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     (1)提出一种认知MIMO多址接入信道(MAC)中的最优发送协方差矩阵设计算法。我们考虑由多个多天线SU发送端与一个多天线SU共同接收端构成的认知MIMO MAC场景。研究了在给定SU节点发送功率与干扰温度约束下,如何选择SU的发送协方差矩阵使得认知MIMO MAC的速率之和最大化,解决优化问题时,利用部分对偶分解技术松弛干扰温度约束,将原始和速率最大化问题分解为两个相互联系的子问题。文中提出一种迭代算法,通过交替进行对偶变量更新与顺序迭代注水运算求解分解后的子问题,得到使得和速率最大的最优SU发送协方差矩阵。
     (2)研究认知MIMO干扰信道(IC)中的波形自适应技术。我们考虑由多个独立的SU节点对构成的认知MIMO IC中的波形自适应问题,其中每个节点对都包含有一个多天线SU发送端与多天线SU接收端。我们使用了非合作博弈理论,在发送功率以及PU干扰温度共同约束下,针对多个SU为最大化自身链路信息速率进行的波形自适应进行建模,将其表示为Nash均衡问题;通过将Nash均衡问题转换为等价的变分不等式问题,推导了Nash均衡唯一存在的充分条件;提出了一种带价格系数的分布式发送功率迭代注水算法,即MIMO-CRIWFA,用以解决上述Nash均衡问题;通过价格机制,即使用惩罚价格使得所有参与通信的SU改变发送波形,控制对PU的叠加干扰,从而在满足PU的干扰温度约束时达到Nash均衡,最大化各自信息速率;同时给出了MIMO-CR IWFA算法收敛到唯一Nash均衡解的条件。
With the rapid development of wireless communications, the demand for spectrum isaccelerating, which makes spectrum a scarce resource. However, the fixed spectrum allocationpolicy currently adopted renders a great portion of the licensed spectrum severely under-utilized,which has become a bottleneck for the deployment of future wireless communications. In recentyears, the rising cognitive radio (CR) technology enables unauthorized users or the so-calledsecondary users (SUs) sharing spectrum with licensed users or the so-called primary users (PUs),thus can improve spectrum utilization and provide bandwidth for new emerging wireless servicesand applications.
     Multiple-In Multiple-Out (MIMO) brings spatial diversity and multiplexing, can improve thetransmission reliability and spectral efficiency in wireless communication systems, and is one of thekey technologies for future wireless communications. By introducing MIMO into cognitive radio,cognitive radio will be granted etra spatial degrees of freedom besides time and frequency whileaccessing PU’s spectrum. Therefore, it appears particularly important to combine MIMO andcognitive radio, investigate MIMO networks in cognitive radio environment, namely cognitiveMIMO networks.
     For the purpose of guaranteeing the QoS of PUs, SUs should protect normal signaltransmissions of PUs. In principle, SUs can utilize the licensed spectrum of PUs in the twofollowing manners; one is called opportunistic spectrum access (OSA), SUs only access thelicensed spectrum which is not currently occupied by PUs, and the other one is concurrent spectrumaccess (CSA), SUs coexist with PUs in the licensed spectrum but should restrain the interferencecaused to PUs under a predefined low threshold, i.e., satisfy the interference/interferencetemperature constraint. In this dissertation, we focus on cognitive MIMO networks, in which theSUs are equipped with multiple antennas or virtual multi-antenna arrays are formed through usercooperation. We investigate the resource allocation and management problems in cognitive MIMOnetworks. More specifically, on the premise of guaranteeing the QoS of PUs, we deal with problemsof optimally deploying SUs’ communication resources such as transmit power, beamformingweights and precoding matrices in order to most efficiently utilize the licensed spectrum, e.g., achieve maximum information rate, signal to noise ratio or throughput. The main work andcontributions of this dissertation can be generalized as follows.
