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This paper introduces some implementations and research on moving target tracking algorithms, including the particle filtering method based on particle swarm optimization, apply affine coordinates in the feature extraction and the piecewise affine method in bilateral learning moving targets tracking method, using clustering method to search the target. The purpose of this paper is to search one simple and efficient algorithm and design applicable architecture, combine the theory, the algorithm and the architecture, and change the theoretical results to practical application.
     This paper follows the processing of the moving target tracking method to introduce each module of moving target tracking method. First it introduces the related works about image preprocessing and feature extraction and selection followed by the main tasks of this paper and certain contents, proposing two moving target tracking algorithms, then doing experiment on the proposed algorithms and other algorithms for comparison. The central elements are listed below.
     First, based on particle filter target tracking, combined with the idea of particle swarm optimization, study and propose an efficient moving object tracking method. This method can reduce the weight degradation rate of particle aggregation which occurs in the particle filter moving target tracking method after a certain number of iterations. Because of it needs to re-sample weights to spread the particles when the weight of particles move together, which makes a learning interrupt and sampling deviation from the objectives actual characteristics. The experimental results show that compared with the particle filter moving target tracking method, the method proposed in this paper can reduce frequency of re-sampling, and tracking better.
     Second, based on bilateral learning moving target tracking method, combined with the thinking of parameter affine transform appear in piecewise affine moving target tracking method, bring one new moving target tracking method, and the experiments show the new method has better results. Introducing affine transformation parameters in future extraction, makes the new features can take a good deal of the situation of target rotation. By redefining the bilateral learning methods, the mean and covariance, and other important parameters, improvement is made on the bilateral learning moving target tracking method, and makes these parameters more suitable to moving target tracking.
     Third, in experiments, compard with other methods, the clustering method shows time complexity low and better experimental results in the search target area. Using piecewise affine bilateral learning moving traget tracking method to find the target location needs to match the region one by one, searching slowly, but using clustering method to collect segmental areas to candidate areas, it process faster. Clustering method balances the method’s performance and processing speed, totally to obtain better tracking results by reducing operating time in most situations.
     In the last part of this paper, experiments are designed to verify the methods and algorithms proposed in this paper. Experiment results show that the proposed methods and algorithms are better, and have good prospects.
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