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Objective: To explore the relationship between the air pollutants exposure withadverse pregnancy outcomes such as birth defects, premature birth and low birth weight; toprovide scientific basis for proper intervention strategies to adverse pregnancy outcomes.
     Methods:1. The prevalence and the rank of birth defects, the urban-rural differencesand sex differences in the prevalence of birth defects were analyzed on the base of birthdefects monitoring data of Hainan province during2000~2010. The methods ofPoisson-regression and Linear Chi-Square tests were used respectively to compare thedifferences in the prevalence of birth defects between male and female infants, urban andrural areas and the tendency of birth defects prevalence in Hainan province during the past11years according to the data from the monitoring program of birth defects in Hainanprovince. T-test and logistic regression was used to analyze the association between airpollutant exposure and birth defects.
     2. Generalized Additive Model extended Poisson regression model were used toanalyze the relationship between air pollutant exposure and premature and low birth weightduring2009to2011.
     Results:1. The prevalence of birth defects in Hainan area from2000~2011was99.13/10000, which was lower than the prevalence of our country. The prevalence of birthdefects in urban area was lower than that of rural area (IRR=0.765,95%CI:0.715-0.819,P<0.001); the prevalence of birth defect of male infants was lower than that of femaleinfants (IRR=1.092,95%CI:1.021-1.169, P=0.010); our study showed the birth defectswere associated with maternal age: women less than20years old and the age group greaterthan35had more higher prevalence, there were no difference between the twogroup(P>0.05), following by age group of20~25(IRR=0.816,95%CI:0.701-0.949, P=0.008), age group of25~30(IRR=0.761,95%CI:0.655-0.883, P<0.001) and age groupof30~35(IRR=0.731,95%CI:0.623-0.858, P<0.001);
     2. Peri-gestational exposure to air pollutants of PM_(10)was associated with birth defects.The multiple logistic regression analysis showed that the effect of PM_(10)on the secondmonth (OR=1.039,95%CI:1.016-1.063, P=0.001) and third month (OR=1.066,95%CI:1.043-1.090, P<0.001) of pregnancy was statistically significant associated with birthdefects according to the data from Haikou city. The multiple logistic regression analysisshowed that the effect of PM_(10)on the third month (OR=1.025,95%CI:1.006-1.044,P=0.009) of pregnancy was statistically significant associated with birth defects accordingto the data from Sanya city. The multiple logistic regression analysis showed that the effectof PM_(10)on first trimester was statistically significant with congenital heart diseases(OR=1.103,95%CI:1.023-1.190, P=0.011) according to the data from Haikou city and theeffect of studied air pollutants on the cleft lips had no statistical significance.
     3. Exposure to PM_(10)and SO_2was a risk factor of preterm delivery in Haikou city. Theresults of model fitting with all pollutants showed that on the same day, exposure to PM_(10)was significantly associated with increased risk of preterm delivery (RR=1.016,95%CI:1.003-1.030, P<0.05) and on the cumulative6days, exposure to SO_2was significantlyassociated with increased risk of preterm delivery (RR=1.141,95%CI:1.039-1.242,P<0.05). Exposure to PM_(10)was a risk factor of low birth weight. The results of modelfitting with all pollutants showed that on the first day, exposure to PM_(10)was significantlyassociated with increased risk of low birth weight (RR=1.024,95%CI:1.011-1.038,P<0.05) and on the cumulative6days, was significantly associated with increased risk oflow birth weight (RR=1.064,95%CI:1.042-1.087, P<0.05).
     Conclusions: Exposure to PM_(10)during the early stages of pregnancy was a risk factorof birth defects and congenital heart disease. Exposure to SO_2and PM_(10)was associated withpreterm delivery. And exposure to PM_(10)during the pregnancy was a risk factor of low birthweight. Primary prevention should be strengthened in order to control and reduce theprevalence of birth defects and adverse pregnancy outcomes, and it is necessary to explorea linkage mechanism between departments of medical health care and environmentalprotection so as to bring out the full effectiveness of primary prevention.
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