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Swahili culture, a distinctive, open and compound culture created by the Swahili people living on the east coast of Africa, began to take form in the1st century under the influences of the Arabic, Persian and Indian cultures. Since the16th century, the colonial invasion has brought great changes to it, which began to interact and evolve with western culture. Generally speaking, as the power of western culture grows, it has become a key element in the evolvement of Swahili culture. Facing the colonial expansion and the impact of western culture, African people were powerless to resist so that Swahili culture went through a long process of decline and transformation. Following the chronological order of the evolvement of Swahili culture and the spread of colonialism, the essay has an in-depth analysis of how Swahili culture borrowed, assimilated and resisted foreign culture.
     The introduction consists of the definition of the concepts and geographical scope, the related studies into the history of Swahili culture, the significance, contents and research methods of this essay.
     The body of the essay is divided into five chapters. The first chapter discusses about the origin and formation of Swahili culture, the related controversies and the characteristics of the culture.
     The second chapter discusses about the influence of the Portuguese invasion into East Africa on Swahili culture. The destructive invasion broke the unity of Swahili and caused the decline of its culture, which had an extremely slow development long after the invasion.
     The third chapter is about the development of Swahili culture under the rule of the Oman Arab. In the18th century, Zanzibar being the center of the colonial rule, the Oman Arab controlled the trade between the coastal areas of east Africa and the Indian Ocean. Zanzibar, the very center of Swahili culture, thrived rapidly at that time. While western colonial states were stepping up their colonization in east Africa, the Arabic culture interacted with Swahili culture, having a greater influence on it.
     The fourth chapter is about the development of Swahili culture during the rule of Germany over Tanganyika. Instead of destructing Swahili culture, the Germans spread Swahili in their colony, which resulted in a rise in its popularity among the inland people. Meanwhile, the German authorities, with the collaboration of the European missionaries, had been contributing to the removal of Islamic influences on Swahili, resulting in a change in the relationship between Swahili culture and Islam.
     The last chapter discusses about the development and transformation of Swahili culture during the rule of Britain over Tanzania. The birth of standardized Swahili being the turning point, great changes have taken place in the traditional cultures, way of life and ideology of all peoples in Tanzania. The transformation of Swahili culture is a complicated process which is, on the one hand, progressive in nature for the cultural modernization, but on the other hand, destructive as the diversity of the cultural heritage was damaged. Despite all these facts, Swahili culture is of great significance in uniting the whole nation and promoting the decolonization in Tanzania.
     Looking back into the history, we can finally draw a conclusion that the reason why Swahili culture is so important in the nation-building of modern Tanzania is not just the result driven by the authorities, but the outcome of the evolvement of its culture.
2 Shihabuddin Chiraghadin and Mathias Mnyampala, Historia ya Kiswahili. Nairobi:Oxford University Press,1977, p. 19.
    4 王文锦等著:《通典点校》,北京:中华书局1988年版,卷一九三,第5266页。
    5 中国社会科学院西亚非洲研究所:《非洲概况》,北京:世界知识出版社,1981年版,第326页。
    6 杨武泉:《岭外代答校注》,北京:中华书局,1999年版,卷三,第113页。
    7 冯承钧:《诸番志校注》,北京:中华书局,1956年版,第53-54页。
    8 该书原本已佚,今本从《永乐大典》中辑出。1956年中华书局出版有冯承钧所著《诸蕃志校注》,对该书考订甚详。
    9 冯承钧:《诸番志校注》,北京:中华书局,1956年版,第53页。
    10 苏继廎:《岛夷志略校释》,北京:中华书局,1981年版,第358页。
    11 即今索马里朱巴河一带。
    12 即今摩加迪沙(Mogadishu).
    13 即今布腊瓦(Brava).
    14 冯承钧:《星槎胜览校注》(后集),北京:中华书局,1954年版,第20-22页。
    15 William Vincent (translator), The Periplus of the Erythrean Sea, London,1800.
    16 位置不详,一说是在达累斯萨拉穆附近。
    17 C. Muller, C. Ptolemaei Geographia Vol 1. Paris:Didot,1883.
    18 Cosmas Indicopletustes, J. W. McCrindle (translator), The Christian Topography of Cosmas, an Egyptian Monk. London:Hakluyt Society,1897.
    19 Al Masudi, Paul Lunde and Caroline Stone (Translators), The Meadows of Gold:The Abbasids. London:Routledge, 1989.
    20 马苏第著,耿昇译:《黄金草原》,西宁市:青海人民出版社,1998年版。
    21 Buzurg Ibn Shahriyar, G.S.P. Freeman-Grenville (Translator), The Book of the Wonders of India:Mainland, Sea and Islands. London:East-West Publications,1981.
    22 《罗杰书》现存10个手抄本,其中最早的两个版本可追溯至1325年,现存于法国国家图书馆,其中最完整的手抄本现存于伊斯坦布尔。
    23 Charles Defremery and Beniamino Sanguinetti, Voyages d'lbn Batoutah:Texte Arabe, accompagne d'une traduction: Volume 1-4. Paris,1853-1858.
    24 伊本·白图泰,马金鹏译:《伊本·白图泰游记》,银川:宁夏人民出版社,1985年版(2000年重印)。
    25 伊本·白图泰,李光斌译:《异境奇观:伊本·白图泰游记》,北京,海洋出版社,2008年版。
    26 G S. P. Freeman Grenville, "The Chronology of the Sultans of Kilwa", in Tanganyika Notes asn Records 50,1958, p.85-93.
    27 刘鸿武、暴明莹:《蔚蓝色的非洲——东非斯瓦希里文化研究》,昆明:云南大学出版社,2008年版。
    28 杨人梗:《非洲通史简编——从远古至19181),北京:人民出版社,1984年版。
    29 中国非洲史研究会《非洲通史》编写组:《非洲通史》,北京:北京师范大学出版社,1984年版。
    30 何芳川、宁骚主编:《非洲通史》古代卷,上海:华东师范大学出版社,1995年版。艾周昌、郑家馨主编:《非洲通史》近代卷,上海:华东师范大学出版社,1995年版。陆庭恩主编:《非洲通史》现代卷,上海:华东师范大学出版社,1995年版。
    31 宁骚主编:《非洲黑人文化》,杭州:浙江人民出版社,1993年版。
    32 刘鸿武:《黑非洲文化研究》,上海:华东师范大学出版社,1997年版。
    33 李保平:《非洲传统文化与现代化》,北京:北京大学出版社,1997年版。
    34 艾周昌主编:《非洲黑人文明》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2000年版。
    35 佐伊·马什、G. W.金斯诺斯,伍彤之译:《东非史简编》,上海:上海人民出版社,1974年版。
    36 巴兹尔·戴维逊著,屠佶译:《古老非洲的再发现》,北京:三联书店,1973年版。
    37 戴尔·布朗主编,史松宁译:《非洲:辉煌的历史遗产》,南宁:广西人民出版社,2002年版。
    38 葛公尚:《初析坦桑尼亚的民族过程一体化》,载于《民族研究》,1991年第2期;《对当代黑非洲国家民族 政策的几点思考》,载于《世界民族》,1998年第3期;《试析影响斯瓦希里民族过程的若干社会历史因素》,载于《西亚非洲》,1985年第2期;《东非跨国界最多的民族》,载于《民族团结》,1985年第2期。
    39 舒运国:《阿拉伯人与东非奴隶贸易》,载于《世界历史》,1991年第5期;《阿拉伯人与古代东非贸易》,载于《阿拉伯世界》,1987年第3期;《阿拉伯人在东非沿海地区的活动》,载于《世界史》,1988年第3期;《东非黑奴贩卖为何迟迟禁而不止》,载于《华东师范大学学报》(哲学社会科学版),1983年第4期;《公元初——十九世纪五十年代东非沿海地区的对外贸易》,载于《历史教学问题》,1988年第3期;《赛义德·萨伊德时期东非沿海地区的发展演变》,载于《西亚非洲》,1988年第4期;《试论东非沿海地区的商人——种植园主阶级》,载于《郑州大学学报》(哲学社会科学版),1988年第4期;《西方殖民主义者与东非奴隶贸易》,载于《郑州大学学报》(哲学社会科学版),1985年第1期。
    40 何芳川:《古代东非城邦》,载于《世界历史》,1983年第5期。
    41 G S. P. Freeman Grenville, "Swahili Literature and History and Archeology of the East African Coast", in Journal of the East African Swahili Committee 28,1958, p.10-23. "Medieval Evidence for Swahili", in SWAHILI:Journal of The East African Swahili Committee. No.29/1. Arusha:Beauchamp Printing Company,1959, p.10-23.
    42 G S. P. Freeman Grenville, The Medieval History of the Coast of Tanganvika. London:Oxford University Press, 1962.
    43 G. S. P. Freeman Grenville, The East African Coast:Selected Documents from first to the earlier Nineteenth Century. London:Oxford University Press,1962.
    44 Wilfred H. Whiteley, Swahili:The Rise of a National Language. London:Methuen and Co. Ltd,1969..
    45 James de Ver Allen, Swahili origins:Swahili culture & the Shungwaya phenomenon. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1993.
    46 Derek Nurse, "Bajuni Historical Linguistics", in Kenya Past and Present 12,1980, p.34-43. "The Swahili Dialects of southern Somalia and the Northern Kenya Coast", in M. F. Rombi, Etudes sue le Bantu Oriental. Paris:SELAF, 1982, p.73-121. "A Historical View of Southern Dialects of Swahili", in SUGIA 6,1984.
    47 Derek Nurse and Thomas Spear, The Swahili:Reconstructing the history and language of an African society, 800-1500. Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania Press,1985.
    48 Derek Nurse and Thomas J. Hinnebusc, Swahili and Sabaki:a linguistic history. California:University of California Press,1993.
    49 John Middleton, The world of the Swahili:an African mercantile civilization. Chelsea:Yale University Press,1992.
    50 John Middleton and Mark Horton, The Swahili:the social landscape of a mercantile society. Oxford:Blackwell Publishers,2000.
    51 Pat Caplan, African Voices, African Lives:Personal narratives from a Swahili village. London:Routledge,1997.
    52 Pat Caplan and Farouk Topan, Swahili Modernities:Culture, Politics, and Identity on the East Coast of Africa. NJ: Africa World Press.2004.
    53 Jan Knappert, Four Centuries of Swahili Verse:A literary History and Anthology. London:Heinemann,1979.
    54 Jan Knappert, Swahili Culture. New York:Edwin Mellen Press,2005.
    55 Shihabuddin Chiraghadin and Mathias Mnyampala, Historia ya Kiswahili. Nairobi:Oxford University Press,1977.
    56 Shihabuddin Chiraghadin, "Kiswahili na Wenyewe", in Mulika No.6. Dar es Salaam:Chuo cha Uchunguzi wa Lugha ya Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,1974. "Kiswahili Tokea Ubantu hadi Ki-'Standard'", in Mulika No.6. Dar es Salaam:Chuo cha Uchunguzi wa Lugha ya Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,1974.
    57 Ireri Mbaabu, Kiswahili:Lugha ya Taifa. Nairobi:Kenya Literature Bureau,1978.
    58 Ireri Mbaabu, Utamaduni wa Kiswahili. Nairobi:Kenya Publishing & Marketing Co,1985.
    59 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ibrahim Noor Shariff, The Swahili:Idiom and Identity of an African People. NJ:Africa World Press,1994.
    60 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, State and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995.
    61 David P. B. Massamba, "The Impact of Politics on Language Development in Tanzania", in KISWAHILI:Journal of The Institute of Kiswahili Research. Vo154/1&2,1987, p.180-191. "Thirty Years of Kiswahili Development", in Shun' ya Hino, African Urban Studies II. Tokyo:ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Sudies,1992, p.55-76. "Historia ya Kiswahili", in Kijarida cha Chaka (Chama cha Kiswahili cha Afrika). Na.1. Dar es Salaam:TUKI, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,1994, p.34-41. "Kiswahili kama Lugha y a Mawasiliano", in Kiswahili Katika Kanda ya Afrika Mashariki. Dar es Salaam:IKR,1995, p.1-11.
