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     普通对照组206名,优秀举重运动员组94名。GeneScan分析各组IGF-1基因CA微卫星多态位点的分布特征。PCR-RFLP分析各组ACTN3基因C1747T多态位点、CNTF基因G1357A多态位点和CKMM基因NcoI多态位点的分布特征。组间比较采用x 2检验,显著性水平分别为:0.01、0.05和0.1。
The purpose of this study is to create the data base of DNA from Chinese weightlifting athletes, and to filter the genetic mark for Chinese weightlifting athlete selection through analyzing the STR CA in IGF-1 gene, the SNP C1747T in ACTN3 gene, the SNP G1357A in CNTF gene, and the SNP NcoI in CKMM gene.
     Method:The athlete group comprised 94 outstanding weight-lifting athletes (male:n=36; female:n=58), while the control group consisted of 206 healthy unrelated college students (118 males and 88 females). The distribution of genotype was got through Genescan and PCR-RFLP. The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is tested through X 2 test. Genotype and allele frequencies were compared between the athletes and the controls by X 2 test using SPSS software for Windows 13.0 package. P values of <0.05 were considered as a significant difference, of <0.01 were considered as a more significant difference, and of <0.1 with>0.05 were considered as a trend of significant difference.
     Result:The frequencies of the IGF-1 LL genotype (40 vs.10%; p<0.01) and L allele (63 vs.39%; p<0.01) were significantly higher in weightlifting athletes compared to controls. The frequencies of the ACTN3 CC genotype (47 vs.31%; p=0.031; p<0.05) and C allele (66 vs.56%; p=0.022; p<0.05) were significantly higher in weightlifting athletes compared to controls. The frequencies of CNTF each genotype in weightlifting athletes are:GG:82%; GA:15%; AA:3%. The frequencies of CKMM each genotype in weightlifting athletes are:GG:3%; GA:30%; AA:67%. There is no significantly difference between the weightlifting athletes and the controls of either the CNTF SNP G1357A or the CKMM SNP Ncol, while the frequency of the CNTF GG genotype is nearly significantly higher in weightlifting athletes compared to controls. The frequency of the CNTF GG genotype is significantly higher in female weightlifting athletes compared to female controls. genotype CC of the SNP C1747T in ACTN3 gene could be the genetic marks for Chinese weightlifting athlete selection. It is possible that the genotype GG of SNP G1357A in CNTF gene be the genetic marks for Chinese weightlifting athlete selection, especially female athletes, which need to be proving in the future. The SNP NcoI in CKMM could not be the genetic marks for Chinese weightlifting athlete selection.
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