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     以MATLAB作为模拟程序开发语言,基于CIBR工艺系统模型编写了CIBR工艺系统模拟程序;以国际水质协会推荐的ASM2D的参数典型值作为初始值运行模拟程序,COD的模拟效果和实际结果比较吻合,而TN和TP的效果相差较大。根据灵敏度分析的结果,将异养菌的产率系数YH由典型值0.625gCOD/gCOD调整为0.594 gCOD/gCOD;自养菌的产率系数(生物量/硝酸盐)YA由典型值0.24gCOD/gN调整为0.31gCOD/gN,使模拟的结果和实际结果吻合较好。
In this thesis summarize and analyze the Activated Sludge Model No.2D (ASM2D) which is proposed by International Water Association (IWA). ASM2D as the modeling basis of simulating simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal, which is often regarded as further research and development platform for activated sludge mathematic model, and more precise than ASM2.
     In this dissertation, the CIBR nitrogen and phosphorus removal process mathematic model based on the research platform of ASM2D was established, which combined with the characteristics and process properties of CIBR process, and chose solid flux theory model as the precipitate zone model.
     Based on the MATLAB platform, CIBR process modeling program was compiled to simulate running conditions and treatment efficiency. Then, take the ASM2D recommended typical parameter values as the initial values to the run the program. It was found that: the simulated results of COD removal efficiency are same as the actual results, while the simulated values of TN and TP showed relatively large difference. Based on the results of sensitivity analysis, adjusting parameters of heterotrophic yield coefficient from the typical value of 0.625gCOD/gCOD to 0.594gCOD/gCOD; and autotrophic yield coefficient from the typical value of 0.24gCOD/gN adjusted to 0.31gCOD/gN.
     Finally, according to the operational features of CIBR process, 12h hydraulic retention time for the three operating conditions and operation of the three cycles for 4h HRT treatment has been simulated. The results indicated that: The optimal working condition was obtained as 2h aeration, 1h agitation, and 1h settling, and under the working condition of 2h aeration, 1h agitation, and 1h settling, 8h HRT had better removal efficiency than the other conditions.
     The results showed that: ASM2D as a platform to building CIBR process mathe- matic model, and based on the MATLAB language developed simulating program could simulate the operation of CIBR process perfectly, it was worth to do further research and applications.
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