    62 David P. B. Massamba, Historia ya Kiswahili 50BK hadi 1500BK. Nairobi:The Jomo Kenyatta Foundation,2002.
    63 Chapuruka M. Kusimba, The Rise and Fall of Swahili States. Walnut Creek:AltaMira Press,1999.
    64 Rocha Chimerah, Kiswahili:past, present, and future horizons. Nairobi:Nairobi University Press,1998.
    65 D. T.尼昂主编:《非洲通史:十二至十六世纪的非洲》,第四卷,联合国教科文组织编写,北京:中国对外翻译公司1992年版,第374页。
    66 塞缪尔·亨廷顿著,周琪等译:《文明的冲突与世界秩序的重建》,北京:新华出版社,2002年版。
    67 学术界对班图人的起源尚有争议。塞格利曼就认为班图人起源于维多利亚湖地区,参见塞格利曼:《非洲的种族》,第133页。M.格斯认为班图人起源于扎伊尔森林以南大草原地区;H.格林伯格等学者关于班图人起源于西非喀麦隆高原的观点,比较普遍地获得了国际学术界的认可;但是最新研究成果却表明班图母语的起源地尚不确定,关于班图人起源这一问题仍是一个历史悬案。参见黄泽全:《话说非洲》,北京市:京华出版社,1999年版,第228页。
    68 许多著作中认为公元大约9-10世纪班图人到达东非沿海,但这一时间显然是自相矛盾的,班图人必定在7世纪阿拉伯帝国兴起伊斯兰教盛行之前就居住在东非沿海了。
    69 David P. B. Massamba, Historiaya Kiswahili 50BK hadi 1500BK. Nairobi:The Jomo Kenyatta Foundation,2002, p. 260.
    70 Ibid, p.261.
    71 Shihabuddin Chiraghadin and Mathias Mnyampala, Historiaya Kiswahili. Nairobi:Oxford University Press,1977, p.2.
    72 巴兹尔·戴维逊著,何瑞丰译:《黑母亲——买卖非洲奴隶的年代》,北京:三联书店,1965年版,第144页。
    73 L.W. Hollingsworth, Historia fupi ya Pwani ya Afrika ya Masharik London:Macmillan & Co Ltd,1966, p.2-3.
    74 Shihabuddin Chiraghadin, Mathias Mnyampala:Historia ya Kiswahili. Nairobi:Oxford University Press,1977, p.2.
    75 Ibid, p.19.
    76 指今索马里摩加迪沙南方的沿海一带,也泛指整个非洲大陆。
    77 指今印度西北海岸的库契、古吉拉特一带。
    78 巴兹尔·戴维逊著,屠佶译:《古老非洲的再发现》,北京:三联书店,1973年版,第260页。
    79 埃里克·吉尔伯特、乔纳森·T·雷诺兹,黄磷译:《非洲史》,海口:海南出版社,2007年版,第114页。
    80 Shihabuddin Chiraghadin, Mathias Mnyampala:Historiala: Kiswahili. Nairobi:Oxford University Press,1977, p.5.
    81 哈萨当时是美索不达米亚南部一个国家的首都。
    82 G S. P. Freeman Grenville:The East African Coast:Selected Documents from first to the earlier Nineteenth Century. London:Oxford University Press,1962, p.38.
    83 伊本·白图泰,马金鹏译:《伊本·白图泰游记》,银川:宁夏人民出版社,1985年版(2000年重印),第205页。
    84 何芳川、宁骚主编:《非洲通史》古代卷,上海:华东师范大学出版社,1995年版,第360页。
    85 Roland Oliver and Gervase Matthew, History of East Africa. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1963, p.113.
    86 又称温古贾(Unguja)。
    87 L.W. Hollingsworth:Historia fupi ya Pwani ya Afrika ya Mashariki. London:Macmillan & Co Ltd,1966, p.48-54.
    88 何芳川:《古代东非城邦》,载于《世界历史》,1983年第5期。
    89 杨人楩:《非洲通史简编——从远古至1918》),北京:人民出版社,1984年版,第97页。
    90 G. S. P. Freeman Grenville, The East African Coast:Selected Documents from first to the earlier Nineteenth Century. London:Oxford University Press,1962, p.40.
    91 何芳川:《古代东非城邦》,载于《世界历史》,1983年第5期。
    92 G S. P. Freeman Grenville, The East African Coast:Selected Documents from first to the earlier Nineteenth Century. London:Oxford University Press,1962, p.106.
    93 Ibid, p.109.
    94 杨人楩:《非洲通史简编——从远古至1918》,北京:人民出版社,1984年版,第107页。
    95 伊本·白图泰,李光斌译:《异境奇观:伊本·白图泰游记》,北京,海洋出版社,2008年版,第248页。
    96 Chapurukha M. Kusimba, The Rise and Fall of Swahili States. Walnut Creek:AltaMira Press, p.160.
    97 D. T.尼昂主编:《非洲通史:十二至十六世纪的非洲》,第四卷,联合国教科文组织编写,北京:中国对外翻译公司1992年版,第375页。
    98 杨人楩:《非洲通史简编——从远古至1918》,北京:人民出版社,1984年版,第110-111页。
    99 G S. P. Freeman Grenville, The East African Coast:Selected Documents from first to the earlier Nineteenth Century. London:Oxford University Press,1962, p.38.
    100 Ibid, p.38-39.
    101 TUKI, Kamusi ya Kiswahili Sanifu. Nairobi:Oxford University Press,2004, p.279.
    102 A.H. Prins, The Swahili-Speaking Peoples of Zanzibar and the East African Coast (Arabs, Shirazi, and Swahili). London:International African Institute,1967.
    103 尼格罗人:世界三大人种之一,泛指世界各地的黑人。也特指分布在非洲大陆撒哈拉以南的黑人居民。分为苏丹尼格罗人和班图尼格罗人两大支系。
    104 E. Steere, Swahili Tales as told by the natives of Zanzibar. London:Bell and Daldy,1870, p. vi.
    105 C. H. Stingand, The Land ofZinj. London:Frank Cass& Co. Ltd,1913, p.116.
    106 杨人根:《非洲通史简编——从远古至1918》,北京:人民出版社,1984年版,第107页。
    107 刘鸿武、暴明莹:《蔚蓝色的。非洲——东非斯瓦希里文化研究》,昆明:云南大学出版社,2008年版,第21页。
    108 B.A.奥戈特主编:《非洲通史:十六世纪至十八世纪的非洲》,第五卷,联合国教科文组织编写,北京:中国对外翻译公司2001年版,591页。
    109 D. Nurse and T. Spear, The Swahili:Reconstructing the history and language of an African society,800-1500. Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania Press,1985.
    110 James de Ver Allen, Swahili origins:Swahili culture & the Shungwaya phenomenon. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1993.
    111 Shihabuddin Chiraghadin and Mathias Mnyampala, Historia ya Kiswahili. Nairobi:Oxford University Press,1977.
    112 Ireri Mbaabu, Utamaduni wa Waswahili. Nairobi:Kenya Publishing & Book Marketing Co. Ltd,1985, p.3.
    113 Ibid, p.4.
    114 I. N. Shariff, "Waswahili and their Language-Some Misconceptions", in KISWAHILI:Jarida la Taasisiya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili 43/2, Dar es Salaam:TUKI, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,1973, p.67-75.
    115 David P. B. Massamba, Historia ya Kiswahili 50BK hadi 1500BK. Nairobi:The Jomo Kenyatta Foundation,2002, p.273-274.
    116 F. E. M. Senkoro. Ushairi.Nadharia na Tahakiki Dar es Salaam:Dar es Salaam University Press.1988. nil.
    117 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, State and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995, p.83.
    118 David P. B. Massamba, Historia ya Kiswahili 50BK hadi 1500BK. Nairobi:The Jomo Kenyatta Foundation,2002, p.14.
    119 皮钦语或混杂语言(英语:Pidgin),指不同种语言混和而成的混合语。特点是词汇量很小,都是从现有语言中的借词;没有固定的语法、句法。从纯粹语言学的观点看,皮钦语只是语言发展的。个早期阶段,指在没有共同语言而又急于进行交流的人群中间产生的一种混合语言,属于不同语言人群的联系沟通用的语言。使用皮钦语的人在本族群内或家庭内仍然使用本族群的固有语言。而其新出生的后裔在其幼年时就与共同生活玩耍来自不同族群的同龄幼儿以当地的皮钦语为基础,自发的形成了新的母语(幼儿在习得语言阶段可以掌握多门母语),成为一种新的社会交际语,称之为克里奥尔语,开始逐步扩大词汇,形成严密固定的语法,仅需要十几年的时间里就发展成为固定下来的完善语言。
    120 David P. B. Massamba, Historia ya Kiswahili 50BK hadi 1500BK. Nairobi:The Jomo Kenyatta Foundation,2002, p.19.
    121 James Martin Gray, History of Zanzibar:from Middle Ages to 1856. London:Greenwood Press,1976.
    122 David P. B. Massamba, Historia ya Kiswahili 50BK hadi 1500BK, Nairobi:The Jomo Kenyatta Foundation,2002, p.21.
    123 Hamo Sassoon, "The Coastal Town of Jumba la Mtwana", in Kenya Past and Present, Issue no 12,1980, p.2-12.
    124 David P. B. Massamba, Historia ya Kiswahili 50BK hadi 1500BK. Nairobi:The Jomo Kenyatta Foundation,2002, P-22.
    125 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ibrahim Noor Shariff, The Swahili:Idiom and Identity of an African People. NJ:Africa World Press,1994, p.17-85.
    126 Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel Bleek, Comparative Grammar of South African Languages, London:Trubner & Co, 1962.
    127 Carl Friedrich Michael Meinhof, Introduction to thePphonology of the Bantu Languages, Berlin:D. Reimer/E. Vohsen.1932.
    128 Malcolm Guthrie, Comparative Bantu. Vol.1-4, Farnborough:Gregg International Publishers,1967-1971.
    129 Ramadhani Stumai Kishokora Tuli, Chimbuko la Kiswahili, Kukua na Kuenea Kwake Afrika ya Mashariki. Arusha: Utalii Exporters & Publications,1985, p.12.
    130 Ireri Mbaabu, Kiswahili:Lugha ya Taifa, Nairobi: Kenya Literature Bureau,1978, p. x.
    131 J.基-泽博主编:《非洲通史:编史方法与非洲史前史》,第一卷,联合国教科文组织编写,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1984年版,第221-222页。
    132 M.埃尔·法西主编:《非洲通史:七世纪至十一世纪的非洲》,第三卷,联合国教科文组织编写,北京:中国对外翻译公司1993年版,第494页。
    133 艾周昌主编:《非洲黑人文明》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2000年版,第2页。
    134 M.埃尔·法西主编:《非洲通史:七世纪至十一世纪的非洲》,第三卷,联合国教科文组织编写,北京:中国对外翻译公司1993年版,第482页。
    135 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ibrahim Noor Shariff, The Swahili:Idiom and Identity of an African People. NJ:Africa World Press,1994, p.58.
    136 Ibid. n.56.
    137 Wilfred H. Whiteley, Swahili:The Rise of a National Language. London:Methuen and Co. Ltd,1969, p.7-8.
    138 M.埃尔·法西主编:《非洲通史:七世纪至十一世纪的非洲》,第三卷,联合国教科文组织编写,北京:中国对外翻译公司1993年版,第495页。
    139 塞缪尔·亨廷顿著;周琪等译:《文明的冲突与世界秩序的重建》,北京:新华出版社,2002年版,第68页。
    140 戴尔·布朗主编,史松宁翻译:《非洲:辉煌的历史遗产》,南宁:广西人民出版社2004年版,第148-153页。
    141 Roland Oliver and Gervase Matthew, History of East Africa. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1963, p.12.
