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    Transfer FunchO4 S用概念引进到FDTD计算中。采用一个宽度较小的高斯脉冲进
Transient electromagnetic analysis is widely applied in many electronic engineering
     areas. In this dissertation, Transient electromagnetic scattering from objects are studied by
     using the Fiite-Diffa~ence Time-Domain (FDTD) method. The following problems are
     considered: the wide-band scattering from complicated objects in free space, the time-
     domain surface current of a cable above a lossy ground, and transient scattering from
     barred targets in lossy ground. And also, we present a hybrid STF-FDTD approach to
     compute the EM scattering with an extremely slow-decaying pulse incidence.
     Firstly, we study the wide-band EM scattering from a target of complicated geometrical
     shape or material composition in free space. A scheme for modeling a complicated object
     for FDTD computation is presented. Making up the descriptive file for the objects, we can
     obtain the discretized EM model using this algorithm. The EM scattering from an airplane
     is then analyzed within frequency range 3-15MHz based on the above object modeling.
     These studies found their practical values in the beyond-horizon radar detection areas.
     Next, we analyze the transient EM scattering of an airfoil and a lip of an inlet and their
     RCS reductions by partially RAM coating or filling. In all the above analysis, pulse
     incidences are used in the FDTD calculations and the transient scattering fields are
     computed. We can transfer these time-domain results into frequency-domain with the help
     of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
     Secondly, the transient EM scattering analysis of targets above a lossy ground is
     proceeded. Surface impedance is introduced into the FDTD method. Based on the Fresnel
     reflective coefficient and Laplace Transform, we derive the time-domain Surface
     Impedance Bouixlary Condition (SIBC) available for the FDTD method. The lossy ground
     is then replaced by this time-domain SIBC, reducing the solution space and producing
     significant computational savings. By using this approach, we study the problem of. EM
     pulse coupling into a cable above a lossy ground.
     Next, we enhance the FDTD method for simulating transient EM surveys for
     underground objects, in which a step or impulse excitation is laid on the ground surface
     and the electromotive force (EMF) is measured along the ground surface. Normally the
     transmission of the electromagnetic fields in lossy medium is characterized with wavelike
     and diffusive features. In the condition that conductivity a is much large and permittivity
     s much small, the wavelike feature vanishes very quickly (and it is difficult to simulate in
     the numerical methods), leaving only difftmive behavior. Thus the fields under ground
     satisfy the diffusion equation. By comparison of the Green抯 function of damped wave
     equation and diffusion equation, we introduce an artificial displacement current term in the
     diffusion equation, which leads to the DuFort-Frankel method and FDTD method in the
     transient scattering analysis for underground targets.
     Finally, we present a hybrid approach of scattering t.raisfer function (5Th) and finite
     difference time domain (FDTD) for the calculation of electromagnetic transient responses
     when the incident wave is an extremely slow-de醓ying pulse, e.g., double-exponential
     pulse. First, we introduce the scattering transfer function (STF) concept into the scattering
     system based on the principle of the linear system theory, by using a fast-decaying pulse as
     an incident wave with the bandwidth of interest. Next, we derive the scattering respon
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