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Enterprises'innovation is one of the main factor to boost the development of enterprise as well as the national economy. From the Schumpeter's theory about entrepreneurship, innovation is the specific function of entrepreneurship which was being accepted by more and more people. Currently China is at the stage of economic transition, it is profoundly significant for the Chinese companies'to research how to increase enterprises'innovation by fully exert entrepreneurial ability. Therefore, mainly from the perspective of evolution economy and enterprise competence theory, and basing on the empirical researches including pilot study (qualitative and quantitative research stage), questionnaire study (112 valid respondents for the entrepreneur) and field survey, this dissertation establishes the perception levels and key perceptual dimensions of each level of entrepreneurship ability influencing the enterprises'innovation, discusses the relationship model between of theses key perceptual dimensions and enterprises' innovation. At last, this paper attempts to explain the inner mechanism of the entrepreneur influencing the enterprises'innovation from the view of entrepreneur innovation behavior, enterprise'habits, dominant logic, Corporate Values and employee innovation behavior.
     Firstly, the paper tries to define the concept of entrepreneurship and enterprise' innovation basing on the previous researches, build the common theory framework including the "general" and "special" factor about entrepreneurship, design the measurement table for surveying entrepreneurship and enterprise'innovation.
     Secondly, the analyzing of the data of stylebook indicates that each measurement table presents favorable credibility and validity. The background variables of age, education level, the enterprise'registration type and the enterprise'lifecycle have markedly different influences on entrepreneurship ability as well as enterprise' innovation ability. Among them, the list in order from most to least influential is strategic management ability, innovation ability, risk bearing ability, building relationship ability, studying ability, opportunity decision-making ability. However, the ability about competition and management human resource has little influence to enterprise' innovation.
     Thirdly, empirical studied indicate that entrepreneurship not only impact the enterprise' innovation directly, but also cultivate the organization ability to impact the enterprise' innovation indirectly. By researching the enterprise' habits and dominant logic, this paper finally put forward the opinion which is to build the smooth competence transfer mechanism, namely, entrepreneurship ability of entrepreneurship innovation behavior impact employee innovation behavior by enterprise culture is the key factor to achieve sharing of the knowledge and competence and increase the enterprise' innovation
     Finally, for inspire the entrepreneurship fully exert their ability to promote enterprise' innovation, the government and society ought to guarantee from the system: achieve the innovation about entrepreneurship system, accelerate the progress about entrepreneurship marketing, and reinforce the teaching and education, recognition the construct the enterprise culture.
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