    142 D. T.尼昂主编:《非洲通史:十二至十六世纪的非洲》,第四卷,联合国教科文组织编写,北京:中国对外翻译公司1992年版,第390页。
    143 M.埃尔·法西主编:《非洲通史:七世纪至十一世纪的非洲》,第三卷,联合国教科文组织编写,北京:中国对外翻译公司1993年版,第493页。
    144 同上,第495页。
    145 Jan Knappert, Four Centuries of Swahili Verse. London:Heinemann Educational books Ltd,1979, p13.
    146 Derek Nurse and Thomas Spear, The Swahili:Reconstructing the history and language of an African society, 800-1500. Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania Press,1985.
    147 Shihabuddin Chiraghadin and Mathias Mnyampala, Historia ya Kiswahili. Nairobi:Oxford University Press,1977
    148 Ireri Mbaabu, Kiswahili:Lugha ya Taifa. Nairobi:Kenya Literature Bureau,1978.
    149 David P. B. Massamba, Historia ya Kiswahili 50BK hadi 1500BK. Nairobi:The Jomo Kenyatta Foundation,2002, p.261.
    150 Ibid, p.260.
    151 刘鸿武、暴明莹:《蔚蓝色的非洲——东非斯瓦希里文化研究》,昆明:云南大学出版社,2008年版,第16-17页。
    152 Shun'ya Hino, "Territorial Structure of the Swahili Concept and Social Function of the Swahili", in Senri Ethnological Studies Osaka 6,1980, p.93-116.
    153 Pat Caplan, "Changing Swahili cultures in a globalising world:An approach from anthropology", in Cultural Dynamics of Pre-colonial and colonial Swahili Society on the East African Coast,2009, p.3-17.
    154 刘鸿武、暴明莹:《蔚蓝色的非洲——东非斯瓦希里文化研究》,昆明:云南大学出版社,2008年版,第5页。
    155 B.A.奥戈特主编:《非洲通史:十六世纪至十八世纪的非洲》,第五卷,联合国教科文组织编写,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2001年版,第590页。
    156 《新唐书·南蛮传》
    157 马文宽、孟凡人著:《中国古瓷在非洲的发现》,北京:紫禁城出版社,1987年版,第17-18页。
    158 何芳川、宁骚主编:《非洲通史》古代卷,上海:华东师范大学出版社,1995年版,第369页。
    159 同上,第368页。
    160 David P. B. Massamba, Historia ya Kiswahili 50BK hadi 1500BK. Nairobi:The Jomo Kenyatta Foundation,2002, p.263.
    161 B.A.奥戈特主编:《非洲通史:十六世纪至十八世纪的非洲》,第五卷,联合国教科文组织编写,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2001年版,第590页。
    162 L.A.怀特著,沈原等译:《文化的科学——人类与文明研究》,济南:山东人民出版社,1988年版,第33页。
    163 陈元猛:《斯瓦希里语在中国的传播》,载于《现代传播》,1999年第2期。
    164 周大鸣主编:《文化人类学概论》,广州:中山大学出版社,2009年版,第253页。
    165 刘鸿武:《从部族社会到民族国家:尼日利亚国家发展史纲》,昆明:云南大学出版社,2000年版,第202页。
    167 罗伯特·罗特伯格著,上海电影译制厂翻译组译:《热带非洲政治史》,上海:上海人民出版社,1977年版,第168页。
    168 L.W. Hollingsworth, Historia fupi ya Pwani ya Afrika ya Mashariki. London:Macmillan & Co Ltd,1966, p.65.
    169 Ibid, p.65-66.
    170 罗伯特·罗特伯格著,上海电影译制厂翻译组译:《热带非洲政治史》,上海:上海人民出版社,1977年版,第181页。
    171 G. S. P. Freeman Grenville, The East African Coast:Selected Documents from first to the earlier Nineteenth Century. London:Oxford University Press,1962, p.111.
    172 Jan Knappert, Four Centuries of Swahili Verse: A literary History and Anthology. London:Heinemann,1979, p.9.
    173 郑家馨主编:《殖民主义史:非洲卷》,北京:北京大学出版社,2000年版,第167页。
    174 L.W. Hollingsworth, Historia fupi ya Pwani ya Afrika ya Mashariki. London:Macmillan & Co Ltd,1966, p.69-70.
    175 Jan Knappert, Four Centuries of Swahili Verse:A literary History and Anthology. London:Heinemann,1979, p.10.
    176 Abdallah Khalid, The Liberation of Swahili from European appropriation. Nairobi:East African Literature Bureau, 1977, p.68.
    177 L.W. Hollingsworth, Historia fupi ya Pwani ya Afrika ya Mashariki. London:Macmillan & Co Ltd,1966, p.71-73.
    178 Jan Knappert, Four Centuries of Swahili Verse:A literary History and Anthology. London:Heinemann,1979, p.12.
    179 L.W. Hollingsworth, Historia fupi ya Pwani ya Afrika ya Mashariki. London:Macmillan & Co Ltd,1966, p.84-86.
    180 埃里克·吉尔伯特、乔纳森·T·雷诺兹,黄磷译:《非洲史》,海口:海南出版社,2007年版,第114页。
    181 高岱、郑家馨著:《殖民主义史》总卷论,北京:北京大学出版社,2003年版,第7页。
    182 郑家馨主编:《殖民主义史》非洲卷,北京:北京大学出版社,2000年版,第167页。
    183 Jan Knappert, Four Centuries ofSwahili Verse:A literary History and Anthology. London:Heinemann,1979, p.7.
    184 G. S. P. Freeman Grenville, The East African Coast:Selected Documents from first to the earlier Nineteenth Century. London:Oxford University Press,1962, p.8.
    185 Ibid,p.159.
    186 R. Coupland, East Africa and its invaders:From the Earliest Times to the Death of Seyyid Said in 1856. Oxford: Clarendon Press,1956, p.34.
    187 Chapuruka M. Kusimba, The Rise and Fall of Swahili States. Walnaut Creek:AltaMira Press,1999, p.156.
    188 R. Coupland, East Africa and its invaders:From the Earliest Times to the Death of Seyyid Said in 1856. Oxford: Clarendon Press,1956, p.52.
    189 Abdallah Khalid, The Liberation of Swahili from European appropriation. Nairobi:East African Literature Bureau, 1977, p.69.
    190 格尔伐斯·马修:《桑给国》,原载于《非洲史的黎明》论文集,1961年伦敦出版。
    191 同上。
    192 B.A.奥戈特主编:《非洲通史:十六世纪至十八世纪的非洲》,第五卷,联合国教科文组织编写,北京:中 国对外翻译出版公司,2001年版,第587页。
    193 同上书,第593页。
    194 伊·基曼博、阿·特穆主编,钟丘译:《坦桑尼亚史》,北京:商务印书馆,1973年版,第84页。
    195 约瑟夫·弗雷德里克·姆布威利扎:《东非商道探源》,载于《信使》,1984年第8期。
    196 同上。
    197 伊·基曼博、阿·特穆主编,钟丘译:《坦桑尼亚史》,北京:商务印书馆,1973年版,第85页。
    198 约瑟夫·弗雷德里克·姆布威利扎:《东非商道探源》,载于《信使》,1984年第8期。
    199 Jan Knappert, Four Centuries ofSwahili Verse:A literary History and Anthology. London:Heinemann,1979, p.7.
    200 部分学者如[William Hichens认为利翁戈生活在1230年以前。
    201 Jan Knappert Four Centuries ofSwahili Verse:A literary History and Anthology. London:Heinemann.1979. p. 66-68.
    202 Ibid, p.67-101
    203 Ibid, p.102-104.
    204 巴兹尔·戴维逊著,屠估译:《古老非洲的再发现》,北京:三联书店,1973年版,第306页。
    205 M. Horton, Shanga:A Muslim Trading Community on the East African Coast. Nairobi:British Institute in Eastern Africa.1996.
    206 Jan Knappert, Four Centuries of Swahili Verse:A literary History and Anthology. London:Heinemann,1979, p.15.
    207 Randall L. Pouwels, Horn and Crescent:Cultural change and traditional Islam on the East African coast, 800-1900. Cambridge:Cambridge University,1987, p.39.
    208 B.A.奥戈特主编:《非洲通史:十六世纪至十八世纪的非洲》,第五卷,联合国教科文组织编写,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2001年版,第606页。
    209 John Middleton and Mark Horton, The Swahili:the social landscape of a mercantile society. Oxford:Blackwell Publishers,2000, p.83-84.
    210 Ahmad Nassir, Malenga wa Mvita:Diwani ya Ustadh Bhalo. Nairobi:Oxford University Press,1974, p.5.
    211 Jan Knappert, Four Centuries of Swahili Verse:A literary History and Anthology. London:Heinemann,1979, p.18.
    212 John Middleton, The world of the Swahili:an African mercantile civilization. Chelsea:Yale University Press,1992, p,13.
    213 Ibid, p.203.
    214 Wilfred H. Whiteley, Swahili:The Rise of a National Language. London:Methuen and Co. Ltd,1969, p.8.
    215 M. N. Pearson, Port Cities and Intruders:The Swahili Coast, India, and Portugal in the Early Modern Era. Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1998, p.44.
    216 A. Sheriff, Slaves, Spices & Ivory in Zanzibar:Integration of an East African Commercial Empire into the World Economy,1770-1873. London:James Currey,1987, p.14.
    217 L.W. Hollingsworth, Historia fupi ya Pwani ya Afrika ya Mashariki. London:Macmillan & Co Ltd,1966, p.88-89.
    219 G S. P. Freeman Grenville, The East African Coast:Selected Documents from first to the earlier Nineteenth Century. London:Oxford University Press,1962, p.217.
    220 佐伊·马什、G. W.金斯诺斯,伍彤之译:《东非史简编》,上海:上海人民出版社,1974年版,第38页。
    221 L.W. Hollingsworth, Historia fupi ya Pwani ya Afrika ya Mashariki. London:Macmillan & Co Ltd,1966, p.93
    222 Jan Knappert, Four Centuries of Swahili Verse:A literary History and Anthology. London:Heinemann,1979, p.
    223 L.W. Hollingsworth, Historia fupi ya Pwani ya Afrika ya Mashariki. London:Macmillan & Co Ltd,1966, p.95.
    224 穆斯塔法·穆拉德·代巴额著,北京大学东语系阿拉伯语教研室译:《阿拉伯半岛——阿拉伯人的故乡》,北京:北京人民出版社,1978年版,第287页。
    225 Amir A. Mohammed, A Guide to A History of Zanzibar. Zanzibar:Express Printing Services,2006, p.23.
    226 罗伯特·罗特伯格著,上海电影译制厂翻译组译:《热带非洲政治史》,上海:上海人民出版社,1977年版,第485页。
    227 M. H. Y. Kaniki, Tanzania under Colonial Rule. London:Longman,1979, p.52.
    228 J. F.阿德·阿贾伊主编:《非洲通史:十九世纪八十年代以前的非洲》,第六卷,联合国教科文组织编写,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司1998年版,第168页。
    229 L.W. Hollingsworth, Historia fupi ya Pwani ya Afrika ya Mashariki. London:Macmillan & Co Ltd,1966, p.96-97.
    230 陆庭恩、艾周昌编著:《非洲史教程》,上海:华东师范大学出版社,1990年版,第279页。
    231 Ali Shaaban Juma, Zanzibar Hadi Mwaka 2000. Zanzibar:Rafiki Publishers,2007, p.3.
    232 通常今天所说桑给巴尔地区包括温古贾岛(又称桑给巴尔岛)和奔巴岛这两个岛屿。
    233 Ali Shaaban Juma, Zanzibar Hadi Mwaka 2000. Zanzibar:Rafiki Publishers,2007, p.8.
    234 R. Coupland, East Africa and its invaders:From the Earliest Times to the Death of Seyyid Said in 1856. Oxford: Clarendon Press,1956, p.318.
