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     2、将杜仲杂交种子剥去种皮,用清水反复冲洗干净,500ppm的赤霉素浸泡24h后,70%酒精消毒30s,1g/L HgCl2表面消毒12min,无菌水冲洗3~4次,切去少许胚芽和胚根端胚乳后胚根向下接入无激素的MS培养基中,30d后萌发成苗。组织培养培育无菌苗的方法可以显著地提高杜仲种子的成苗率。
     3、子叶节不定芽诱导的最适宜培养基为MS+6-BA 2mg/L,诱导率85%;单节茎段快速增值的最适宜培养基为MS+6-BA 2mg/L,增值系数3.80;最适宜单节茎段生长的培养基为MS+ 6-BA 1 mg/L + NAA 0.1 mg/L,生长系数为3.71。1/2MS+IBA1.5 mg/L是最佳的生根培养基,生根率90%。以沙子、珍珠岩、腐殖质按1∶2∶1为基质移栽,成活率达80%。
Eucommia ulmoides is a multipurpose tree species, with high value for development and utilization. Genetic linkage map make it possible for early selection in Eucommia ulmoides breeding. It can promote the process of breeding by shortening the time and improving the accuracy as well as reducing the cost. Establishing a suitable mapping population is the first step in mapmaking and determine the quality of the map. For this purpose, the techniques of sexual cross and tissue culture for cloning hybrid seedlings of Eucommia ulmoides were studied, and the variation level of hybride families on field phenotypic characteristics and total flavones content were tested. The main results are as belows:
     1. The techniques of pollen collection and pollination in hybridization, as well as culture of seedlings were studyed. The pollens collectd in two different ways (from trees and branches under hydroponic culture condition) has no obvious differences in germination characteristics. Branche hydroponic culture is a convenience way for pollen collecting in crossing. The activity and dispersal piriod of pollens are different among pollen parents. The best pollen parents are Qinzhong2 and Luochao3. Pollination period differed greatly among female parents. There were no obvious differences in seeds germination rates among pollen parents, but there were obvious differences among female parents. The seed germination rate of the clone Xiaoye is rather high, and the maximum level is 99.6%. By the way of sowing and culture of seedlings, seven F1 familes have been obtained.
     2. With the process of striped the coats, rinsed repeatedly with water, immersioned in 500ppm gibberellin for 24h, disinfected with 70% alcohol for 30s and with 1g/L HgCl2 for 12min , washed with sterilized water for 3 to 4 times and truncated endosperms, the hybrid seeds chould germinate in a high ratio on the MS medium with hormonesfree in 30d and the seedlings grow well. The results showed that seeds germination ratio chould be improved greatly in tissue culture conditions .
     3. The best medium for buds’initiation of cotyledonary nodes was MS+6-BA2mg/L. The inducing ratio could be up to 85%. The best medium for the propagation of stem with one node was MS+6-BA2mg/L. The multiplication coefficient was 3.80. The best medium for the growth of stem with one node was MS+6-BA1 mg/L+NAA0.1 mg/L. The growth ratio was 3.71. The best medium for rooting was 1/2MS+IBA1.5 mg/L, the rooting ratio reached 90%. The seedlings was transplanted in the substrate of sand and perlite mixed with humus for 1:2:1, the survival rate was 80%.
     4. Based on the variation analysis of field phenotypic characteristics and total flavones content, family 6 and family 3 have been selected as the mapping populations, whose variation are higher than others. Their average variation coefficients of field phenotypic characteristics were 24.02% and 22.87%, and total flavones contens were 31.89% and 19.63%, respectively.
     5. The variations is abundant among families, 5 of which was selected as the super one. Their gains of traits including seedling height, ground diameter, leaf number, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area and total flavones contents were between 4.71% and 15.85%.
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