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Housing consumption problem is a major problem affecting people's livelihood in China's real estate market which experienced more than a decade of earthshaking rapid growth, family housing and consumer behavior became one of the issues of greatest concern to developers and government. In addition, the research data in the Chinese market study of housing consumption choices is relatively old. In view of this, investigating which micro-factors affect the urban family housing consumption choices has theoretical significance and practical value.
     In this paper, based on previous academic research, we built the tenure choice and housing type choice theoretical framework to identify and investigate the research variables. Among them, the housing category selection and the micro-purchase selection factors include three main categories: family characteristics, hire/purchase costs and psychological factors, including the age of householder, householder's education level, marital status, living in Hang time, family size, labor force number, family yearly income, family assets, the ratio of rent and house price, the desire to purchase a home and distrust to rental market.
     Housing type choice studies include the size category and grade of housing types, the independent variables is family characteristics variables (with the same of the family characteristics variables in selection of the hire/purchase). We use multi-Logit model to study selection of house type, categories of size are divided into three levels: below 90 square meters, 90-140 square meters and more than 140 square meters.
     In the tenure choice variables selection, according to the advice given by experts in the interviews, our articles innovatively chose the aspirations to home ownership and distrust to rental markets as the psychological factors in research, furthermore, we established the corresponding Logit model based on research needs which deepen the study of housing hire/purchase selection. In category selection study, by reason of the author's knowledge of the market and interviews with experts, we make purchase grade as an optional item which have been studied to reveal by which micro-factors housing grades choice is influenced, which, is the expand of the study of the selection of the housing categories.
     This article makes the residents which have registration in urban in Hangzhou as the object of study, we obtained research data through the questionnaire survey method, to extract and identify relevant research variables we made expert interviews. This research covered the six major urban areas of Hangzhou, and collected a total of 2007 effective answer sheets. The main conclusions of empirical studies are summarized as follows:
     Firstly, the tenure choice studies have shown that, with the householder's age and assets increases, the possibility to buy houses increased; it is also the same when householder has higher education ,longer living in hang time , larger the family size or more family labor force . Married households tend to buy homes, besides, house prices increased more than the rent costs also increase the likelihood of families to buy houses, on the contrary, the likelihood decreased when the householder has strong aspirations to purchase a house or distrust to the rental market.
     Secondly, the housing type choice studies results show that the householder's age, education level,marital status, family size, labor force number, family income and assets had a significant effect on size choice.
     Finally, the study of grade chooses was applied by binary Logit model, based on interviews with experts, the housing grade is divided into economy grade and luxury grade. The results show that the householder's education, residence time, family size, family income and assets, has a significant impact on choice of which grade to purchase.
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