    235 佐伊·马什、G. W.金斯诺斯,伍彤之译:《东非史简编》,上海:上海人民出版社,1974年版,第43页。
    236 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, State and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995, p.8-9.
    237 Ibid, p.2-3.
    238 金宜久主编:《伊斯兰教史》,南京:江苏人民出版社,2005年版,第375页。
    239 E. N. Myachina, The Swahili Language:A Descriptive Grammar. London:Routledge & Kegan Paul,1981, p.17-18.
    240 Leonard Chacha Mwita, "The Adaption of Swahili Loanwords From Arabic:A constraint-Based Analysis", in The Journal of Pan African Studies, vol.2, no.8, March 2009.
    241 B. Krumm, Words of Oriental Origin in Swahili. London:Sheldon Press,1940. F. Johnson, A Standard Swahili-English Dictionary. Oxford University Press,1939. H. Hoftmann and S. Mhando, Suaheli-Deutsches Wprterbuch. Leipzig:Verlag Enzyklopadie,1963.
    242 David P. B. Massamba, Historia ya Kiswahili 50BK hadi 1500BK. Nairobi:The Jomo Kenyatta Foundation,2002, P.13.
    243 B. Krumm, Words of Oriental Origin in Swahili. London:Sheldon Press,1940, p.2. Quoted from David P. B. Massamba, Historia ya Kiswahili 50BK hadi 1500BK. Nairobi:The Jomo Kenyatta Foundation,2002, p.15.
    244 F. Johnson, A Standard Swahili-English Dictionary. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1939.
    245 Sharifa M. Zawawi, Loanwords and Their Effect on the Classification of Swahili Nominals. Leiden:E.J. Brill,1979, p.73.
    246 Derek Nurse and Thomas Spear, The Swahili:Reconstructing the history and language of an African society, 800-1500. Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania Press,1985, p.15.
    247 埃里克·吉尔伯特、乔纳森·T·雷诺兹,黄磷译:《非洲史》,海口:海南出版社,2007年版,第235页。
    248 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dor es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.3.
    249 J.F.阿德·阿贾伊主编:《非洲通史:十九世纪八十年代以前的非洲》,第六卷,联合国教科文组织编写,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司1998年版,第190-163页。
    250 David P. B. Massamba, Historia ya Kiswahili 50BK hadi 1500BK. Nairobi:The Jomo Kenyatta Foundation,2002, p.270.
    251 L.W.Hollingsworth, Historia fupi ya Pwani ya Afrika ya Mashariki. London:Macmillan & Co Ltd,1966, p.112; Frederick Cooper, Plantation Slavery on the East Coast of Africa. Ann Arbor:UMI Research Press,1975, p.44.
    252 John Iliffe, A Modern History of Tanganyika. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1979, p.42.
    253 联合国教科文组织编:《15-19世纪非洲的奴隶贸易》,北京:中国对外翻译公司,1984年版,第181-182页。
    254 Juhani Koponen, People and Production in Late Pre-Colonial Tanzania. Jyvaskyla:Gummerus Kirjapaino Oy, 1988, p.92-98.
    255 Jonathon Glassman, Feast and Riot:Revelry, Rebellion, and Popular Consciusness on the Swahili Coast, 1856-1888. Portmouth:Heinemann,1995, p.84.
    256 TUKI, Kamusi ya Kiswahili Sanifu. Nairobi:Oxford University Press,2004, p.279.
    257 埃里克·吉尔伯特、乔纳森·T·雷诺兹,黄磷译:《非洲史》,海口:海南出版社,2007年版,第242-243页。
    258 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, State and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995, p.9.
    259 J.F.阿德·阿贾伊主编:《非洲通史:十九世纪八十年代以前的非洲》,第六卷,联合国教科文组织编写,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司1998年版,第190页。
    260 同上,第164页。
    261 Carol M. Eastman, "Who are the Waswahili?" in Journal of the International African Institute, Vol.41, No.3 (Jul., 1971), p.228-236.
    262 伊·基曼博、阿·特穆主编,钟丘译:《坦桑尼亚史》,北京:商务印书馆,1973年版,第90-91页。
    263 Shihabuddin Chiraghadin and Mathias Mnyampala, Historia ya Kiswahili. Nairobi:Oxford University Press,1977, p.2.
    264 Neville Chittick," The Coast Before the Arrival of the Portuguese", in B. A. Ogot and J. A. Kieran ed., Zamani-A Survey of East African History. Nairobi:East African Publishing House,1968, p.108-109; Andrew Roberts, Tanzania Before 1900. Nairobi:East African Publishing House,1968, p.122-123. Derek Nurse and Thomas Spear, The Swahili: Reconstructing the history and language of an African society,800-1500. Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania Press,1985, p.69-70.
    265 位于今刚果(金)境内。
    266 Abdallah Khalid, The Liberation of Swahili from European appropriation. Nairobi:East African Literature Bureau, 1977, p.69.
    267 Andrew Roberts, Tanzania Before 1900. Nairobi:East African Publishing House,1968, p.126.
    268 陆庭恩、艾周昌编著:《非洲史教程》,上海:华东师范大学出版社,1990年版,第274-275页。
    269 Andrew Roberts, Tanzania Before 1900. Nairobi:East African Publishing House,1968, p.127.
    270 佐伊·马什、G. W.金斯诺斯,伍彤之译:《东非史简编》,上海:上海人民出版社,1974年版,第52-54页。
    271 根据佐伊·马什、G. W.金斯诺斯,伍彤之译:《东非史简编》,上海:上海人民出版社,1974年版,第56页地图制作。
    272 杨人楩:《非洲通史简编——从远古至1918》,北京:人民出版社,1984年版,第458页。
    273 F. G. Berg, "The Coast from Portuguese invasion to the Rise of Zanzibar Sultanate", in B. A. Ogot and J. A. Kieran ed., Zamani-A Survey of East African History. Nairobi:East African Publishing House,1968, p.139. B. G Mclntosh, "The Eastern Bantu Peoples", in B. A. Ogot and J. A. Kieran ed., Zamani-A Survey of East African History. Nairobi: East African Publishing House,1968, p.213.
    274 Norman Bennett, "The Arab Impact", in B. A. Ogot and J. A. Kieran ed., Zamani-A Survey of East African History. Nairobi:East African Publishing House,1968, p.235-236.
    275 John Iliffe, A Modern History of Tanganyika. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1979, p.79.
    276 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, State and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995, p.35.
    277 原名Hemed bin Muhamed bin Juma Murjebi。
    278 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usaniflshaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.2. Ali Shaaban Juma, Zanzibar Hadi Mwaka 2000. Zanzibar:Rafiki Publishers, 2007, p.8.
    279 L.W. Hollingsworth, Historia fupi ya Pwani ya Afrika ya Mashariki. London:Macmillan & Co Ltd,1966, p.97.
    280 Jonathon Glassman, Feast and Riot:Revelry, Rebellion, and Popular Consciusness on the Swahili Coast, 1856-1888. Portmouth:Heinemann,1995, p.60-62.
    281 Edward Steere, Collections for a Handbook of the Nyamwezi Language, as Spoken at Unyanyembe. London Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge,1885, p.5.
    282 Richard F. Burton, The Lake Regions of Central Africa, Vol.1. London:1860; repr., New York:Horizon Press, 1961, p.362.
    283 John Gray, "Trading Expeditions from the Coast to Lakes Tanganyika and Victoria Before 1857", in Tanganyika Notes and Records,49,1957, p.245.
    284 Johannes Fabian, Language on the Road:Notes on Swahili in two Nineteenth Century Travelogues. Humburg: Helmut Buske Verlag,1984, p.32. Juhani Koponen, People and Production in Late Pre-Colonial Tanzania. Jyvaskyla: Gummerus Kirjapaino Oy,1988, p.287.
    285 T. O. Ranger, "The Movement of Ideas,1850-1939", in I. N. Kimambo and A. J. Temu ed., A History of Tanzania. Nairobi:East African Publishing House,1969, p.166-167.
    Z86 John Iliffe, A Modern History of Tanganyika. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1979, p.79.
    287 Yohanna B. Abdallah, The Yaos. Nyasaland:Government Printing Office,1919; repr, London:Frank Cass,1973, p. 34.
    288 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dor es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.8.
    289 J.F.阿德·阿贾伊主编:《非洲通史:十九世纪八十年代以前的非洲》,第六卷,联合国教科文组织编写,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司1998年版,第164页。
    290 米吉肯达人是8个少数民族的统称,主要聚居地在今肯尼亚的蒙巴萨。
    291 J.F.阿德·阿贾伊主编:《非洲通史:十九世纪八十年代以前的非洲》,第六卷,联合国教科文组织编写,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司1998年版,第164页。
    292 N. R. Bennett, "The Arab Impact", in B. A. Ogot and J. A. Kieran ed., Zamani-A Survey of East African History. Nairobi:East African Publishing House,1968, p.231.
    294 J.F.阿德·阿贾伊主编:《非洲通史:十九世纪八十年代以前的非洲》,第六卷,联合国教科文组织编写,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司1998年版,第164页。
    295 同上。
    296 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.3.
    297 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, State and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995, p.36.
    298 J.F.阿德·阿贾伊主编:《非洲通史:十九世纪八十年代以前的非洲》,第六卷,联合国教科文组织编写,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司1998年版,第164页。
    299 J. F. Ade Ajayi, Historia kuu ya Afrika Ⅵ:Afrika kwenye Karne ya Kumi na Tisa hadi miaka ya 1880. Dar es Salaam:TUKI, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salamm, UNESCO,1999, p.91.
    300 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, State and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995, p.35.
    301 萨米尔·阿明:《非洲沦为第四世界的根源》,载于《国外理论动态》,2003年第2期,第30页。
    302 同上。
    303 伊曼纽尔·沃勒斯坦著:《现代世界体系》第1卷,北京:高等教育出版社1998年版,第15页。
    305 Amir A. Mohammed, A Guide to A History of Zanzibar. Zanzibar:Express Printing Services,2006, p.22.
    306 斯·尤·阿勃拉莫娃著,陈士林、马惠平合译:《非洲:四百年的奴隶贸易》,北京:商务印书馆,1983年版,第49页。
    307 C. S. Nicholls, The Swahili Coast:Politics, Diplomacy and Trade on the East African Littoral,1798-1856. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd,1971, p.200.
    308 舒运国:《东非黑奴贩卖为何迟迟禁而不止》,载于《华东师范大学学报》,1983年第4期。
    309 斯·尤·阿勃拉莫娃著,陈士林、马惠平合译:《非洲:四百年的奴隶贸易》,北京:商务印书馆,1983年版,第193页。
    310 C. S. Nicholls, The Swahili Coast:Politics, Diplomacy and Trade on the East African Littoral,1798-1856. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd,1971, p.235.
    311 Edward A. Alpers, Ivory and Slaves:changing pattern of international trade in East Central Africa to the later nineteenth century. Berkeley:University of California Press,1975, p.87.
    312 C. S. Nicholls, The Swahili Coast:Politics, Diplomacy and Trade on the East African Littoral,1798-1856. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd,1971, p.333-343.
    313 Frederick Cooper, Plantation Slavery on the East Coast of Africa. Ann Arbor:UMI Research Press,1975, p.62.
    314 Ibid, p.69.
    315 裴善勤:《列国志:坦桑尼亚》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2008年版,第88页;佐伊·马什、G. W.金斯诺斯,伍彤之译:《东非史简编》,上海:上海人民出版社,1974年版,第43页。
    316 陆庭恩、艾周昌编著:《非洲史教程》,上海:华东师范大学出版社,1990年版,第278页。
    317 R. Coupland, East Africa and its invaders:From the Earliest Times to the Death of Seyyid Said in 1856. Oxford: Clarendon Press,1956, p.316.
