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     本文在知识工作、知识共享的相关理论基础上,从知识工作结构化的视角,对知识共享及其影响因素之间的关系进行了研究。同时将知识共享分为两个层面,客观层面为知识工作内容本身所决定的结构化特性,主观层面为知识员工的利他主义、功力主义、互惠主义、价值主义四个维度,并构建模型。通过问卷调研,收集的有效问卷来自上海6家公司的114名IT人员,利用统计软件SPSS11.0和结构方程(SEM) AMOS7.0进行数据分析与假设检验,结果发现:知识工作结构化、利他主义、功利主义、互惠主义对于知识共享均存在显著影响,价值主义对于知识共享不存在显著影响。知识工作结构化越高,其知识共享越容易;知识工作结构化越低,其知识共享越困难。利他主义、功利主义、互惠主义对知识共享都有一定的促进作用,价值主义虽然没有通过检验,但该论证对知识共享后续研究有一定的参考价值。此外,本文对利他主义、功利主义、互惠主义对于知识共享的直接效应、间接效应及总效应给予了分析,得出:除利他主义本身能够在一定程度上影响知识共享外,对于功利性的追求也会促使个体表现出利他倾向,并间接促进知识共享的发生,即利他主义的体现不再单纯归结为不以预期回报为目的,可能包含对于功利的潜在回报预期。以上结论对现有的知识共享理论进行了验证与补充,并为组织有效实现知识共享提供了思路和方法。因此,本文的研究成果在一定程度上丰富了知识管理理论,对知识共享的研究与拓展起到了一定的指导性作用。
Along with the information of accumulation, adoption of new knowledge processing technology and the complexity of work, which brings knowledge work research tide, people put a lot of activities into a separate field, namely knowledge work.
     Knowledge workers, as the carrier of knowledge work, both knowledge transmitter and creator, the importance of knowledge work and knowledge workers has become more and more obvious. With the development of related technologies, many enterprises focus on the development and application of database and information management methods, to the greatest extent to store, use, and share knowledge, which makes the content of knowledge work constantly update. In this process, the knowledge sharing as an important means and the core content of knowledge management, which can make knowledge to free flow and use in a certain range, save acquisition cost of knowledge, in order to improve the productivity of knowledge, and to facilitate the spread and innovation of knowledge. However, it is found that in management practice, knowledge sharing is unable to be carried out efficient by technical channels, so more enterprise and scholars begin to pay close attention to the non-technological factors of knowledge sharing. Based on the related theory of the knowledge work, knowledge sharing, from the innovation perspective of knowledge structure, studied the relationship between knowledge sharing and its influencing factors, knowledge sharing can be divided into two levels, the objective aspect is structured characteristics determined by the content of knowledge work itself, the subjective aspect is divided into four dimension:Altruism, Benthamism, Reciprocity and Valuism of knowledge workers, Which constructs hypothesis model. By questionnaire investigation, the valid questionnaires were collected from 114 IT staff of Shanghai six companies, used statistical software SPSS11.0 and structural equation modeling (SEM) AMOS7.0 for data analysis and hypothesis testing, the results showed that:Knowledge Work Structure, Altruism, Benthamism, and Reciprocity significantly influence knowledge sharing, Valuism doesn't significantly influence knowledge sharing. The higher of knowledge work structure, the knowledge sharing is easier; the lower of knowledge work structure, the knowledge sharing is more difficult. Altruism, Benthamism and Reciprocity have certain simulative effect on knowledge sharing. Although Valuism doesn't pass the test, the proof has certain reference value for subsequent research of knowledge sharing. In addition, In addition, the paper analyzes the direct effect, indirect effect and total effect between Altruism, Benthamism, Reciprocity and knowledge sharing, it is concluded that:to a certain extent, in addition to Altruism itself can influence the knowledge sharing, for the pursuit of Benthamism also can lead to individual to show the tendency of Altruism and indirectly promote the occurrence of knowledge sharing, the reflection of Altruism is not only attributed to no expectation of return for purpose, may contain potential reward expectations of Benthamism. These conclusions validate and supplement on the existing theory of knowledge sharing, and effective implementation of knowledge sharing for the organization to provide the ideas and methods These conclusions to existing knowledge sharing theory are verified with supplement, and provides ideas and methods for the organization to realize knowledge sharing effectively.Therefore, the results of this study to some extent have enriched the knowledge management theory, and have some guiding effect on the study of knowledge sharing and expansion.
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