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We use wireless or infrared instead of the tradition cable, achieveintelligentize of the personal information terminal and build the personal work orfamily information network .It is the fashionable technique now. Wireless accesstechnique is used in family and office; achieve data traffic, voice traffic, officialequipment, Internet access and so on.
     Arming at the stone's throw wireless comnunications equipment fixibleremoval, low consumpion and low radialiazation etc characteristic, this paperanalyzes the domestic and international development of WLAN and embeddedsystem. Through comparation and analysis, it is more superiority to applyBluetooth technology in wareless access controller. Then introduces Bluetoothtechnologyspecification, Bluetooth protocol and recommands the correspondingembedded Linux. Above all, the developping platform aiming at the warelessaccess controller is builded by transplanting theμClinux system to the EV44B0developping board, Design of wareless access controller is realiazed.
     Experiments show the system functions well. The wireless connection is setup by using Bluetooth module between wareless access controller and deminal,and impliments the function that the wareless equipments communicate with eachother in WLAN and Internet.
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