    318 C. S. Nicholls, The Swahili Coast:Politics, Diplomacy and Trade on the East African Littoral,1798-1856. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd,1971, p.331.
    319 Ibid, p.353.
    320 R. Coupland, The exploitation of East Africa,1856-1890:the slave trade and the scramble. London:Faber and Faber limited,1939, p.77-78.
    321 C. S. Nicholls, The Swahili Coast:Politics, Diplomacy and Trade on the East African Littoral,1798-1856. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd,1971, p.136.
    322 L.W. Hollingsworth, Historia fupi ya Pwani ya Afrika ya Mashariki. London:Macmillan & Co Ltd,1966, p.98.
    323 James Martin Gray, History of Zanzibar:from Middle Ages to 1856. London:Greenwood Press,1976, p.187.
    324 C. S. Nicholls, The Swahili Coast:Politics, Diplomacy and Trade on the East African Littoral,1798-1856. London George Allen & Unwin Ltd,1971, p.239.
    325 Ibid, p.196.
    326 James Martin Gray, History of Zanzibar:from Middle Ages to 1856. London:Greenwood Press,1976, p.245.
    327 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.7,伊·基曼博、阿·特穆主编,钟丘译:《坦桑尼亚史》,北京:商务印书馆,1973年版,第173页。
    328 根据佐伊·马什、G. W.金斯诺斯,伍彤之译:《东非史简编》,上海:上海人民出版社,1974年版,第114页地图制作。
    329 Carl-Erik Salberg, From Krapf to Rugambwa-a Church History of Tazania. Nairobi:Evangel Publishing House, 1986, p.26-28.
    330 L. W. Hollingsworth, Historia Fupi ya Pwani ya Afrika ya Mashariki. London:Macmillan & Co Ltd,1966, p.134.
    331 艾周昌、郑家馨主编:《非洲通史》近代卷,上海:华东师范大学出版社,1995年版,第325页。
    332 罗伯特·罗特伯格著,上海电影译制厂翻译组译:《热带非洲政治史》,上海:上海人民出版社,1977年版,第421页。
    333 杨人楩:《非洲通史简编——从远古至1918》,北京:人民出版社,1984年版,第460页。
    334 Kathleen M. Stahl, History of the Chagga People of Kilimanjaro. London:Mouton & Co.,1964, p.35.
    335 Richard F. Burton, The lake Regions of Central Africa, Vol.1. London,1860; repr., New York:Horizon Press,1961, p.155.
    336 Richard F. Burton, Zanzibar:city, island and coast. London:Tinsley,1872.
    Frantz Fanon, Black Skin White Masks. New York:Grove Press,1967, p.219. Quoted in Wilfred H. Whiteley, Swahili:The Rise of a National Language. London:Methuen and Co. Ltd,1969, p.49.
    338 Carl-Erik Salberg, From Krapf to Rugambwa-a Church History of Tazania. Nairobi:Evangel Publishing House, 1986, p.26-28.
    339 Richard F. Burton, The Lake Regions of Central Africa, Vol.1 London:1860; repr., New York:Horizon Press,1961, p.155
    340 Johannes Fabian, Language on the Road:Notes on Swahili in two Nineteenth Century Travelogues. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag,1984, p.30.
    341 Ibid, p.36-37.
    342 L. W. Hollingsworth, Historia Fupi ya Pwani ya Afrika ya Mashariki. London:Macmillan & Co Ltd,1966, p.145
    343 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.9-13; L.W. Hollingsworth:Historia fupi ya Pwani ya Afrika ya Mashariki. London: Macmillan & Co Ltd,1966, p.145-162.
    344 根据佐伊·马什、G. W.金斯诺斯,伍彤之译:《东非史简编》,上海:上海人民出版社,1974年版,第148页地图制作。
    345 L. W. Hollingsworth, Historia Fupi ya Pwani ya Afrika ya Mashariki. London:Macmillan & Co Ltd,1966, p. 147-148.
    346 J. M. Gray, "Zanzibar and the Coast Belts 1840-1884", in Roland Oliver and Gervase Matthew, History of East Africa. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1963, p.242.
    347 L. W. Hollingsworth. Historia Fupi va Pwani va Afrika va Mashariki. London:Macmillan & Co Ltd.1966. d. 150-152.
    348 Joseph C. Anene and Geofrey Brown, Africa in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Ibadan:Ibadan University Press,1966, p.461.
    349 L. W. Hollingsworth, Historia Fupi ya Pwani ya Afrika ya Mashariki. London:Macmillan & Co Ltd,1966, p. 152-155.
    350 Ibid, p.156.
    351 Ibid, p.157-160.
    352 Alison Smith, "The Southern Section of the Interior 1840-1884", in Roland Oliver and Gervase Matthew, History of East Africa. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1963, p.259-290.
    353 L. W. Hollingsworth, Historia Fupi ya Pwani ya Afrika ya Mashariki. London:Macmillan & Co Ltd,1966, p.149.
    354 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dor es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.6.
    J" L. W. Hollingsworth, Historia Fupiya Pwani ya Afrika ya Mashariki. London:Macmillan & Co Ltd,1966, p.149.
    356 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.6.
    357 伊·基曼博、阿·特穆主编,钟丘译:《坦桑尼亚史》,北京:商务印书馆,1973年版,第243页。
    358 Shihabuddin Chiraghadin and Mathias Mnyampala, Historiaya Kiswahili. Nairobi:Oxford University Press,1977, P.8.
    359 J. L. Krapf, Outline of the Elements of the Kisuaheli Language with Special Reference to Kinika Dialect. Tubingen: Fues.1850.
    361 Edward Steere, A Handbook of the Swahili Language as Spoken at Zanzibar. London:Sheldon Press,1870.
    360 J. L. Krapf, A Dictionary of the Suahili Language. London:Gregg Press,1882.
    362 Edward Steere, Swahili Exercises. London,1882.
    363 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.9-10.
    364 Charles Sacleux, Dictionnaire Swahili-Francais. Paris:Institut d'ethnologie,1939. Charles Sacleux, Grammaire des dialectes Swahilis. Paris:Les PP. du Saint-Esprit,1909.
    365 L. W.Hollingsworth, Historia Fupi ya Pwani ya Afrika ya Mashariki. London:Macmillan & Co Ltd,1966, p.160.
    366 O. W. Furley and T. Watson, A History of Education in East Africa. New York:N.O. K. Publishers,1978, p.75.
    367 伊·基曼博、阿·特穆主编,钟丘译:《坦桑尼亚史》,北京:商务印书馆,1973年版,第252页。
    368 Shihabuddin Chiraghadin and Mathias Mnyampala, Historia ya Kiswahili. Nairobi:Oxford University Press,1977, p.7.
    369 Wilfred H. Whiteley, Swahili:The Rise of a National Language. London:Methuen and Co. Ltd,1969, p.53-55.
    370 Marcia Wright, "Swahili Language Policy,1890-1940", in Swahili XXXV,1965, p.3. See also Anthony Smith, "The Missonary Contribution to Education (Tanganyika) to 1914", in Tanganyika Notes and Records,60, March 1963, p.94.
    371 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, State and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995, p.23.
    372 Abdallah Khalid, The Liberation of Swahili from European appropriation. Nairobi:East African Literature Bureau, 1977.
    373 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007.
    375 Roland Oliver and Gervase Matthew, History of East Africa. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1963, p.236.
    377 John Iliffe, A Modern History of Tanganika. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1979, p.90.
    378 Ibid.
    379 西方各国在柏林会议上确定的相互承认各自占领的非洲领土的原则。
    380 伊·基曼博、阿·特穆主编,钟丘译:《坦桑尼亚史》,北京:商务印书馆,1973年版,第188页。
    381 John Iliffe, A Modern History of Tanganika. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1979, p.91.
    382 佐伊·马什、G. W.金斯诺斯,伍彤之译:《东非史简编》,上海:上海人民出版社,1974年版,第190页。
    383 1890年以前,此线以北的维图(Witu)为德国保护地。
    384 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.7.
    385 伊·基曼博、阿·特穆主编,钟丘译:《坦桑尼亚史》,北京:商务印书馆,1973年版,第197页。
    386 M. H. Y. Kaniki, Tanznia under Colonial Rule. London:Longman,1980, p.81-82.
    387 Jean Mashengele, Historia ya Tanzania:Tangu 1880 hadi 1980. Dar es Salaam:Nyanza Publications Agency,1988, p.27.
    388 M. H. Y. Kaniki, Tanznia under Colonial Rule. London:Longman,1980, p.100.
    389 L. H. Gann and Peter Duignan, The ruler of German Africa,1884-1914. Stanford:Stanford University Press,1977, p.139.
    390 即后文所说的阿基达和里瓦利制度。
    391 J. D. Fage and Roland Oliver, The Cambridge History of Africa Vol.7. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1986, p.654.
    392 L. H. Gann and Peter Duignan, The ruler of German Africa,1884-1914. Stanford:Stanford University Press,1977, p.71.
    393 J. D. Fage and Roland Oliver, The Cambridge History of Africa Vol.7. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1986, p.654.
    394 H. Mapunda, Historia ya Mapambano ya Mtanzania. Dar es Salaam:Tanzania Publishing House,1976, p.56.
    395 L. H. Gann and Peter Duignan, The ruler of German Africa,1884-1914. Stanford:Stanford University Press,1977, p.151.
    396 J. D. Fage and Roland Oliver, The Cambridge History of Africa Vol.7. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1986, p.654.
    397 里瓦利是指在沿海地区城镇中的统治代理人,阿基达是指在内陆偏远乡村中的统治代理人,阿基达的级别低于里瓦利。
    398 Juhani Koponen, Development for exploitation:German colonial policies in Mainland Tanzania,1884-1914. Helsinki:Lit Verlag,1994, p.119.
    399 Ibid,1994, p.128.
    400 Kenneth Ingham.A historv of East Africa. London:Loneman.1962. p.203.
    401 John Iliffe,A Modern History of Tanganika. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1979, p.210.
    402 Casmir M. Rubagumya, Language in Education in Africa:Tanzanian Perspective. Clevedon:Multilingual Matters Ltd.,1990, p.143.
    403 Ali A. Mazrui and A. Zirimu, "Church, State, and the Marketplace in the Spread of Kiswahili", in B. Spolsky & R. Cooper ed., Case Study in Bilingual Education. Rowley:Newbury House,1978, p.56.
    404 B. Brock-Utne, Whose Education for All? The Recolonisation of the African Mind. New York:Falmer Press,2000, p.176.
    405 C. Maganga, Historia ya Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Open University of Tanzania,1997, p.133.
    406 H. Mwansoko, "Sera ya Lugha Tanzania", in Tumbo-Masabo Z.N, Kiongozi cha Uundaji wa Istilahi za Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Institute of Kiswahili Research,1992, p.5.
    407 Marcia Wright, "Swahili Language Policy,1890-1940", in Swahili ⅩⅩⅩⅤ,1965, p.3.
    408 Marcia Wright, "Local Roots of Polocy in German East Africa", in Journal of African History, Ⅸ,4,1968, p 623-624.
    409 E R. Tibategeza, "Implementation of Bilingual Education in Tanzania:The Realities in the Schools", in Nordic Journal of African Studies 19.4,2010.
    410 Wilfred H. Whitelev. Swahili:The Rise of a National Language. London:Methuen and Co. Ltd.1969, p.61.
    411 Ouoted in Steven Feierman. Peasant Intellectuals. Madison:University of Wisconsin Press.1990. p.20.
    412 Ihid p.123.
    413 Marcia Wright, "Local Roots of Polocy in German East Africa", in Journal of African History, Ⅸ,4,1968, p.625.
    414 E R. Tibategeza, "Implementation of Bilingual Education in Tanzania:The Realities in the Schools", in Nordic Journal of African Studies 19.4,2010.
