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The role of customer participation has been widely recognized to generatenew knowledge for suppliers, but the dark side of customer participation has notcaptured enough attention. For instance, customer participation may bring complexityand uncertainty during co-creation process. However, most of prior studies had takencustomer participation as an aggregation, which was not enough to make fullunderstanding of it. In order to bridge the gap, this study explores how to managecustomer participation to come to mutual understanding based on service dominantlogic view, knowledge-based view and information processing view. This researchmainly contributes in the following areas:
     First, this study divides customer participation into participation depth andbreadth to explore co-creation process, which may provide insights to solve theinconsistent views of the effects of customer participation. While prior research totake customer participation as an aggregation may lose fruitful insights and also leadsto conflicting views.
     Second, in order to explore how to effectively manage customer participation,this study introduces supplier team knowledge to solve the problem. Our main focusis on how to match supplier team knowledge structure and different customerparticipation forms to facilitate co-creation process and maximize co-creation valuebased on information processing theory. Here supplier team knowledge is able to bemanipulated, which is a good complementary to prior literature that mainly stressedthe contingent factors of environmental characteristics.
     Third, this research explores co-creation outcomes from customer and supplierside: customization (customer value), and application expansion (suppliers value).Existing studies of collaboration mostly investigated the outcomes from supplier side,while the value of customer is the focus service-dominant logic. Further, most of theprior learning literature focused on the project itself, this study expands theknowledge value acquired from the customer to other projects and other customers.
     The unit of analysis was project. We first conducted interview with16customerand16supplier project managers, and then distributed questionaires to customers andthe supplier managers.136matched data finally were collected. Hirachical regressionanalysis was used to test the fit between customer participation and supplierknowledge, and the mediating role of customization between long-term collaborationorientation and application expansion.
     First, customer participation and co-development:1) breadth match (customerparticipation breadth and supplier team knowledge diversity) has positive effect onlong-term collaboration orientation,2) depth match (customer participation depth andsupplier team knowledge specification) enhances long-term collaboration orientation,3) breadth mismatch (customer participation breadth and supplier team knowledgespecification) prevents long-term collaboration orientation,4) depth mismatch(customer participation depth and supplier team knowledge diversity) has no effect onlong-term collaboration orientation.
     Second, long-term collaboration orientation enhances the value of customizationand application diffusion.
     Third, customization mediates the relationship between application expansionand long-term collaboration orientation.
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