guided assembly combined with PCR sequencing methods, the draft was constructed. The genome sequence of B. subtilis gt 1 comprises 4,247,908 bp with an average G+C content of 44.8%, containing 4331 predicted protein-coding genes that have an average length of 844 bp,30 rRNAs(10 rRNA operons), and 77 tRNA genes.81.7% of the predicted B. subtilis gt 1 coding sequences have B. subtilis str.168 orthologs, but 444 protein-coding genes were not found in genomes of Bacillus genus. Of these protein-coding genes, some candidate genes and gene clusters that involved in novel ribosomal or non-ribosomal antimicrobial peptide production were identified. B. subtilis gt 1 provides a model Gram-positive bacterium for marine bacteria, it is of great importance for basic and applied researches.
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