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     鲤鱼增重与饲料中维生素E水平对数呈极显著的一元二次回归关系(y=-65.906+82.946x-14.949x2,R2=0.9170,P<0.01),当饵料维生素E为650.13mg/kg时增重达到最大值;头肾重量、脾脏重量、血液白细胞吞噬活性、血清溶菌酶活性、补体C3含量、抗体IgM含量、总蛋白含量与饲料中维生素E水平对数呈极显著的一元二次回归关系(R2=0.9640,P<0.01,R2=0.8880,P<0.01,R2=0.8910,P<0.01,R2=0.9730,P<0.01,R2=0.9720,P<0.01,R2=0.8470,P<0.01,R2=0.8790);血液白细胞杀菌指数与饲料维生素E水平对数呈显著的一元二次回归关系(R2=0.6370,P<0.05);当饵料维生素E水平为602.56mg/kg、660.70mg/kg、630.96mg/kg. 665.65mg/kg、619.44mg/kg时,鲤鱼血液白细胞吞噬活性、血清溶菌酶活性、补体C3含量、抗体IgM含量、总蛋白含量分别达到最大值。
The trial was conducted to study the effect of different vitamin E level in daily diet on growth performances and immune function of common carps(cyprinus carpio).In trial,720 common carps with initial 15.11±0.10g were averagely allocated to 6 treatments with 3 replications,feeding semi-purified diet supplemented with vitamin E 0,100,500,1000,2500 and 5000 mg/kg respectively for 120 days.
     Results indicated that:vitamin E has great significant effect on survival rate,weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion efficiency.Simultaneously,vitamin E has great significant or significant effect on head kidney weight,head kidney weight/body weight,spleen weight,spleen weight/body weight,post kidney weight,post kidney weight/body weight,phagocytic activity and bactericidal activity of phagocytes,lysozyme activity in serum,complement C3 content and IgM content in serum,total protein content in serum,albumin content and globulin content in serum,survival rate after vaccination against Aeromonas hydrophila(P<0.01)
     The survival rate,weight gain and feed intake decreased great significantly,feed conversion efficiency increase great significantly (P<0.01), head kidney weight,head kidney weight/body weight,spleen weight,spleen weight/body weight,phagocytic activity and bactericidal index of phagocytes,lysozyme activity in serum,complement C3 content and IgM content in serum,total protein content in serum,albumin content and globulin content in serum and survival rate after vaccination against Aeromonas hydrophila decreased great significantly(P<0.01),post kidney weight and post kidney weight/body weight decreased significantly(P<0.05) as common carps feeding diet supplemented with vitamin E 0mg/kg.The weight gain and feed intake increased great significantly,feed conversion efficiency decrease great significantly (P<0.01), head kidney weight,head kidney weight/body weight,spleen weight,spleen weight/body weight,post kidney weight and post kidney weight/body weight, phagocytic activity and bactericidal index of phagocytes,lysozyme activity in serum,complement C3 content and IgM content in serum,total protein content in serum,albumin content and globulin content in serum and survival rate after vaccination against Aeromonas hydrophila increased great significantly(P<0.01) as common carps feeding diet supplemented with vitamin E 1000mg/kg.When common carps feeding diet supplemented with vitamin E 5000mg/kg,weight gain decreased great significantly(P<0.01),feed intake decreased significantly(P<0.05),feed conversion efficiency increase great significantly (P<0.01),head kidney weight and spleen weight decrease great significantly (P<0.01),head kidney weight/body weight,spleen weight/body weight,lysozyme activity and IgM content in serum,globulin content in serum,survival rate after vaccination against Aeromonas hydrophila decreased significantly(P<0.05).But another indices,such as post kidney weight, post kidney weight/body weight, phagocytic activity and bactericidal index of phagocytes,complement C3 content in serum,total protein content and globulin content in serum were not significantly difference(P >0.05)
     There was significant quadraticly relationship between weight gain and lgVE (y=-65.906+82.946x-14.949x2, R2=0.9170, P<0.01).When dietary vitamin E content was 650.13mg/kg, common carps appeared the best growth performance.here was significant quadraticly relationship between weight lgVE and head kidney weight or spleen weight or phagocytic activity of phagocytes or bactericidal index of phagocytes or lysozyme activity in serum or complement C3 content in serum or IgM content in serum or total protein content in serum (R2=0.9640, P<0.01, R2=0.8880, P<0.01, R2=0.8910, P<0.01, R2=0.9730, P<0.01, R2=0.9720, P<0.01, R2=0.8470, P<0.01, R2=0.8790),When dietary vitamin E content was 602.56mg/kg,660.70mg/kg,630.96mg/kg, 665.65mg/kg,619.44mg/kg respectively,phagocytic activity of phagocytes or lysozyme activity in serum or complement C3 content in serum or IgM content in serum or total protein content in serum appeared the best value respectively.
     In summary,vitamin E deficiency caused growth performance of common carps decreased by decreasing feed intake and increasing feed conversion efficiency.Vitamin E deficiency caused resisting diseases ability of common carps decreased by retarding head kidney and spleen growth and decreased immune function.Increase vitamin E level in daily diet properly based on required volume could couse growth performance and immune function of common carps increased.common carps appeared best growth performance and immune function as feeding the diets containing vitamin E 650.13mg/kg and 660.70mg/kg respectively.
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