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To study the association of gonadotropin releasing hormone(GnRH)'s distribution in hypothalamatic、pituitary and ovary,and understand how the GnRH secrete releasing in hypothalamus、hypophysis and ovaries,the paraffin section、Nissl staining、H-E staining and immunohistochemistry SuperPicTure~(TM)two step method were used to detect the distribution of GnRH in hypothalamatic-pituitary-ovary axis of five femal Guangxi murrah hybrid water bufflos.The test results could provide morphology according to study the GnRH's synthesis and mechanism of action,and could play reference and directions part in breeding Guangxi murrah hybrid water bufflo.The test results display:the GnRH immunoactive neuron sizes weren't significant difference,and the cells' diameters were change little.The GnRH immunoactive neurons were main distributed in medial preoptic nucleus、supraoptic nucleus、paraventricular nucleus and lateral preoptic nucleus,next in dorsomedial nucleus、suprachiasmatic nucleus、anterior hypothalamic nucleus、arcuate nucleus、posterior hypothalamic nucleus、ventromedial nucleus and mamillary nucleus,and distributed least in median eminence.The GnRH immunoactive neurons of supraoptic nucleus were most conferted,the average frequency of immunoaetive neuron was27.88±13.37,and lateral preoptic nucleus' neurons were most lax,the average frequency of immunoactive neuron was lowest, 11.69±4.43.The average gray scale of GnRH immunoactive production of median eminence was highest,135.24±16.32,indicated that GnRH immunity positive reaction was most powerful in median eminence,and the dorsomedial nucleus average gray scale was lowest,only 171.17±26.93.The GnRH immunoactive fibers were only distributed in median eminence、arcuate nucleus、paraventricular nucleus and mamillary nucleus,especially most in the median eminence,and other nucleus didn't discover the GnRH immunoactive fibers.There were GnRH immunoactive neurons and GnRH immunoactive fibers in nearby the third ventricle and mamillary nucleus' blood capillary.In Guangxi murrah hybrid water bufflos hypophysis,the GnRH immunoactive productions were only discoved in the pars distalis hypophyseos,and not discoved in the neurohypophysis,the GnRH immunoactive cells of the pars distalis hypophyseos were main weakly positive,the average gray scale was 175.78±16.73.In ovaries,GnRH immunoactive productions were distributed in the germinal epithelium cells、granulosa cells and Iutein cells,and a few GnRH immunoactive cells with small prominence were discovered in corpus Iuteum.Conclusion:The GnRH was first discovered in singulorum link of hypothalamatic-pituitary-ovary axis of Guangxi murrah hybrid water bufflo.The GnRH immunoactive neurons were first discovered in every main nucleus of Guangxi murrah hybrid water bufflo hypothalamus,especially distributed in supraoptic nucleus、preoptic nucleus、paraventricular nucleus most.The GnRH immunoactive productions were first discovered only in Guangxi murrah hybrid water bufflo adenohypophysis.The GnRH immunoactive productions were first discovered in the germinal epithelium cells、granulosa cells and lutein cells of Guangxi murrah hybrid water bufflo.
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