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     两组受试者在性别、年龄、患病侧、身高、体重和病程方面均无显著地统计学差异(P>0.05);两组受试者患侧腰部竖脊肌和腓肠肌内侧头AEMG较健侧均有显著地降低(P<0.05),患侧MFs绝对值较健侧显著地升高(P<0.05); A组与B组比较,受试者健、患侧两组肌肉AEMG和健侧两组肌肉的MFs绝对值未见显著性差异(P>0.05),B组受试者患侧两组肌肉MFs绝对值均较A组同侧MFs绝对值显著增大(P<0.05);B组受试者两组肌肉AEMG比值均大于A组(P<0.05);A组与B组比较,受试者竖脊肌和腓肠肌内侧头MFs比值均未见显著性差异(P>0.05)。
     To explore the reason of imbalance for the lumbar and lower limb muscles by observing sEMG;Trying to establish a method of detecting sEMG for gastrocnemius.
     44 patients with chronic Lumbar Disc Herniation were classified into mild pain group (A group) and moderate to severe pain group (B group), ME6000-T8-type sEMG machine were used to collecte sEMG of two groups of patients, and calculate ratios of AEMG and MFs.
     Two groups of subjects had no statistically significant difference in gender, age, illness side, height, weight, and course of the disease(P>0.05);AEMG of ipsilateral erector spinae and gastrocnemius with two groups than the healthy side were significantly reduced (P <0.05);absolute value of MFs in the affected side were significantly elevated (P <0.05);Both sides of AEMG in lumbar paraspinal muscles and gastrocnemius ,MFs of health side in gastrocnemius was no significant difference between A group and B group(P>0.05); absolute value of MFs in affected lumbar paraspinal muscles and gastrocnemius with B group were significantly boosted in comparison with A group (P <0.05);ratio of AEMG with B group subjects was observably increased(P<0.05);MFs of lumbar paraspinal muscles and gastrocnemius were no significantly difference between A group and B group(P>0.05).
     sEMG could be used as a non-invasive tool in detecting neuromuscular functional status of lumbar and lower limb in patients with Lumbar Disc Herniation;isometric loading tests of gastrocnemius on maximal inflective ankle could be used as evaluation of neuromuscular functional status of crura in patients with lumbar disc herniation;sEMG of lumbar spinal muscular and gastrocnemius existed imbalance in LDH;pain was an important factor of imbalance for lumbar paraspinal and gastrocnemius in patients with lumbar disc herniation;there was dissimilar sEMG imbalance in lumbar paraspinal muscle and gastrocnemius while subjective pain levels of patients were different.
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