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Liver cancer is one of the common types of gastrointestinal tumors with poor prognosis metastasis and high mortality in which hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)accounts for about 95%. Although the different available multi-modalities of therapies,including radical surgical operation、intervention therapy、laser therapy et al,have currently been used in the treatment for liver cancer,the prognosis of liver cancer has not been markedly improved. Therefore, it has an important clinic significance to study on the mechanism of the development and progression of liver cancer and the new strategies for the treatment of liver cancer with the molecular biology. With the development of the basic research on oncological fields, it was found that many tumors have the over expression in growth factors& their receptors, and progression of tumors depends on angiogenesis. The insulin-like growth factor (IGFIR)is an important factor which elicits the angiogensis in tumors. It takes an important role in the growth、differentiation、metastasis、proliferation of tumors. so IGFIR is considered to have key roles in the development of HCC. By now,the systemic researches on the relationship between the expression of IGFIR and histopathologic type, metastasis activity、angiogenesis of HCC have not been reported. And there are also no reports on gene therapy against angiogeneis of liver cancer. This study contains three parts of work: The first, the relationships between the expression of IGFIR in HCC and the tumor grade,tumor metastasis,angiogenesis of liver cancer. The second the inhibitory effect of IGFIR small interfere RNA on the growth of 7721 hepatocellular cell line (7721 cancer hepatocytes)in vivo. The third,the inhibitory effect of IGFIR small interfere RNA on 7721 cell in nude mouse.
     Part I: Study on the expression of IGFIR and its relationship to metastasis activity and angiogenesis of human HCC
     1 Expression of IGFIR gene in human HCC and normal liver tissue. The gene expression of IGFIR in 24 pair human HCCs and 4 normal liver were studied by RT-PCR method. The expressive rates of HCCs and normal tissue were 63% and 0% respectively. 7 paired samples are yes or no. Moreover, The levels of IGFIR mRNA (IGFIR mRNA/?-actin mRNA) were 105.9±6.8 in embolus, 120.3±6.3 in metastasis respectively. The difference between them are significant. The expression levels of IGFIR mRNA were positively correlated to pathologic grades、embolus and
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