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The formation mechanism of Cu-Zn alloy films is studied and a new way to measure the thickness of nanograde Cu-Zn alloy films is developed in this thesis. Laminar Cu-Zn alloy films, which are used for making high grade metal effect pigment, nanograde laminar Cu-Zn powder, are prepared by sputtering technique.
    In the paper, the effects made by four primary parameters ?sputtering voltage, target-to-substrate distance, sputtering pressure and sputtering time , on the components, the growth speed, the thickness and the surface quality of Cu-Zn alloy films were discussed according to the experiment results. Under different experiment conditions, the Cu contents of films varied from 70.41% to 72.01%, which were slightly less than that of the target (72.28%). The difference of the Cu contents in the films was no more than 1.6%. Therefore, the effects of technical parameters on the compositions of Cu-Zn alloy films were negligible during sputtering process. With the augment of sputtering voltage, the growth speed of films became higher accordingly and the relation was nearly linear under the experimented conditions. In contrast, the growth speed of films became lower with the increase of target-to-substrate distance. The effects of sputtering pressure on the growth speed of films were rather complicated.
     When the sputtering pressure was lower than 1 OPa, the augment of sputtering pressure promoted the growth of films. As a result, the growth speed of films increased as the sputtering pressure grew higher. On the contrary, when the sputtering pressure was higher than 1 OPa, the augment of sputtering pressure inhibited the growth of films and thus the growth speed decreased as sputtering pressure grew higher. The maximum of the growth speed was obtained when sputtering pressure was equal to 10Pa. With the extension of time, the films became thicker. The main factor affecting the surface quality of films was the kinetic energy of Cu-Zn alloy particles. The lower energy of sputtering target particles, the smaller damnification to the surface of Cu-Zn films was. Both the decrease of sputtering voltage and the augment of target-to-substrate distance could reduce the kinetic energy of target
    particles. Although the augment of sputtering pressure could cut down the kinetic energy of target particles too, it increased the gas content of Cu-Zn alloy films, which made the surface of films rough because of more holes.
    The experiments showed that the suitable technique condition of making Cu-Zn alloy films was as follows: sputtering voltage V = 1.6Kv, target-to-substrate distance D = 2.5cm, sputtering pressure P = 5Pa, sputtering time T = 20min. The average Cu content in Cu-Zn alloy films preparing under this condition was 70.97%, and the mean thickness was 41.08nm. It could be observed that the surface of films whose mean glossiness was 136.3GS, was smooth by atomic force microscope.
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