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Sign language is the first nature language of deaf, that express meaning through the hands’movement with appropriate expressions or gestures. The promotion of Chinese version sign language is not enough. There still exist regional differences and social differences between different sign languages. Therefore, building a Chinese sign language standard dictionary, to express information through the standard sign language, to eliminate communication barriers, to help the deaf to integrate into the information society better, is of great significance.
     This paper presents a 3Ds digital standard Chinese sign language database construction system, based on the study of Chinese sign language, the technique of virtual human , motion capture, motion editing, motion control and motion synthesis, and collected all the 5586 sign language word contains in the book "Chinese Sign Language".
     This paper first analysis both the advantages and disadvantages of two traditional method of Gesture generation, the hardware-based and the software-based, and then combining the advantages of both methods to achieve a 3D digital database construction for standard Chinese sign language. First in this method, apply two data glove, and eight optical cameras, using the principle of motion capture to collect movement data of each sign language word, and create an initial sign language database. Second, apply control point-based human motion editing method for the data of each sign language word, and get a high quality 3D digital database of standard Chinese sign language.
     This paper also achieved a sign language synthesis system, which can translate Chinese text into sign language, use corresponding data in the sign language database,and output sign language animation in VRML through the virtual human motion synthesis module.The results show that storage space of the sign language database generated by this method is small, the animation of sign language is standard, realistic, and natural, can achieve the normal communication purposes.
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