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     4.BMI、颈围、最低血氧、AHI、鼾声指数均和平均压力直线相关( P<0.01)
     4. BMI、颈围、最低血氧、AHI、鼾声指数均与CPAP平均压力显著相关,在知道患者颈围,AHI指数,鼾声指数的前提下,可通过回归方程计算得出所需平均压力,并根据此压力值推出95%有效压力(实际最大压力)。
The research on Phlegm damp OSAHS patients’proper Pressure level with continuous positive airway pressure
     Object: Treat the Phlegm damp OSAHS patients with continuous positive airway pressure.
     Get a related calculation formula from these data, which can be used in the clinic practice.
     Method:To get 54 cases of Phlegm damp OSAHS patients from the sleep-department of Guang’anmen hospital from March, 2007 to March, 2008. The patients were diagnosed with PSG and Phlegm damp criteria. Then in the second night, we treated the patients with continuous positive airway pressure, and form a multivariate linear regression equation which can be used to calculate the pressure level( average pressure) with related data. Compare all kinds of pressure levels to the Hoffstein pressure level, and found that there is no significant difference between average pressure in our study and Hoffstein pressure level. All the statistics are analyzed by software SPSS13.0.
     Result:1. In 54 phlegm-damped OSAHS cases, severe OSAHS patients are about 68.51%, and severe nocturnal hypoxemia are 75.93%, severe obesity are 51.85%. Lowest oxygen, snore index are significantly correlated with AHI(p<0.01), and age are correlated with AHI(p<0.05).
     2. There is significant difference between the AHI before and after the treatment of continuous airway pressure (p<0.01), and the snore index is also differ greatly before and after the treatment of CPAP. The effect of this treatment is significant.
     3. The highest pressure, lowest pressure, and 95% effective pressure differ significantly to the pressure calculated by Hoffstein equation (p<0.01), however, there is no greatly difference between average pressure and Hoffstein pressure (p>0.05).
     4. BMI, neck circumference, the lowest oxygen, AHI and snore index are correlated to average pressure (p <0.01).
     5. According to multivariate linear regression equation, we found that neck circumference, AHI, snore index are statistical significant.
     multivariate linear regression equation is as follows:average pressure of CPAP=0.220*neck circumference +0.036*AHI+0.001*snore index-3.746 95%effective pressure of CPAP= 5.393+0.690*average pressure
     Conclusion: 1.This research selected 54 phlegm-damped OSAHS patients, and it is found out that the severe obesity of middle aged male take the major part, and most of them are severe OSAHS and severe nocturnal hypoxemia syndrome.
     2. AHI are significant correlated with the lowest oxygen, age, snore index, which indicated that we shall pay more attention to the snore. And the overweight middle aged men may have OSAHS easily than others.
     3. CPAP is effective to OSAHS patients, AHI and snore index decreased dramatically with the treatment of the CPAP.
     4. BMI, neck circumference, the lowest oxygen, and snore index significant correlate to average pressure, we can get the average pressure level by the multivariate linear regression equation.
     5. The treatments of OSAHS may vary from CPAP to traditional medicine, and the use of TCM might increase patients’compliance, and become the new choice for patients.
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