     (1) Optimum transmit covariance matrix design for cognitive MIMO multiple accesschannels (MACs). We consider a cognitive MIMO MAC consisting of multiple multi-antenna SUtransmitters and a multi-antenna common receiver. We investigate, subject to transmit power andinterference temperature constraints, how to design the transmit covariance matrices of SUs suchthat the sum-rate of cognitive MIMO MAC is maximized. By exploiting the partial dualdecomposition technique to relax the interference temperature constraint, the original problem wasdecomposed into more tractable subproblems. An iterative algorithm, in which the dual variableupdate and the iterative water-filling computation were performed alternately, was proposed toobtain the optimum transmit covariance matrices that achieved the maximum sum-rate.
     (2) Waveform adaptation for cognitive MIMIO interference channels (ICs). We consider acognitive MIMO IC formed by multiple independent SU links. Each link consists of a pair ofmulti-antenna SU nodes. From a non-cooperative game theoretic viewpoint, we investigate theNash equilibrium (NE) problem of SU links trying to maximize individual information rates bywaveform adaptation subject to transmit power and interference temperature constraints. Bytransforming the NE problem into equivalent variational inequality problem, we prove the existenceof the NE and provide sufficient conditions for the uniqueness of the NE. A decentralized iterativewater-filling algorithm (IWFA) with punishing price, called MIMO-CR IWFA, is proposed to solvethe above NE problem; the pricing mechanism is used to satisfy the interference-temperatureconstraint while SU links achieving the Nash equilibrium. The conditions for the convergence ofMIMO-CR IWFA are also provided. Simulation results show MIMO-CR IWFA can satisfy theinterference-temperature constraint perfectly and is fast convergent.
     (3) Optimal source power control and relay cooperative beamforming in cognitive relaynetworks. We consider an amplify and forward cognitive radio network consisting of two terminalnodes and several relay nodes, in which, to achieve the spatial diversity gain, cognitive relay nodesform a virtual multiple antenna array and forward cognitive source node signal through cooperativebeamforming. Two interference temperature constraints, strict and loose, are considered, the formerconstraint requires the interference generated by cognitive nodes in both broadcast and relay phasesunder a predetermined interference threshold and the latter one requires the average interference generated in the two phases under the threshold. We investigate, subject to interference temperatureconstraint or both interference temperature and transmit power constraints, how to optimizecognitive source transmit power and cognitive relay beamforming weights in order to maximize thesignal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the cognitive destination.
     We show the SNR maximization problem subject to interference temperature constraint can beconverted into a generalized Rayleigh quotient problem, the optimal relay beamforming weights areequal to the eigenvector corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue of a matrix associated withchannel coefficients and source transmit power. For the strict case, analytical solutions of theoptimal source transmit power and relay beamforming weights are provided. For the loose case, astringent interval containing the optimal source transmit power is deduced and a steepest descentbased algorithm is used to achieve the optimal solution efficiently.
     For the problem subject to interference temperature and transmit power constraints, we firstaddress the problem of optimal cooperative beamforming under a given source transmit power. Thisproblem is decomposed into a series of quadratically constrained quadratic programming (QCQP)problems through Dinkelbach type method. By utilizing semidefinite relaxation technique, theQCQP problems are relaxed into more tractable convex semidefinite programming (SDP) problemswhich can be solved by interior point method. Secondly, an evolutionary computation techniquebased on particle swarm optimization is used to achieve the optimum source transmit power.
     (4) Spectrum sharing with cooperation between PUs and SUs based on orthogonalspace-time block coding (OSTBC). According to OSA model, the secondary user can access thechannel only when sensed idle. We investigate the spectrum-sharing problem in a basic CR scenarioconsisting of a PU link and a SU link, propose a spectrum-sharing scheme in which transmissiondiversity of the PU is formed by the SU actively acting as a cooperative relay of the PU throughOSTBC, and thus the PU’s probability of outage is reduced and the SU’s available idle slots areincreased. We derive the closed-form expression of the SU link’s throughput in our proposedscheme.
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