    415 Isaria Kimambo, "The Pare", in Andrew Roberts, Tanzania Before 1900. Nairobi:East African Publishing House, 1968, p.31.
    416 Isaria Kimambo, A Political History of the Pare. Nairobi:East African Publishing House,1969, p.188,202.
    417 Ibid.
    418 Theodor Gunzert, "Memoirs of a German District Commissioner in Mwanza 1907-1916", in Taneanvika Notes and Records,66,1966.
    419 Ralph Austen, Northwest Tanzania Under German and British Rule. New Haven:Yale University Press,1968, p. 49.
    420 Buluda Itandala, "African Response to German Colonialism in East Africa:The Case of Usukuma,1890-1918", in Ufahamu, XX, I, Winter 1992, p.21.
    421 C. Maeanaa. Historia va Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Open University of Tanzania 1997. p.134.
    422 D.P.B. Massamba, Sarufl Miundo ya Kiswahili Sanifu (SAMKISA):Sekondari na Vyuo. Dar es Salaam. Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili,2001, p.17.
    423 Isaria Kimambo, A Political History of the Pare. Nairobi:East African Publishing House,1969, p.203.
    424 Edgar C. Polome and C. Phill, Language in Tanzania. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1989, p.181.
    425 Marcia Wright, "Swahili Language Policy,1890-1940", in Swahili ⅩⅩⅩⅤ,1965, p.3. See also Anthony Smith, "The Missonary Contribution to Education (Tanganyika) to 1914", in Tanganyika Notes and Records,60, March 1963, p.94.
    426 Zaline Makini and Roy-Canpbell, Empowerment Through Language:The African experience-Tazaznia and beyond. NJ:Africa World Press,2001, p.41.
    427 Charles Pike, "History and Imagination:Swahili Literature and Resistance to German Language Imperialism in Tanzania,1885-1910", in International Journal of African Historical Studies,19,2,1986, p.220-221.
    428 Wilfred H. Whiteley, Swahili:The Rise of a National Language. London:Methuen and Co. Ltd,1969, p.15-17.
    429 T. G Gorman, "The Development of Language Policy in Kenya with Particular Reference to the Educational System", in W. H. Whiteley ed., Language in Kenya. Nairobi:Oxford University Press,1974, p.449.
    430 Casmir M. Rubagumya, Language in Education in Africa:Tanzanian Perspective. Clevedon:Multilingual Matters Ltd.,1990, p.5-6.
    431 B. Brock-Utne, "The Continued Battle over Kiswahili as the Language of Instruction in Tanzania", in B. Brock-Utne & R. K. Hopson ed., Language of Instruction for African Emancipation:Focus on Postcolonial Contexts and Considerations. Dar es Salaam:Mkuki na Nyota Publishers,2005, p.53.
    432 W. O. Henderson, "German East Africa,1884-1918", In V. Harlow and E.M. Chiever ed., History in Africa. Oxford: Clarendon Press,1965, p.203.
    433 John G. Kiango, "Tanzania's historical contribution to the recognition and promotion of Swahili", in Africa& Asia, No 5,2005, p.158-159.
    434 Ireri Mbaabu, Language Policy in East Africa. Nairobi:Educational Research and Publication,1995, p.48; Z. N Tumbo-Masabo and E. K. F. Chiduo, Kiswahili Katika Elimu. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, 1999, p.2.
    435 Translation of Annual Report on the Development of German East Africa,1901-1902, History Department, University of Dar es Salaam, p.61-62.
    436 Charles Pike, "History and Imagination:Swahili Literature and Resistance to German Language Imperialism in Tanzania,1885-1910", in International Journal ofAfrican Historical Studies,19,2,1986, p.224.
    437 Translation of Annual Report on the Development of German East Africa,1901-1902, History Department, University of Dar es Salaam, p.64.
    438 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, State and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995, p.39.
    439 John Iliffe, Tanganyika Under German Rule 1905-1912. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1969, p.28.
    440 Marcia Wright, German Missions in Tanganyika,1891-1941:Lutherans and Moravians in the Southern Highlands. Oxford:Clarendon Press,1971, p.113.
    441 Charles Pike, "History and Imagination:Swahili Literature and Resistance to German Language Imperialism in Tanzania,1885-1910", in International Journal of African Historical Studies,19,2,1986.
    442 John G. Kiango, "Tanzania's historical contribution to the recognition and promotion of Swahili", in Africa& Asia, No 5,2005, p.159.
    443 Brock-Utne, "The Continued Battle over Kiswahili as the Language of Instruction in Tanzania", in B. Brock-Utne and R. K. Hopson ed., Language of Instruction for African Emancipation:Focus on Postcolonial Contexts and Considerations. Dar es Salaam:Mkuki na Nyota Publishers,2005, p.53.
    444 Ali. A. Mazuri, The Political Sociology of the English Language. The Hague:Mouton & Co.,1975, p.135.
    445 T. G. Gorman, "The Development of Language Policy in Kenya with Particular Reference to the Educational System", in W. H. Whiteley ed., Language in Kenya. Nairobi:Oxford University Press,1974, p.405.
    446 Jean Mashengele, Historia ya Tanzania:Tangu 1880 hadi 1980. Dar es Salaam:Nyanza Publications Agency,1988, p.43-44.
    447 L. H. Gann and Peter Duignan, The ruler of German Africa,1884-1914. Stanford:Stanford University Press,1977, p.212.
    448 Laura S. Kurtz, An African education:the social revolution in Tanzania. New York:Pageant-Poseidon,1972, p.22.
    449 1905年,坦噶开设了两年制的中学,1892年开设小学。
    450 Juhani Koponen, Development for exploitation:German colonial policies in Mainland Tanzania,1884-1914. Helsinki:Lit Verlag,1994, p.503-504.
    451 George Hornsby, "A Brief History of Tanga School up to 1914", in Tanganyika Notes and Records, No.58& 59, March and September,1963, p.148.
    452 Juhani Koponen, Development for exploitation:German colonial policies in Mainland Tanzania,1884-1914. Helsinki:Lit Verlag,1994, p.505.
    453 John Iliffe, A Modern History of Tanganika. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1979, p.211.
    454 Marcia Wright, "Swahili Language Policy,1890-1940", in Swahili ⅩⅩⅩⅤ,1965, p.4-5.
    455 Juhani Koponen, Development for exploitation:German colonial policies in Mainland Tanzania,1884-1914. Helsinki:Lit Verlag,1994, p.506.
    456 George Hornsby, "A Brief History of Tanga School up to 1914", in Tanganyika Notes and Records, No.58& 59, March and September,1963, p.148.
    457 Translation of Annual Report on the Development of German East Africa,1901-1902, History Department, University of Dar es Salaam, p.12.
    458 Ibid, p.13.
    459 Ibid, p.12; Translation of Annual Report on the Development of German East Africa,1904-1905, History Department, University of Dar es Salaam, p.18; Juhani Koponen, Development for exploitation:German colonial policies in Mainland Tanzania,1884-1914. Helsinki:Lit Verlag,1994, p.518.
    460 Translation of Annual Report on the Development of German East Africa,1904-1905, History Department. University of Dar es Salaam, p.29; Translation of Annual Report on the Development of German East Africa, 1903-1904, History Department, University of Dar es Salaam, p.33.
    461 Translation of Annual Report on the Development of German East Africa,1904-1905, History Department, University of Dar es Salaam, p.31.
    462 Martin Schlunk, "German Educational Policy:The School System in the German Colonies", in Wallace Morgan transl, David G. Scanlon ed. Traditions of African Education. New York:Columbia University,1964, p.29-50.
    463 Translation of Annual Report on the Development of German East Africa,1903-1904, History Department, University of Dar es Salaam, p.28.
    464 Translation of Annual Report on the Development of German East Africa,1902-1903, History Department, University of Dar es Salaam, p.13; Translation of Annual Report on the Development of German East Africa, 1901-1902, History Department, University of Dar es Salaam, p.55.
    465 Translation of Annual Report on the Development of German East Africa,1903-1904, History Department, University of Dar es Salaam, p.33.
    466 Translation of Annual Report on the Development of German East Africa,1901-1902, History Department, University of Dar es Salaam, p.55.
    467 Juhani Koponen, Development for exploitation:German colonial policies in Mainland Tanzania,1884-1914. Helsinki:Lit Verlag,1994, p.502.
    468 Translation of Annual Report on the Development of German East Africa,1901-1902, History Department, University of Dar es Salaam, p.43. Translation of Annual Report on the Development of German East Africa, 1905-1906, History Department, University of Dar es Salaam, p.30-53.
    469 M. R. Moyd, Language and Power:Africans, Europeans, and Language Policy In German Colonial Tanganyika. No. AFIT-96-106. AIR FORCE INST OF TECH WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OH,1997.
    470 John Iliffe, A Modern History of Tanganika. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1979, p.218.
    471 Translation of Annual Report on the Development of German East Africa,1902-1903, History Department, University of Dar es Salaam, p.38.
    472 Translation of Annual Report on the Development of German East Africa,1905-1906, History Department, University of Dar es Salaam, p.53.
    473 Translation of Annual Report on the Development of German East Africa,1901-1902, History Department University of Dar es Salaam, p.39; Translation of Annual Report on the Development of German East Africa, 1904-1905, History Department, University of Dar es Salaam, p.38.
    474 Marcia Wright, "Local Roots of Polocy in German East Africa", in Journal of African History, IX,4,1968, p.627.
    475 Juhani Koponen, Development for exploitation:German colonial policies in Mainland Tanzania,1884-1914. Helsinki:Lit Verlag,1994, p.507-513; Marcia Wright, "Local Roots of Polocy in German East Africa", in Journal of African History, IX,4,1968, p.627.
    476 Translation of Annual Report on the Development of German East Africa,1901-1902, History Department, University of Dar es Salaam, p.12,61.
    477 Juhani Koponen, Development for exploitation:German colonial policies in Mainland Tanzania,1884-1914. Helsinki:Lit Verlag,1994, p.511.
    478 Translation of Annual Report on the Development of German East Africa,1901-1902, History Department, University of Dar es Salaam, p.13.
    479 Translation of Annual Report on the Development of German East Africa,1905-1906, History Department, University of Dar es Salaam, p.43.
    480 Ibid, p.36.
    481 S. von Sicard, The Lutheran Church on the Coast of Tanzania 1887-1914. Uppsala:Gleerup,1970, p.181,129.
    482 Juhani Koponen, Development for exploitation:German colonial policies in Mainland Tanzania,1884-1914. Helsinki:Lit Verlag,1994, p.511-512.
    483 S. Von Sicard, The Lutheran Church on the Coast of Tanzania 1887-1914. Uppsala:Gleerup,1970, p.56.
    484 Charles Pike, "History and Imagination:Swahili Literature and Resistance to German Language Imperialism in Tanzania,1885-1910", in International Journal of African Historical Studies,19,2,1986, p.224.
    485 Nkwabi Ng'wanakilala, Mass Communication and Development of Socialism in Tanzania. Dar es Salaam:Tanzania Publishing House,1981, p.16.
    486 Martin Sturmer, The Media History of Tanzania. Dar es Salaam:Ndanda Mission Press,1998, p.30-31.
    491 John Iliffe, Tanganyika Under German Rule 1905-1912. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1969, p.166.
    492 伊·基曼博、阿·特穆主编,钟丘译:《坦桑尼亚史》,北京:商务印书馆,1973年版,第332页。
    493 Karl Weule, Native Life in East Africa. New York:A. Appleton and Co,1909; repr, Chicago:Afro-Am Press,1969, p.167.
    494 Steven Feierman, The Shambaa Kingdom. Madison:University of Wisconsin Press,1974, p.197-200; see also Andrew Roberts, Tanzania Before 1900. Nairobi:East African Publishing House,1968, p.130.
    495 T. O. Beidelman, Colonial Evangelism:a Socio-Historical Study of an East African Mission at the Grassroots. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1982, p.45.
