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     (3)以分布式产品数据管理理论(P DM)为依据,提出了基
    objeetARX 2000为AutoCAD二次开发工具,实现了ARX应用程
With rapid speed development of computer science and Internet, garment industry, as traditional industry, is confronted with not only tremendous challenges, but also unmet opportunity before. In China, GCAD (Garment Computer Aided Design) has almost 20 years history and also make great progress in technology. However, currently popularization and commercialization degree of GCAD is still in comparatively low stage. Especially, Garment Structure Graphics Computer Aided Design (GSGCAD) subsystem plays quite important role in complete GCAD system. Garment structure graphics is a connector between garment appearance graphics and garment making. The quality of garment structure graphics directly makes effect on garment suitability and comfort. Therefore this paper focuses on GSGCAD.
    After almost one year research and analysis on Chinese garment enterprises, finding that there are three main issues in GSGCAD: lack of network/Internet oriented, cannot sharing and communicating garment structure graphics design resource with outside world; lack of intelligentization, cannot use former design experience as reference, leading to low design efficiency; low commercialization degree. So how to build up a parallel design environment inside and outside a distributed garment enterprise to realize garment structure graphics data sharing and intercommunion, moreover finally realizing cooperative work; improving intelligentization of GSGCAD system; enhancing commercialization of the whole GCAD, hereinbefore all are new
    challenges for technology and application of GSGCAD system. Whereas analysis before, this paper brings forward a brand new style GSGCAD platform-Based on AutoCAD, Internet-Oriented, Intelligent Garment Structure Graphics Design Platform, which could be a favorable reference model for future GSGCAD development. Main research contents and outcomes are as follows.
    i) Based on detailed and extensive garment market research and relative theory, this paper puts forward Based on AutoCAD, Internet-Oriented, Intelligent Garment Structure Graphics Design Platform, which is composed of two subsystem: Based on web Garment Structure Graphics Design subsystem and Based on AutoCAD Intelligent Garment Structure Graphics Design subsystem. These two subsystems are independent one another and associate with each other. They are physically connected through AutoCAD and logically cohered by respective DB.
    ii) In the process of system development, utilizing AutoCAD as development platform to build up a Client/Server and Browser/Server cooperative system infrastructure and combined with off-line and on-line DB to implement management and maintenance of garment structure graphics and relative data.
    iii) According with Distributed PDM (Product Data Management), the paper brings forward whole structure and function module partition of Based on web Garment Structure Graphics Design subsystem, iv) Making use of web DB technology, three layer B/S implement technology, ASP, teleDB accessing component ADO and other technology realize web DB long-distance accession, storage and safety transmission of garment structure graphics and relative data, intercourse of professional information, project management and garment graphics cooperative design.
    v) Based on CBR (Cased-Based Reasoning) principle and characteristic of garment structure graphics design-strong experience-oriented, this paper selects CBR as the basic theory of Intelligent subsystem, which creatively combines point-grading, vectorgraph method, theory of fuzzy reasoning and Bezier curve algorithm together and devise case reuse and revise algorithm.
    vi) After researching on operation environment and mechanism of ARX application program, interface technology for connecting with MFC DLL, utilizing ObjectARX 2000 as AutoCAD reprogramming tool to implement human-machine interactive interface same style as AutoCAD, moreover primarily realizing part of garment structure graphics intelligent revise.
    Finally, summarizing the whole paper, prospecting future development a
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