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In this paper, the3α-HSD transgenic rice was used as material to detect the capacity of degrading cholesterol ,to investigate quality traits and agronomic traits under cholesterol and analyze the differential proteomics of transgenic rice.The results were as follows:
     1. Study on the capacity of the 3α-HSD transgenic rices to degrade cholesterol demonstrated that the trend of degrading cholesterol increased then decreased under the different density of cholesterol, all to the highest degradation rate in tillering phase. Transgenic rices had the best degradation effect to 3mg/L cholesterol, inferior to 2 mg/L cholesterol, the worst degradation effect to 1mg/L cholesterol.The transgenic rices had the best degradation effect than the control.The strain 3 and 5 had the best degradation effect than the other strains.
     2. Under the different density of cholesterol the agronomic traits analysis showed the difference between the transgenic rice and the control, and the difference was also existed in different transgenic strains. When the density of cholesterol was 3mg/L ,the transgenic plants had the higher plant height, well growing of the flag leaf,and also had the most tiller number and the effective tillers,but lower seed setting rate.When the density of cholesterol was lower than 3mg/L,the plant was smaller,but both seed setting rate and weight of 1000-grains were higher. When the density of cholesterol was above 3mg/L, the plant was small,both seed setting rate and weight of 1000-grains were lower.The transgenic strains were inferior to the control in the plant height,ear length, flag leaf and weight of 1000-grains.
     3. The results of the quality characters under the different density of cholesterol showed that the quality characters of transgenic rices changed with the different density of cholesterol. The sitosterol content of six transgenic strains increased with the augment of density of cholesterol ,but lower than the control. With the augment of density of cholesterol, the soluble protein in transgenic rice seed also changed.Except for few strains, there was no significant difference between transgenic rice and the control.
     4. 6 of 9 differentially expressed proteins were identified by MALDI-TOF-MS and database searching.These proteins were classified into 4 categories according to their function. The first group participated in the photosynthetic reaction. The second group was defensin. The third group participated in the resistant reaction. The fourth group participated in the metabolism of material and energy.
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