    496 Margery Perham, Ten Africans. London:Faber and Faber Limited,1939, p.116.
    497 M. H. Y. Kaniki, Tanznia under Colonial Rule. London:Longman,1980, p.114.
    498 Ibid.
    499 Juhani Koponen, Development for exploitation:German colonial policies in Mainland Tanzania,1884-1914. Helsinki:Lit Verlag,1994, p.456.
    500 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, State and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995, p.7.
    501 伊·基曼博、阿·特穆主编,钟丘译:《坦桑尼亚史》,北京:商务印书馆,1973年版,第343页。
    502 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, State and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995, p.67-68.
    503 Juhani Koponen, Development for Exploitation:German Colonial Policies in Mainland Tanzania,1884-1914. Helsinki:Lit Verlag,1994, p.524.
    504 S. von Sicard, The Lutheran Church on the Coast of Tanzania 1887-1914. Uppsala:Gleerup,1970, p.138.
    505 Marcia Wright, Strategies of Slaves amd Women:Life-Stories From East/Central Africa. New York:Lilian Barber Press,1995, p.186-198.
    506 John Iliffe, A Modern History of Tanganika. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1979, p.108.
    507 Ibid, p.95.
    508 Juhani Koponen, Development for Exploitation:German Colonial Polocies in Mainland Tanzania,1884-1914. Helsinki:Lit Verlag,1994, p.77.
    509 H. Mapunda, Historia ya Mapambano ya Mtanzania. Dar es Salaam:Tanzania Publishing House,1976, p.65.
    510 Jean Mashengele, Historia ya Tanzania:Tangu 1880 hadi 1980. Dar es Salaam:Nyanza Publications Agency,1988,p.48;一说巴加莫约,参见伊·基曼博、阿·特穆主编,钟丘译:《坦桑尼亚史》,北京:商务印书馆,1973年版,第152页。
    511 伊·基曼博、阿·特穆主编,钟丘译;《坦桑尼亚史》,北京:商务印书馆,1973年版,第200页。
    512 L. H. Gann ang Peter Duignan, Colonialism in Africa,1870 —1960. Vol 1. Cambridge:Cambridge U. P.,1969, p. 313.
    513 Jean Mashengele, Historia ya Tanzania:Tangu 1880 hadi 1980. Dar es Salaam:Nyanza Publications Agency,1988, p.76.
    514 Ibid, p.77.
    515 Ibid, p.78.
    516 L. H. Gann and Peter Duignan, Colonialism in Africa,1870-1960. Vol 1. Cambridge:Cambridge U. P.,1969, p. 309.
    517 G C. K. Gwassa, "Kinjikitile and the Ideology of Maji Maji", in T.0. Ranger and I. N. Kimambo ed., The Historical Study of African Religion. Berkeley:University of California Press,1972, p.202.
    518 Quoted in Ali. A. Mazuri, The Political Sociology of the English Language. The Hague:Mouton & Co.,1975, p. 132. See also Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, State and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995, p.37.
    519 Quoted in Ali. A. Mazuri, The Political Sociology of the English Language. The Hague:Mouton & Co.,1975, p. 132.
    520 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, State and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995, p.37.
    521 巴兹尔·戴维逊,舒展等译:《现代非洲史》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1989年版,第170-171页。
    522 Ali. A. Mazuri, The Political Sociology of the English Language. The Hague:Mouton & Co.,1975, p.133.
    523 伊·基曼博、阿·特穆主编,钟丘译:《坦桑尼亚史》,北京:商务印书馆,1973年版,第227页。
    524 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, ate and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995, p.38-39.
    525 德国人的这种顾虑从未消失,马及马及起义之后德国人宣扬的去伊斯兰化就是出于对斯瓦希里语隐患的担忧。
    526 John Iliffe, Tanganyika Under German Rule 1905-1912. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1969, p.180.
    527 John Iliffe, "The Age of Improvement and Differentiation 1907-1945", in I. N. Kimambo and A. J. Temu ed., A History of Tanzania. Nairobi:East African Publishing House,1969, p.123-160.
    528 Juhani Koponen, Development for exploitation:German colonial policies in Mainland Tanzania,1884-1914. Helsinki:Lit Verlag,1994, p.284.
    529 Quoted in Steven Feierman, Peasant Intellectuals. Madison:University of Wisconsin Press,1990, p.123.
    530 John Iliffe, Tanganyika Under German Rule 1905-1912. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1969, p.166. Isaria N. Mambo, Penetration and Protest in Tanzania. Athens:Ohio University Press,1991, p.61.
    531 Steven Feierman, Peasant Intellectuals. Madison:University of Wisconsin Press,1900, p.132,134.
    532 Martin Schlunk, "German Educational Policy:The School System in the German Colonies", in Wallace Morgan transl, David G. Scanlon ed., Traditions of African Education. New York:Columbia University,1964, p.43.
    533 M. R. Moyd, Language and Power:Africans, Europeans, and Language Policy In German Colonial Tanganyika No. AFIT-96-106. AIR FORCE INST OF TECH WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OH,1997.
    534 Thilo C. Schadeberg, "Loanwords in Swahili", in Loanwords in the World's Languages:A Comparative Handbook, Berlin:de Gruyter,2009, p.76-102.
    535 Juhani Koponen, Development for exploitation:German colonial policies in Mainland Tanzania,1884-1914. Helsinki:Lit Verlag,1994, p.559.
    536 伊·基曼博、阿·特穆主编,钟丘译:《坦桑尼亚史》,北京:商务印书馆,1973年版,第329页。
    537 Nasor Malik, "Extension of Kiswahili during the German Colonial Administration in Continental Tanzania (Former Tanganyika),1885-1917', in Swahili Forum Ⅲ.1996.
    538 伊·基曼博、阿·特穆主编,钟丘译:《坦桑尼亚史》,北京:商务印书馆,1973年版,第346页。
    539 Jean Mashengele, Historia ya Tanzania:Tangu 1880 hadi 1980. Dar es Salaam:Nyanza Publications Agency,1988, p.117-119.
    541 Norman Robert Bennett, Africa and Europe:From Roman Times to National Independence. New York:Africana Publishing Company,1984, p.115.
    542 John Iliffe, A Modern History of Tanganika. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1979, p.330.
    543 Norman Robert Bennett, Africa and Europe:From Roman Times to National Independence. New York:Africana Publishing Company,1984, p.124.
    544 Ibid, p.125.
    545 罗伯特·马克森著,王涛等译:《东非简史》,北京:世界知识出版社,2012年版,第150页。
    546 Ali Shaaban Juma, Zanzibar Hadi Mwaka 2000. Zanzibar:Rafiki Publishers,2007, p.17.
    547 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.24.
    548 T. J. Jones, Education in Africa:A study of West, South and Equatorial Africa. New York:Phleps-Stokes Fund, 1925, p. XII.
    549 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.22.
    550 T. J. Jones, Education in Africa:A study of West, South and Equatorial Africa. New York:Phleps-Stokes Fund, 1925, p.8.
    551 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.23.
    552 Ibid, d.24.
    553 Ibid, p.25.
    554 Chive Whitehead, "The Medium of Instruction in British Colonial Education:a Case of Cultural Imperialism or Enlightened Paternalism", in History of Education, Vol.24, No.1, March 1995, p.4.
    555 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishqji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.25.
    556 T. P. Gorman, "The Development of Language Policy in Kneya with Particular Reference to the Educationtional System", in W. H. Whiteley ed., Language in Kenya. Nairobi:Oxford University Press,1974, p.406.
    557 1954年更名为东非斯瓦希里语委员会(East African Swahili Committee)。
    558 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, State and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995, p.43.
    559 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.47.
    560 Ibid, p.47.
    563 D.P.B. Massamba, Sarufl Miundo ya Kiswahili Sanifu (SAMKISA):Sekondari na Vyuo. Dar es Salaam. Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili,2001, p.21.
    564 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.110.
    565 Ibid, p.104. Nuffield Foundation and The Colonial Office, African Education:A study of Educational Policy and Practice in British Tropical Africa. London:University Press,1953.
    566 20世纪50年代肯尼亚人民反对英国殖民者的武装斗争运动。
    567 Nuffield Foundation and The Colonial Office, African Education:A study of Educational Policy and Practice in British Tropical Africa. London:University Press,1953.
    568 Ibid, p.82.
    569 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.106.
    570 Nuffield Foundation and The Colonial Office, African Education:A study of Educational Policy and Practice in British Tropical Africa. London:University Press,1953, p.80-82.
    571 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, State and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995, p.60.
    572 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.84.
    573 Ibid, p.107.
    574 T. P. Gorman, "The Development of Language Policy in Kenya, with particular reference to the Educational System", in W. H. Whiteley ed., Language in Kenya. Nairobi:Oxford University Press,1974, p.426.
    575 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.104.
    576 Tarsis Kabwegyere, The Politics of State Formation:The Nature and Effects of Colonialism in Uganda. Nairobi: East African Literature Bureau,1974, p.218-219.
    577 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.111.
    578 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, State and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995, p.44.
    579 Ibid, p.56.
    580 与克拉普夫同为在英国圣公会上作的德籍传教士。
    581 J. L. Krapf, A Dictionary of the Suahili Language. London:Gregg Press,1882, p.ix-xii.
    382 A. C. Madan, English-Swahili Dictionary. Oxford:Clarendon Press,1903.
    583 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.16.
    584 C. H. Stigand, A Short Treatise on Dialectic Differences of Swahili. London:Cambridge University Press,1915, p. ix.
    353 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.14.
    586 Wilfred H. Whiteley, Swahili:The Rise of a National Language. London:Methuen and Co. Ltd,1969.
    587 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.19.
    588 Abdallah Khalid, The Liberation of Swahili from European appropriation. Nairobi:East African Literature Bureau, 1977, p.197.
    589 Ibid, p.116.
    590 J. W. Murison, Swahili Translations. Zanzibar:Zanzibar Gazette Printing Works,1911.
    591 R. A. Snoxall, "The East African Inter-Trritorial Language Swahili Committee ". A paper read at the S. O. A. S. London, Kiswahili Conference,1982, p.7-8. Quoted from:Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya Usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:TUKI,2007, p.17-18.
    592 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.18.
    595 A. C. Madan, English-Swahili Dictionary. Oxford:Clarendon Press,1903
    596 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.27-28.
    597 Ibid, p.30.
    598 B. J. Ratcliffe and Elphinstone, Modern Swahili. London:The Sheldon Press,1932.
    599 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.29.
    600 R. A. Snoxall and E. G. Morris, Elimu ya Kiswahili 1-3; R. A. Snoxall and E. A. Ibreck, Elimu ya Kiswahili 4.
    601 B. J. Ratcliffe, "History, Purpose and Activities of the Inter-Territorial Language Committee", in Bulletin of the Inter-Territorial Language (Swahili) Committee 16,1942.
    602 1951年起,改名为E.A.I.L.C. Bulletin.
    603 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.83.
    604 Ibid, p.76-77.
    605 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.78.
    606 此时,柯泊卡已经创作并出版了两本斯瓦希里语语法书。
    607 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.87.
    608 Ibid, p.27.
    609 C. Maganga, Historia ya Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Open University of Tanzania,1997, p.137
    610 David P. B. Massamba, Historia ya Kiswahili 50BK hadi 1500BK. Nairobi:The Jomo Kenyatta Foundation,2002, p.259.
    611 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.29.
    612 史哈布丁·齐拉格丁:《斯瓦希利语在东非各国的民族意识、团结和文化上的作用》,载于《语言学资料》,1965年,第4期。
    613 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya Usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.38.
    614 Ibid, p.39.
    615 史哈布丁·齐拉格丁:《斯瓦希利语在东非各国的民族意识、团结和文化上的作用》,载于《语言学资料》,1965年,第4期。
    616 R. A. Snoxall, "The East African Inter-Trritorial Language Swahili Committee ". A paper read at the S. O. A. S. London, Kiswahili Conference,1982, p.3. Quoted from:Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya Usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.44.
    617 S. Mafu, "From the Oral Tradition to the Informal Era:The Case of Tanzania", in International Journal on Multicultural Societies.6 (1),2004, p.57.
    618 Ireri Mbaabu, Language Policy in East Africa. Nairobi:Educational Research and Publication,1995, p.49.
    619 C. M. Rubagumya, "Language Promotion for Education Purposes:The Example of Tanzania", in International Review of Education. Vol.37 No.l,1991.
    620 F.E.M.K. Senkoro, "Teachers'Views on Language of Instruction in Post-Primary Education in Tanzania", in B. Brock-Utne, LOITASA Research in Progress. Dar es Salaam:KAD Associates,2005, p.12.
    621 D.P.B. Massamba, Sarufi Miundo ya Kiswahili Sanifu (SAMKISA):Sekondari na Vyuo. Dar es Salaam. Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili,2001, p.18.
    622 John G. Kiango, "Tanzania's historical contribution to the recognition and promotion of Swahili", in Africa & Asia, No 5,2005, p.157-166. D.P.B. Massamba, Sarufi Miundo ya Kiswahili Sanifu (SAMKISA):Sekondari na Vyuo. Dar es Salaam. Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili,2001. C.M. Rubagumya, "Language Promotion for Education Purposes: The Example of Tanzania", in International Review of Education. Vol.37 No.l,1991.
    623 Wilfred H. Whiteley, Swahili:The Rise of a National Language. London:Methuen and Co. Ltd,1969, p.62.
    624 Z. Makini and Roy-Canpbell, Empowerment Through Language:The African experience-Tazaznia and beyond. NJ: Africa World Press,2001, p.10.
    625 John G. Kiango, "Tanzania's historical contribution to the recognition and promotion of Swahili", in Africa & Asia, No 5,2005, p.159.
    626 B. Brock-Utne, "The Continued Battle over Kiswahili as the Language of Instruction in Tanzania", in B. Brock-Utne and Hopson R.K. ed., Language of Instruction for African Emancipation:Focus on Postcolonial Contexts and Considerations. Dar es Salaam:Mkuki na Nyota Publishers,2005, p.51-87.
    627 John G. Kiango, "Tanzania's historical contribution to the recognition and promotion of Swahili", in Africa & Asia, No 5,2005, p.159.
    628 C. M. Rubagumya, "Language Promotion for Education Purposes:The Example of Tanzania", in International Review of Education. Vol.37 No.1,1991.
    629 Wilfred H. Whiteley, Swahili:The Rise of a National Language. London:Methuen and Co. Ltd,1969, p.61.
    630 部分学者认为这种传说并不可信,所谓设拉子人只是反映了斯瓦希里人试图为他们自身找到一个有威望的起源。参见罗伯特·马克森著,王涛等译:《东非简史》,北京:世界知识出版社,2012年版,第35页。
    631 伊·基曼博、阿·特穆主编,钟丘译:《坦桑尼亚史》,北京:商务印书馆,1973年版,第307页。
    632 A. I. Salimu, Swahili-speaking Peoples of Kenya's Coast. Nairobi:East African Publishing House,1973, p. 226-227.
    633 Henry Drummond, Tropical Africa. New York:Scribner & Welford,1891, p.5-6.
    634 John Middleton and Jane Campbell, Zanzibar:Its Society and Politics. London:Oxford University Press,1965.
    635 W. Arens, "The Waswahili:The Social History of an Ethnic Group", in Journal of the International African Institute, Vol 45, No.4,1975.
    636 Jan Knappert, "Social and Moral Concepts in Swahili Islamic Literature", in Africa, xi,1970, p.129.
    637 葛公尚:《初析坦桑尼亚的民族过程一体化》,载于《民族研究》,1991年第2期。
    638 A.H. Prins, The Swahili-Speaking Peoples of Zanzibar and the East African Coast (Arabs, Shirazi, and Swahili). London:International African Institute,1967, p.11-12.
    639 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, State and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995, p.21.
    640 1979年东非人口普查数据,转引自Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, State and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995, p.22.
    641 L. H. Gann and Peter Duignan, The ruler of German Africa,1884-1914. Stanford:Stanford University Press,1977, p.203.
    642 M. H. Y. Kaniki, Tanznia under Colonial Rule. London:Longman,1980, p.147.
    643 巴兹尔·戴维逊,舒展等译:《现代非洲史》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1989年版,第242-243页。
    645 Susan Chebet-Choge, "Fifty Years of Kiswahili in Regional and International Development", in The Journal of Pan African Studies, vol.4, no.10, January 2012.
    646 Jean Mashengele, Historia ya Tanzania:Tangu 1880 hadi 1980. Dar es Salaam:Nyanza Publications Agency,1988, p.150.
    547 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, State and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995, p.13.
    648 Jean Mashengele, Historia ya Tanzania:Tangu 1880 hadi 1980. Dar es Salaam:Nyanza Publications Agency,1988, p.149-150.
    649 巴兹尔·戴维逊著,舒展等译:《现代非洲史》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1989年版,第250页。
    650 同上,第251页。
    651 John Iliffe, "The Creation of Group Consciousness Among the Dock Workers of Dar es Salaam 1929-56", in Richard Sandbrook and Robin Cohen, The Development of an African Working Class:Studies in Class Formation and Action. Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1975, p.62-65.
    652 巴兹尔·戴维逊著,舒展等译:《现代非洲史》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1989年版,第252页。
    654 Jean Mashengele, Historia ya Tanzania:Tangu 1880 hadi 1980. Dar es Salaam:Nyanza Publications Agency,1988, p.152.
    655 伊·基曼博、阿·特穆主编,钟丘泽:《坦桑尼亚史》,北京:商务印书馆,1973年版,第276-279页。
    656 Jean Mashengele, Historia ya Tanzania:Tangu 1880 hadi 1980. Dar es Salaam:Nyanza Publications Agency,1988, p._152.
    657 Ibid, p.155.
    658 I. M. Omari, "The Kiswahili Press and Nationalism in Tanganyika 1954-1958", in:Taamuli, Vol.02, No.02, June
    659 Jean Mashengele, Historia ya Tanzania:Tangu 1880 hadi 1980. Dar es Salaam:Nyanza Publications Agency,1988, 1972. p.158.
    660 Ibid, p.27
    661 Ibid, p.28
    662 Ibid, p.44. Amir A. Mohammed, A Guide to A History of Zanzibar. Zanzibar:Express Printing Services,2006, p. 41.
    663 1963年从桑给巴尔民族主义党中脱离出来,并与非洲-设拉子党结盟。
    664 John G. Kiango, "Tanzania's historical contribution to the recognition and promotion of Swahili," in Africa & Asia, No 5,2005, p.160.
    665 Shihabuddin Chiraghadin and Mathias Mnyampala, Historia ya Kiswahili. Nairobi:Oxford University Press,1977, p.69-70.
    666 Jean Mashengele, Historia ya Tanzania:Tangu 1880 hadi 1980. Dar es Salaam:Nyanza Publications Agency,1988, p.160.
    667 Ireri Mbaabu, Historia ya usanifishaji wa Kiswahili. Dar es Salaam:Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam,2007, p.109.
    668 史哈布丁·齐拉格丁:《斯瓦希利语在东非各国的民族意识、团结和文化上的作用》,载于《语言学资料》,1965年,第4期。
    669 C. F. Sayers, The Handbook of Tanganyika. London:Macmillan,1930, p.483.
    670 Martin Sturmer, The Media History of Tanzania. Dar es Salaam:Ndanda Mission Press,1998, p.52.
    671 J. F. Scotton, "Tanganyika's African Press,1937-1960:Anearly forgotten Pre-Independence Forum", in The African Studies Review, Vol.21, No.01, April 1st,1978, p.6-7.
    672 Tbid.
    673 Martin Sturmer, The Media History of Tanzania. Dar es Salaam:Ndanda Mission Press,1998, p.56.
    674 I. M. Omari, "The Kiswahili Press and Nationalism in Tanganyika 1954-1958", in Taamuli, Vol.02, No.02, June 1972.
    675 J. F. Scotton, "Tanganyika's African Press,1937-1960:Anearly forgotten Pre-Independence Forum", in The African Studies Review, Vol.21, No.01, April 1st 1978, p.13.
    676 Hadji Konde, Press freedom in Tanzania. Arusha:Eastern Africa Publications,1984, p.41.
    677 Martin Sturmer, The Media History of Tanzania. Dar es Salaam:Ndanda Mission Press,1998, p.76.
    678 刘鸿武:《黑非洲文化研究》,上海:华东师范大学出版社,1997年版,第226页。
    679 史哈布丁·齐拉格丁:《斯瓦希利语在东非各国的民族意识、团结和文化上的作用》,载于《语言学资料》,1965年,第4期。
    681 李安山:《非洲民族主义研究》,北京:中国国际广播出版社,2004年版,第286页。
    582 D. K. Fieldhouse, Colonialism 1870-1945. London:Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1981, p.35
    683 地方民族主义是指在一个国家范围内占据(或曾经占据过)某一特定地理疆域的族体为维护、促进本族体的自身利益和提高本族体在权力中心的地位而表达出来的一种心理情感、思想意识和实践活动。参见李安山:《试析非洲地方民族主义的演变》,载于《世界政治与经济》,2001年第5期。
    684 李安山:《非洲民族主义研究》,北京:中国国际广播出版社,2004年版,第287页。
    685 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, State and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995.
    686 张来仪:《鲍罗达列考对坦桑尼亚伊斯兰教与基督教关系的研究评价》,载于《西亚非洲》,2006年第5期。
    687 巴兹尔·戴维逊,舒展等译:《现代非洲史》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1989年版,第328页。
    688 Wilfred H. Whiteley, Swahili:The Rise of a National Language. London:Methuen and Co. Ltd,1969, p.61.
    689 H. J. M. Mwansoko, "Mchango wa Mwalimu J. K. Nyerere katika Tafsiri na Maendeleo ya Lugha", in Kioo cha Lugha 3.1,2005.
    690 乌贾马(ujamaa)在斯瓦希里语中是亲属关系的意思,鸟贾马社会主义指的是共同生活、集体劳动、共享劳动成果的村社社会主义。
    691 Y. P. Msanjila, "Problems of Teaching Through the Medium of Kiswahili in Teacher Traning Colleges in Tanzania", in Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development,11(4),1990, p.307-317.
    692 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, State and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995, p.62.
    695 张来仪:《鲍罗达列考对坦桑尼亚伊斯兰教与基督教关系的研究评价》,载于《西亚非洲》,2006年第5期。
    696 Abdulaziz Y. Lodhi, "Language and Cultural Unity in Tanzania", in Kiswahili 4.2,1974, p.11.
    697 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, State and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995, p.83.
    698 S. D. Kiango and T. J. Y. Sengo, "Fasihi", in Mulika 4,1972, p.10.
    699 Alamin M. Mazrui and Ali A. Mazrui, Swahili, State and Society:The Political Economy of an African Language. Nairobi:East African Educational Publishers,1995, p.103.
    700 Anthony D. Smith, National Identity. Reno, Nevada:University of Nevada Press,1991, p.14.
    701 参见刘鸿武:《黑非洲文化的现代复兴与民族国家文化重构》载于《历史教学》1993年第10期;《论当代黑非洲的部族文化整合与国民文化重构》,载于《西亚非洲》1997年第3期;《撒哈拉以南非洲民族国家统一建构进程》,载于《西亚非洲》2002年第2期。
    702 R. G. Abrahams, "Kahama Township, Western Province, Tanganyika", in A. Southall ed., Social Change in Modern Africa. London:Oxford University Press for I.A.I.1961.
    703 David P. B. Massamba, Historia ya Kiswahili 50BK hadi 1500BK. Nairobi:The Jomo Kenyatta Foundation,2002, p.255.
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